Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Ohio


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
61OH Jetway Ravenna, OH
OH63 Jims Germantown, OH
90OI Joe Cimprich Camden, OH
KCMH CMH CMH John Glenn Columbus Intl Columbus, OH
9OI3 Johns Landing Zanesville, OH
5OH6 Johnsons Fld (Closed) Avon, OH
23OH Joint Township Meml Hospital Heliport St. Marys, OH
5OH8 Joseph Skilken & Company Heliport Columbus, OH
29OI Jtv Heliport Madison, OH
2OI8 K & D Airways (Closed) Mansfield, OH
7OH6 Karam Heliport Cuyahoga Falls, OH
OH51 Kathamel Versailles, OH
OH74 Kearns (Closed) Johnstown, OH
59OH Kelch Bethel, OH
5OH7 Keller (Closed) Avon, OH
46OI Kellers Strip (Closed) Sylvania, OH
89D Kelleys Island Land Fld Kelleys Island, OH
6OH9 Kemps Field of Dreams Covington, OH
08OH Kenley Hartford, OH
1G3 Kent State University Kent, OH
1OA4 Kepes Flying Fld Springfield, OH
6OH3 Kettering Emergency Center Preble Heliport Eaton, OH
3OH5 Kettering Health Middletown Heliport Middletown, OH
13OH Kettering Health Piqua Heliport Piqua, OH
OH17 Kettering Health Troy Heliport Troy, OH
96OI Kettering Hospital Heliport Kettering, OH
23OH Kettering-Samaritan Health Center Heliport (Closed) Loudonville, OH
OI84 King Knoll (Closed) Okeana, OH
4D5 Kirila Heliport (Closed) Brookfield, OH
1OI7 Knight (Closed) Norwalk, OH
OH94 Knore (Closed) Minford, OH
OH04 Knox Community Hospital Heliport Mount Vernon, OH
4I3 Knox County Mount Vernon, OH
OI24 Kokosing Heliport Fredericktown, OH
8G8 Koons Salem, OH
17OH Kosik Kipton, OH
20OH Kruggel (Closed) Litchfield, OH
OH94 La Rue Old Washington, OH
92D Lagrange (Closed) Lagrange, OH
87OI Lake Air Ranch Norwalk, OH
KLNN LNN LNN Lake County Exec Willoughby, OH
KCQA CQA Lakefield Celina, OH
OI28 Lanker Mount Gilead, OH
04G Lansdowne Youngstown, OH
KHTW HTW HTW Lawrence County Airpark Chesapeake/Huntington Wva, OH
OI01 Lazy-W (Closed) Logan, OH
2D1 Lee Fld Alliance, OH
OI56 Lee's Dogpatch (Closed) Kirkersville, OH
OH34 Leis Ansonia, OH
1OH9 Lewis Peebles, OH
33OA Liberty Ems Heliport Liberty Township, OH
KVTA VTA VTA Licking County Rgnl Newark, OH
74OI Licking Meml Hospital Heliport Newark, OH
KAOH AOH AOH Lima Allen County Lima, OH
OH83 Lima Meml Hospital Heliport Lima, OH
OH50 Lindsey L S (Closed) Circleville, OH
1OH8 Lisbon Airfield (Closed) South Charleston, OH
OI58 Lockeridge Canton, OH
57OI Logan's Chance Lawrenceville, OH
KLPR LPR LPR Lorain County Rgnl Lorain/Elyria, OH
OA16 Lost Bridge North Bend, OH
OH77 Lumberton Wilmington, OH
16OH Lutheran Hospital Heliport (Closed) Cleveland, OH
9OH7 Lutz Findlay, OH
OI52 Lyons Fld Jamestown, OH
OH98 Lyttle (Closed) New Albany, OH
40OI M C R Lodi, OH
83OI M P W Heliport Hebron, OH
2OA2 Mackie's Midland, OH
OI75 Macks Heliport Columbus Grove, OH
I54 Mad River Airpark Tremont City, OH
KUYF UYF UYF Madison County London, OH
OA09 Madison Health Heliport London, OH
2OH1 Magruder Meml Heliport Port Clinton, OH
7OH5 Mahoning County Joint Vocational School Canfield, OH
1OI0 Manairco Heliport Mansfield, OH
48OI Mansfield Cpc Heliport Mansfield, OH
KMFD MFD MFD Mansfield Lahm Rgnl Mansfield, OH
OH95 Maplewood Orchard (Closed) Morrow, OH
8OA9 Margos Sky Ranch (Closed) Seville, OH
OH85 Marietta Meml Hospital Heliport Marietta, OH
6OI4 Marion General Hospital Heliport Marion, OH
KMNN MNN MNN Marion Muni Marion, OH
OH24 Markley Farm Orrville, OH
OI72 Marvin Thiel Fld Blakeslee, OH
5OH3 Mary Rutan Heliport Bellefontaine, OH
7OI9 Massengill Nashport, OH
1OH3 Mather Fld Castalia, OH
1D4 Mayfield Akron, OH
OI77 Mc Ardle Fostoria, OH
OI67 Mc Clain Field (Closed) Mechanicstown, OH
1OI9 Mc Colloch's (Closed) Piqua, OH
61OI Mc Cullough Hyde Hospital Heliport Oxford, OH
OH59 Mc Intosh Farmersville, OH
OI57 Mc Kinney Fld Hamersville, OH
12OH McGregor Airfield Brookville, OH
5OI8 McKnight Johnstown, OH
20OI Medcenter Hospital Heliport (Closed) Marion, OH
8OH6 Medflight 5 Heliport Galion, OH
OH14 Medflight 9 Heliport Jeffersonville, OH
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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