Dauntless Aviation
Airports Oceania Kiribati


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
NGAB ABF Abaiang Airport Abaiang
NGTB AEA Abemama Airport Abemama
NGUK AAK Aranuka Airport Buariki
NGTR AIS Arorae Island Airport Arorae Island
NGBR BEZ Beru Airport Beru
NGTA TRW Bonriki International Airport Tarawa
NGTU BBG Butaritari Airport Butaritari
PCIS CIS Canton Island Airport Abariringa
PLCH CXI Cassidy International Airport Kiritimati
NGKT KUC Kuria Airport Kuria
NGMA MNK Maiana Airport Maiana
NGMN MTK Makin Island Airport Makin Island
NGMK MZK Marakei Airport Marakei
NGNU NIG Nikunau Airport Nikunau
NGTO NON Nonouti Airport Nonouti
NGON OOT Onotoa Airport Onotoa
NGTE TBF Tabiteuea North Airport Tabiteuea North
NGTS TSU Tabiteuea South Airport Tabiteuea South
PLFA TNV Tabuaeran Island Airport Tabuaeran Island
NGTM TMN Tamana Island Airport Tamana Island
PLWN TNQ Washington Island Airstrip Teraina
Dauntless Aviation

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