Dauntless Aviation
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
46TE 02 Ranch (Closed) Alpine, TX
TE56 11 Tv Dallas Heliport (Closed) Dallas, TX
55XA 1101 East Blvd Deer Park Heliport Deer Park, TX
16TT 16 L Ranch Normangee, TX
10TS 2c Ranch Laneville, TX
TT65 3 Barrel Ranch Bleiblerville, TX
44XS 3 Mill Ranch Mountain Home, TX
XS38 3321 Westside Heliport Pasadena, TX
TS25 4 S Ranch Wimberly, TX
36TS 4bh Heliport Georgetown, TX
XS50 4-G Ranch Premont, TX
48TE 4m Ranch Airfield Langtry, TX
TE82 5-State Heliport Fate, TX
06TT 6 Mile Airpark Fort McKavett, TX
6TE6 6666 Ranch Guthrie, TX
0XA5 74 Ranch Campbellton, TX
2TA9 A M I G O For Christ (Closed) Weatherford, TX
XS79 A W Ranch (Closed) San Antonio, TX
XS39 A&a Flying Service (Closed) Pearland, TX
XA63 AAF Heliport Lucas, TX
F83 Abernathy Muni (Closed) Abernathy, TX
TX00 Abilene Exec Airpark Abilene, TX
KABI ABI ABI Abilene Rgnl Abilene, TX
4TX1 Abilene Rgnl Medical Center Heliport Abilene, TX
6TX1 Action 5 Heliport (Closed) Fort Worth, TX
TS99 Action Nr 2 Heliport (Closed) Cypress, TX
TT47 Adams Fld Anna, TX
4TX8 Addington Fld Krum, TX
KADS ADS ADS Addison Dallas, TX
XA28 Adkins Heliport (Closed) San Antonio, TX
2TS6 Ae139 Heliport Paris, TX
65TT Ae65 Heliport Denison, TX
T31 Aero Country Mc Kinney, TX
44TA Aero Crafter Inc Heliport Princeton, TX
T25 Aero Estates Frankston, TX
TX54 Aero Estates (Closed) Celina, TX
T25 Aero Estates Heliport (Closed) Berryville, TX
TX1 Aero Estates Seaplane Base Frankston, TX
9TA0 Aero Heliport Round Rock, TX
43TS Aero Saylee Tilden, TX
52F Aero Valley Roanoke, TX
0TX4 Aerospatiale Helicopter Corp Heliport (Closed) Grand Prairie, TX
7TS9 Ag Aviation (Closed) Bay City, TX
79TX Ag-Air Inc (Closed) Brownsville, TX
XS42 Agricultural Supplies (Closed) Pearsall, TX
TT87 Agua Nada Ranch Rocksprings, TX
2XA8 Air Evac 53 Heliport Fairfield, TX
56TE Air Evac Ems 57 Base Heliport Eagle Pass, TX
5TS6 Air Logistics - Freeport Heliport Freeport, TX
TS79 Air Logistics Heliport (Closed) Port O'Conner, TX
95XS Air Logistics Sabine Heliport (Closed) Sabine Pass, TX
F69 Air Park-Dallas Dallas, TX
60TA Air Ranch Estates (Closed) Waxahachie, TX
85TS Airbus Helicopter Heliport (Closed) Grand Prairie, TX
1F7 Airpark East Dallas, TX
3TX Akroville Slidell, TX
TE54 Alba-Golden Heliport (Closed) Golden, TX
T23 Albany Muni Albany, TX
XS47 Alderman Farm Poteet, TX
67TS Aldine Heliport Houston, TX
18TE Alert Fld Big Sandy, TX
5TE3 Alexander Ranch Dripping Springs, TX
KALI ALI ALI Alice Intl Alice, TX
7TS2 Alison Air Park San Marcos, TX
17TT Allen Condo/Tower Heliport Houston, TX
07XS Allen Ponderosa Heliport Crowley, TX
84TA Allied Northborough Heliport (Closed) Houston, TX
XA34 Allison Farm Decatur, TX
4TS7 Allison Ranch Fort Stockton, TX
13TX Allison Ranch (Closed) Sonora, TX
TA27 Alpha Whisky Airstrip Mineola, TX
00TS Alpine Range Everman, TX
E38 Alpine-Casparis Muni Alpine, TX
0TA7 Alta Vista Ranch (Closed) Marfa, TX
TS95 Alvie Cole Ranch Sterling City, TX
6R5 Alvin Airpark Alvin, TX
21TX Ambia Farm Paris, TX
25TT American Bio Source Heliport Decatur, TX
0XS7 Anacacho Ranch Spofford, TX
56TX Anchorage Farm Fld Warrenton, TX
TA43 Anderosa Airpark Corrigan, TX
6TA9 Anderson Ranch Dilley, TX
E11 Andrews County Andrews, TX
KLFK LFK LFK Angelina County Lufkin, TX
7TA9 Angelo Community Hospital Heliport San Angelo, TX
2XS7 Annandale Ranch Uvalde, TX
TA05 Anxiety Aerodrome Corsicana, TX
4XA4 Apache Pass Rockdale, TX
64TE Apache Springs Kerrville, TX
KRKP RKP RKP Aransas County Rockport, TX
XS10 Aransas National Wildlife Refuge (Closed) Matagorda Island, TX
T39 Archer City Muni Archer City, TX
15TE Arco High Island Heliport High Island, TX
0TA6 Arco Ingleside Shorebase Heliport (Closed) Ingleside, TX
TS48 Arco Sabine Heliport Sabine Pass, TX
1TA1 Area 142 Moran, TX
20T Aresti Aerodrome Godley, TX
F56 Arledge Fld Stamford, TX
KGKY GKY GKY Arlington Muni Arlington, TX
47TX Armstrong Ranch Armstrong, TX
Dauntless Aviation

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