Dauntless Aviation
Airports Oceania Solomon Islands


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
AGAF AFT Afutara Aerodrome Bila
ANH Anuha Island Resort Airport (Closed) Anhua Island
AGGJ AVU Avu Avu Airport Avu Avu
AGGI MBU Babanakira Airport Mbambanakira
AGGE BAS Ballalae Airport Ballalae
AGBA VEV Barakoma Airport Barakoma
RRI Barora Barora
AGBT BPF Batuna Aerodrome Batuna Mission Station
AGGB BNY Bellona/Anua Airport Anua
AGGC CHY Choiseul Bay Airport Choiseul Bay
AGGF FRE Fera/Maringe Airport Fera Island
AGOK GTA Gatokae Aerodrome Gatokae
AGEV GEF Geva Airport Liangia
AGGA AKS Gwaunaru'u Airport Auki
AGGH HIR Honiara International Airport Honiara
AGKG KGE Kaghau Airport Kagau Island
AGKU KUE Kukudu Airport Kolombangara Island
KUE Kukundu Kukundu
KWR Kwai Harbour Kwai Harbour
KWS Kwailabesi Aerodrom Kwailabesi
AGKW KWS Kwailabesi Airport Kwailabesi
AGLM LLM Lomlom Airport Lomlom
AGOB MHM Manaoba Airport Manaoba
AGGU RUS Marau Airport Marau
AGGO MNY Mono Airport Stirling Island
AGGM MUA Munda Airport Munda
AGNA NAZ Nana Airport Star Harbor
AGGK IRA Ngorangora Airport Kirakira
AGGN GZO Nusatupe Airport Gizo
ONE Onepusu Onepusu
AGGQ OTV Ontong Java Atoll Airstrip (Closed) Ontong Java Atoll
AGGP PRS Parasi Airport Parasi
AGRM RBV Ramata Airport Ramata
AGGR RNL Rennell/Tingoa Airport Rennell Island
AGRC RIN Ringi Cove Airport Ringi Cove
AGGT NNB Santa Ana Airport Santa Ana Island
AGGL SCZ Santa Cruz/Graciosa Bay/Luova Airport Santa Cruz/Graciosa Bay/Luova
SVY Savo Savo
AGGS EGM Sege Airport Sege
AGGV VAO Suavanao Airport Suavanao
TAA Tarapaina Airport (Closed) Tarapaina
AGTI TLG Tulaghi Heliport Tulaghi Island
AGAR RNA Ulawa Airport Arona
AGAT ATD Uru Harbour Airport Atoifi
VIU Viru Harbour Airstrip Viru
AGVH VIU Viru Harbour Airstrip Viru
AGGY XYA Yandina Airport Yandina
Dauntless Aviation

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