Dauntless Aviation
Airports VANUATU
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
NVVA AUY Aneityum Airport Anatom Island
NVVB AWD Aniwa Airport Aniwa
NVVV VLI Bauerfield International Airport Port Vila
Big Bay Big Bay
NVSF CCV Craig Cove Airport Craig Cove
NVVD DLY Dillon's Bay Airport Dillon's Bay
EPI Epi Epi
NVVJ Forari Airport Forari
NVVF FTA Futuna Airport Futuna Island
NVSQ ZGU Gaua Island Airport Gaua Island
NVVI IPA Ipota Airport Ipota
NVSL LPM Lamap Airport Lamap
NVSM LNB Lamen Bay Airport Lamen Bay
NVVK Lenakel Airport Lenakel
NVSG LOD Longana Airport Longana
NVSO LNE Lonorore Airport Lonorore
NVSN MWF Maewo-Naone Airport Maewo Island
NVSA MTV Mota Lava Airport Ablow
NVSP NUS Norsup Airport Norsup
NVSZ OLJ North West Santo Airport Olpoi
NVVQ UIQ Quoin Hill Airfield (Closed) Quoin Hill
NVSR RCL Redcliffe Airport Redcliffe
NVSS SON Santo Pekoa International Airport Luganville
NVSH SSR Sara Airport Pentecost Island
NVSE EAE Siwo Airport Emae Island
NHHC Sola (Vanua Lava)
NVSC SLH Sola Airport Sola
NVSX SWJ Southwest Bay Airport Malekula Island
NVVW TAH Tanna Airport Tanna
NVSI PBJ Tavie Airport Paama Island
NVST TGH Tongoa Airport Tongoa Island
NVSD TOH Torres Airstrip Loh/Linua
NVSU ULB Uléi Airport Ambrym Island
NVSV VLS Valesdir Airport Epi Island
NVSW WLH Walaha Airport Walaha
Dauntless Aviation

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