Dauntless Aviation
Airports Asia Lebanon


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
Al Bayyadah Helipad Al Bayyadah
Al Sahel Hospital Helipad Ghobeiry
Baadarâne Airport Baadarâne
OLBA BEY Beirut Rafic Hariri International Airport Beirut
Jabbour Airfield Dahr El-Darjeh
LAU Medical Center Rizk Hospital Helipad Beirut
Marjayoun Airfield Kafr Kila
OLRA Rayak Air Base Rayak
OLKA KYE Rene Mouawad Air Base / Kleyate Airport Tripoli
St George Hospital Helipad Beirut
Tel al Zaatar Airfield (Closed) Dekwaneh
Unifil HQ Naqoura Central Helipad Naqoura
Unifil HQ Naqoura Hospital Helipad Naqoura
Unifil HQ Naqoura OP12/OP13 Heliport Naqoura
Unifil UNP 1-0A Helipad Jejim
Unifil UNP 1-21 Helipad Salhaneh
Unifil UNP 2-1 Helipad Yanouh
Unifil UNP 2-3 Helipad Iskandarounah
Unifil UNP 2-45 (Camp Shamrock) Helipad Debel
Unifil UNP 2-46 (alternatively: 2-45A) Helipad Debel
Unifil UNP 2-5 Helipad Borj el Chmali
Unifil UNP 4-28 Helipad Wazzani
Unifil UNP 4-31 Helipad Nkhayleh
Unifil UNP 4-34 Helipad Majidieh-Mari
Unifil UNP 5-10 Helipad Aaziyyeh
Unifil UNP 5-66 Helipad Qouzah
Unifil UNP 6-50 Helipad Yaroun, Ha Zafon
Unifil UNP 7-1 Helipad Aadchit el Qsair
Unifil UNP 7-2 Helipad Blat
Unifil UNP 8-30 Helipad Meiss el Jabal
Unifil UNP 8-34 Helipad Meiss el Jabal
Unifil UNP 9-1 Helipad Deir Kifa
Unifil UNP 9-15 Helipad Kafr Kila
Unifil UNP 9-66 Helipad
Wujah al Hajar Air Base Hamat
Zboud Airstrip
Dauntless Aviation

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