Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Rhode Island


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
KBID BID BID Block Island State Block Island, RI
RI9 Downtown Providence Helistop Heliport (Closed) Providence, RI
RI24 Duke Heliport (Closed) Newport, RI
RI30 East Arnolda Farm Heliport Charlestown, RI
RI13 Foxridge Farm Heliport West Kingston, RI
RI21 Goat Island Heliport Newport, RI
RI02 Grayrock Ridge Heliport Cumberland, RI
RI14 H. Chambers Cadillac Heliport (Closed) Providence, RI
75RI Hopedene, Llc Heliport Newport, RI
RI01 Kent County Meml Hospital Heliport Warwick, RI
RI16 Keskinen Balloonport (Closed) Coventry Center, RI
RI26 Landmark Medical Center Heliport Woonsocket, RI
2RI7 Malbone Estate Heliport Newport, RI
02RI Miramar Residence Heliport Newport, RI
RI20 Mystery Farm (Closed) Cranston, RI
KUUU UUU Newport State Newport, RI
40RI Newport Trust Heliport Newport, RI
KSFZ SFZ SFZ North Central State Pawtucket, RI
RI15 One Hospital Trust Heliport (Closed) Providence, RI
RI28 Plouffe Landing Seaplane Base Glocester, RI
RI05 Port Edgewood Marine Heliport (Closed) Cranston, RI
RI09 Portsmouth Ramada Heliport (Closed) Portsmouth, RI
KOQU OQU OQU Quonset State North Kingstown, RI
NPT RI12 Quonset State Arng Helipad Heliport (Closed) North Kingstown, RI
RI25 Rhode Island Hospital Heliport Providence, RI
KPVD PVD PVD Rhode Island Tf Green Intl Providence, RI
08R Richmond West Kingston, RI
RI11 Riconn Greene, RI
RI08 South County Hospital Heliport Wakefield, RI
RI06 Tiverton Seaplane Base (Closed) Tiverton, RI
29RI Vaucluse Farm Heliport Portsmouth, RI
RI23 Westerly Hospital Heliport Westerly, RI
KWST WST WST Westerly State Westerly, RI
RI07 Wing-Over Farm Tiverton, RI
Dauntless Aviation

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