Dauntless Aviation
Airports ALGERIA
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
DAOB TID Abdelhafid Boussouf Bou Chekif Airport Tiaret
DAAT TMR Aguenar – Hadj Bey Akhamok Airport Tamanrasset
DAAS QSF Ain Arnat Airport Sétif
DAUU OGX Ain Beida Airport Ouargla
Ain Naadja Military Hospital Helipad Djasr Kasentina
DAAQ Ain Oussera Airport Ain Oussera
Algiers Great Mosque Heliport Mohammadia
Amguid Regional Airport Idlès
DABB AAE Annaba Rabah Bitat Airport Annaba
DAAF Aoulef Airport Aoulef
DABT BLJ Batna Mostefa Ben Boulaid Airport Batna
DAOR CBH Béchar Boudghene Ben Ali Lotfi Airport Béchar
DAOC Béchar Ouakda Aerodrome Béchar
Béni Abbès Airport Béni Abbès
Bir H'Med Airport El Borma
DAUB BSK Biskra - Mohamed Khider Airport Biskra
DAAB QLD Blida Airport Blida
DATM BMW Bordj Badji Mokhtar Airport Bordj Badji Mokhtar
DAAW Bordj Omar Driss Airport Bordj Omar Driss
Bordj Omar Driss Heliport Bordj Omar Driss
DAAD BUJ Bou Saada Airport Ouled Sidi Brahim
DAAK Boufarik Air Base Boufarik
DAOE Bousfer Air Base Bousfer
DABS TEE Cheikh Larbi Tébessi Airport Tébessi
DAAX Chéraga Airport Chéraga
Cherchell Military Academy Heliport Cherchell
DAOI CFK Chlef Aboubakr Belkaid International Airport Chlef
DAAJ DJG Djanet Inedbirene Airport Djanet
El Abiodh Sidi Cheikh Airport El Abiodh Sidi Cheikh
DAOY EBH El Bayadh Airport El Bayadh
El Borma Ouargla Airport El Borma
DAUE ELG El Golea Airport El Menia
El Merk Airport Debdeb
El Moustakbal Base Heliport Hassi Messaoud
Fort Lotfi Airfield Fort Lotfi
Gara Djebilet Airport Âouinet Bel Egrâ
Gassi Touil Airport Hassi Messaoud
DAOV MUW Ghriss Airport Ghriss
Groupement Reggane Nord Airport Reggane
DAUO ELU Guemar Airport Guemar
Hamaguir Airport Hamaguir
Hamra Airport Hassi Bel Guebour
Hassi Bel Guebour Airport Hassi Bel Guebour
Hassi Fehal Airport Hassi Fehal
Hassi Messaoud East Airport Hassi Messaoud
DAUH HME Hassi Messaoud-Oued Irara Krim Belkacem Airport Hassi Messaoud
DAFH HRM Hassi R'mel Airport Hassi R'mel
DAAG ALG Houari Boumediene Airport Algiers
Illizi Airport Illizi
DAAP VVZ Illizi Takhamalt Airport Illizi
DATG INF In Guezzam Airport In Guezzam
DAUI INZ In Salah Airport In Salah
DAAV GJL Jijel Ferhat Abbas Airport Tahir
Krechba Airport Hassi Gara
DAUL LOO Laghouat - Molay Ahmed Medeghri Airport Laghouat
MUW Mascara Mascara
DAAY MZW Mecheria Airport Mecheria
MZW Mechria Mechria
Menzel Lejmat Nord Airport El Borma
DABC CZL Mohamed Boudiaf International Airport Constantine
DA14 MQV Mostaganem Airport Sayada
DAUG GHA Noumérat - Moufdi Zakaria Airport El Atteuf
Omanet Airport In Aménas
DAOO ORN Oran Es-Sénia (Ahmed Ben Bella) International Airport Es-Sénia
DAOL TAF Oran Tafraoui Airport Tafraoui
Oued Zine Airport Tamentit
Oued Zine East Airport Tamentit
Oued Zine North Airport Tamentit
Ouled Mahmoud Airport Metarfa
DAEO QMH Oum El Bouaghi Air Base Oum El Bouaghi
Ras el Miaad Airport Ras el Miaad
REG In Salah Airport In Salah
REG In Salah North Airport In Salah
DAAN Reggane Airport Reggane
Reggane Nord Airport Sali
Rekiule Airport In Aménas
DAAZ Relizane Airport Relizane
Rhoud El Baguel Airport El Borma
DA15 Saïda Airport Ouled Khaled
Serouenout Heliport Serouenout
DAOS BFW Sidi Bel Abbes Airport Sidi Bel Abbès
DABP SKI Skikda Airport (Closed) Skikda
DAAE BJA Soummam–Abane Ramdane Airport Béjaïa
Stah Airport Debdeb
Takhrekhuri Air Base Takhrekhuri
Tarat Heliport Illizi
Tawendert Heliport Tawendert
Tegentour Airport In Salah
DAAM Telerghma Airport Telerghma
Timiaouine Heliport Timiaouine
DAUT TMX Timimoun Airport Timimoun
Tin Fouye Tabankort Airport Bordj Omar Driss
Tin Fouye Tabankort East Airport Bordj Omar Driss
Tin Fouye Tabankort South Airport Bordj Omar Driss
Tin Zaoutine Airport Tin Zaoutine
Tin Zaoutine Heliport Tin Zaoutine
DAOF TIN Tindouf Airport Tindouf
Tindouf East Airport Tindouf
Tinfouchy Airport Oum El Assel
Tit Airport Tit
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