Dauntless Aviation
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
CO4 Colorado Springs East Ellicott, CO
CO38 Comanche Airfield Llc Strasburg, CO
07CO Comanche Creek Kiowa, CO
59CO Comanche Livestock (Closed) Strasburg, CO
CO97 Comanche Springs Ranch Strasburg, CO
KCEZ CEZ CEZ Cortez Muni Cortez, CO
09CO Cottonwood Fld Swink, CO
CIG CO21 Craig Heliport Craig, CO
KCAG CIG CAG Craig-Moffat Craig, CO
99V Crawford Crawford, CO
0CO2 Crested Butte Airpark Crested Butte, CO
3CO1 Cridler Fld Hotchkiss, CO
CO48 Crop Air Eaton, CO
25CO Crystal Lakes Red Feather Lakes, CO
CD48 Cuchara Ranch Walsenburg, CO
07V Cuchara Valley At La Veta La Veta, CO
3CO9 D B Smith Meml Heliport Victor, CO
9CO6 D Bar D Elizabeth, CO
CO69 Dan Riggs Memorial Heliport (Closed) Westcliffe, CO
7CO1 Dave Nash Ranch (Closed) Guffey, CO
0CO1 Dave's Louisville, CO
0CO1 Dave's Stolport (Closed) Louisville, CO
CO87 Dbs Air Heliport (Closed) Rifle, CO
CO94 Decker Farms (Closed) Lindon, CO
9CO1 Deer Creek Building Heliport Littleton, CO
0CD0 Delta County Meml Hospital Heliport Delta, CO
CO04 Denning Keenesburg, CO
CO99 Denver Artcc Heliport (Closed) Longmont, CO
CO39 Denver Federal Center Helistop Heliport (Closed) Denver, CO
CO35 Denver Health Heliport Denver, CO
KDEN DEN DEN Denver Intl Denver, CO
CO41 Denver Police Department-District 3 Heliport (Closed) Denver, CO
30CO Desiderata Ranch Guffey, CO
9CO7 Devoe Kersey, CO
31CD Diamond Star Ranch Colorado City, CO
3CO7 Dietrichs Elizabeth, CO
6CO0 Doctors Mesa Eckert/Orchard City, CO
1CO7 Dodsworth Salida, CO
8V6 Dove Creek Dove Creek, CO
16CO Dry Pen Parachute, CO
41CO Dtc North Heliport (Closed) Denver, CO
KDRO DRO DRO Durango-La Plata County Durango, CO
3CO8 E P M C Heliport Estes Park, CO
9V7 Eads Muni Eads, CO
KEGE EGE EGE Eagle County Rgnl Eagle, CO
1CD4 Eagle Soaring Steam Boat Springs, CO
8CO4 East Moore Field (Closed) Byers, CO
2CO8 East Morgan County Hospital Heliport Brush, CO
11V Easton/Valley View Greeley, CO
CO76 Eden Ranch Hotchkiss, CO
2CO5 Edenway (Closed) Pueblo, CO
CD36 Egnar Heliport Egnar, CO
CO36 Elbert County Heliport Kiowa, CO
55CO Elizabeth Emergency Heliport Elizabeth, CO
2CD5 Elk Mountain Resort Heliport Montrose, CO
34CD Elk Park Ranch Allenspark, CO
CD00 Emancipation Hill Heliport Boulder, CO
KEIK EIK EIK Erie Muni Erie, CO
1CO8 Everitt Parker, CO
0CD6 Exempla Good Samaritan Heliport Lafayette, CO
CO79 Falcon AFB Helipad Heliport (Closed) Colorado Springs, CO
36CO Fat Chance Peyton, CO
CD30 Fitzpatrick Heliport Cimarron, CO
CO00 Flagler Aerial Spraying Inc Flagler, CO
CD45 Flyin' B Ranch Elizabeth, CO
73CO Flying D Ranch Walsenburg, CO
41CO Flying Dog Ranch Airstrip Meeker, CO
22CO Flying E Brighton, CO
CO39 Flying G Air Ranch Elbert, CO
CO49 Flying Lazy D Ranch (Closed) Elbert, CO
0CO6 Flying M & M Ranch Norwood, CO
39CO Flying M Ranch Montrose, CO
51CO Flying W No.2 (Closed) Hotchkiss, CO
CO20 Flying W Ranch Cedaredge, CO
KFMM FMM FMM Fort Morgan Muni Fort Morgan, CO
CO81 Fought'n'won Ultralight Johnstown, CO
CO80 Fowler Fowler, CO
0CD7 Fox Hole Lafayette, CO
0CD7 Fox Hole Stolport (Closed) Lafayette, CO
0CD2 Foxx Valley Yoder, CO
CO92 Frasier Ranch (Closed) Last Chance, CO
CO68 Frederick-Firestone F S #2 Heliport Frederick, CO
CNE 1V6 Fremont County Canon City, CO
8CO3 Fremont Peak Heliport Canon City, CO
84CO Frontier Airstrip (Closed) Mead, CO
7CO7 Frontier Helicopters Heliport Johnstown, CO
CO54 G W Flanders Ranch Strip Falcon, CO
CO30 Gates Rubber Company Heliport Denver, CO
7CO1 Gateway Helipad Heliport Gateway, CO
CO65 Geary Ranch Westcliffe, CO
5V6 Gebauer (Closed) Akron, CO
CO01 General Mail Facility Heliport Denver, CO
0CO4 Geo-Seis Helicopters Heliport (Closed) Fort Collins, CO
4CO0 Glen-Aspen Carbondale, CO
CO61 Golden Fld (Yellow Hat) (Closed) Gardner, CO
CO47 Goldys Fld Gypsum, CO
14CO Good Pasture (Closed) Beulah, CO
CO86 Granby Sports Park Ultralight (Closed) Granby, CO
KGNB GNB Granby-Grand County Granby, CO
KGJT GJT GJT Grand Junction Rgnl Grand Junction, CO
1 2 3 4 5 6
Dauntless Aviation

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