Dauntless Aviation
Airports FIJI
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
NFFA BFJ Ba Airport Ba
BXL Blue Lagoon Seaplane Base Nanuya Lailai Island
CST Castaway Castaway
NFCS CST Castaway Island Seaplane Base Castaway Island
NFCI ICI Cicia Airport Cicia
BVF Dama Bua
NFKB Kaibu Island Airport Kaibu Island
NFNO KXF Koro Island Airport Koro Island
KVU Korolevu Seaplane Base Korolevu
NFNL LBS Labasa Airport Labasa
NFNK LKB Lakeba Island Airport Lakeba Island
NFNH LUC Laucala Island Airport Laucala Island
NFNB LEV Levuka Airfield Bureta
NFGO Mago Island Airstrip Mago Island
NFFO PTF Malolo Lailai Island Airport Malolo Lailai Island
NFMA MNF Mana Island Airport Mana Island
Matamanoa Island Heliport Nadi
NFNM TVU Matei Airport Matei
NFMO MFJ Moala Airport Moala
NFFN NAN Nadi International Airport Nadi
NFND PHR Nanuku Airport Nanuku Auberge Resort
NTA Natadola Airport (Closed) Mbatiri
NFNA SUV Nausori International Airport Nausori
NFNG NGI Ngau Airport Ngau
NFOL ONU Ono-I-Lau Airport Ono-I-Lau
PHR Pacific Harbor Pacific Harbor
RBI Rabi Rabi
NFFR RBI Rabi Island Airport Rabi Island
NFNR RTA Rotuma Airport Rotuma
AQS Saqani Saqani
NFNS SVU Savusavu Airport Savusavu
NFRS Treasure Island Seaplane Base Treasure Island Resort
TTL Turtle Island Turtle Island
NFUL TTL Turtle Island Seaplane Base Nanuya Levu Island
NFVB VBV Vanua Balavu Airport Vanua Balavu
NFNV VAU Vatukoula Airport (Closed) Vatukoula
VTF Vatulele Vatulele
NFVL VTF Vatulele Airport Vatulele
Vomo Heliport Vomo
NFKD KDV Vunisea Airport Vunisea
NFNW KAY Wakaya Island Airport Wakaya Island
YAS Yasawa Island Yasawa Island
NFSW YAS Yasawa Island Airport Yasawa Island
Dauntless Aviation

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