Dauntless Aviation
Airports BAHAMAS
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
Abaco Beach Resort Heliport Marsh Harbour
MY04 Andros Central Andros Island
MYAF ASD MYAF Andros Town Airport Andros Town
MYCA ATC MYCA Arthur's Town Airport Arthur's Town
MYCZ Autec Heliport Andros Town, Andro
Big Grand Cay Heliport Grand Cay
MYBW Big Whale Cay Airport Big Whale Cay
NSB Bimini North Seaplane Base Bimini
MYEB Black Point Airstrip Black Point
MYE2 Blackpoint Blackpoint
Cape Eleuthera Cape Eleuthera
MYLM Cape Santa Maria Airstrip Galliot Cay
Cargill Creek Settlement Heliport Cargill Creek Settlement
MYCC CXY Cat Cay Airport (Closed) North Cat Cay
Cave Cay Airstrip Cave Cay
MYCS Cay Sal Airport Cay Sal
MYBC CCZ Chub Cay Airport Chub Cay
MYBT Cistern Field (Closed) Cistern Cay
MYAB MAY MYAB Clarence a. Bain Airport Mangrove Cay
MYCI CRI MYCI Colonel Hill Airport Colonel Hill
MYAK TZN MYAK Congo Town Airport Andros
MYCX Cutlass Bay Airport (Closed) Cutlass Bay
Darby Island Airport Darby Island
MYLD LGI MYLD Deadman's Cay Airport Deadman's Cay
MYXZ Deep Water Cay Deep Water Cay
MYGD Deep Water Cay Airport Deep Water Cay
MYRD DCT Duncan Town Airport Duncan Town
Elbow Cay Emergency Helipad Elbow Cay
MYEF GGT MYEF Exuma International Airport Moss Town
MYXX Farmers Cay Airstrip Little Farmers Cay
MYXA Fowl Cay Airstrip (Closed) Fowl Cay
MYEG GGT George Town Airport (Closed) George Town
MYXB Gorda Cay Gorda Cay
MYEM GHB MYEM Governor's Harbour Airport Governor's Harbour
MYGM Grand Bahama Auxiliary Airfield High Rock
MYGF FPO MYGF Grand Bahama International Airport Freeport
MYBG GHC MYBG Great Harbour Cay Airport Bullocks Harbour
HBI Harbour Island Harbour Island
MYLR Hard Bargain Airport
MYCH Hawks Nest Airport Hawks Nest Creek
MY01 Hog Cay Exuma Williams Town
MYXC Hog Key Airport Long Island
MYIG IGA MYIG Inagua Airport Matthew Town
MYXD Leaf Cay Airport Leaf Cay
MYEL Lee Stocking Airport Lee Stocking
MYXE Lee Stocking Island Lee Stocking
MYAM MHH MYAM Leonard M Thompson International Airport Marsh Harbour
MYXF Little Darby Island Airport Little Darby Island
Little Pipe Cay Seaplane Base Little Pipe Cay
MYBX Little Whale Cay Berry Islands Airport Little Whale Cay
MYNN NAS MYNN Lynden Pindling International Airport Nassau
MYMM MYG MYMM Mayaguana Airport Abraham Bay Settlement
Mister Beast Island Helipad Bastian Point Settlement
MYAO Moores Island Airport Moore's Island
MYX3 Mores Island Mores Island
Nassau Helicopters Heliport Nassau
MYPI PID Nassau Paradise Island Airport (Closed) Nassau
MYCB TBI MYCB New Bight Airport Cat Island
MYXG Norman Cay Norman Cay
MYEN NMC Normans Cay Airport Normans Cay
MYEH ELH MYEH North Eleuthera Airport North Eleuthera
Oakes Field-Nassau Nassau
MYXJ Ocean Cay Ocean Cay
MYBO Ocean Cay Heliport Ocean Cay
Overyonder Cay Seaplane Base Overyonder Cay
WZY Paradise Island Seaplane Base Nassau
MYCP PWN Pitts Town Airport Pitts Town
Port Nelson Airstrip (Closed) Port Nelson
MYER RSD MYER Rock Sound Airport Rock Sound
MYX7 Rudder Cut Cay Airport Rudder Cut Cay
MYRP RCY MYRP Rum Cay International Airport Port Nelson
MYXH Sampson Cay Airport Sampson Cay
MYAN SAQ MYAN San Andros Airport Andros Island
MYSM ZSA MYSM San Salvador Airport San Salvador
MYAS MYAS Sandy Point Airport Sandy Point
MYXI Scotland Cay Scotland Cay
MYBS BIM MYBS South Bimini Airport South Bimini
MYAX Spanish Cay Airport Spanish Cay
MYAP AXP MYAP Spring Point Airport Spring Point
MYES TYM MYES Staniel Cay Airport Staniel Cay
MYLS SML MYLS Stella Maris Airport Stella Maris
MYTC Torch Cay Airport Hog Cay
MYAT TCB MYAT Treasure Cay Airport Treasure Cay
MYAW WKR Walkers Cay Airport Walkers Cay
MYGW WTD West End Airport West End
Dauntless Aviation

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