Dauntless Aviation
Airports Africa Congo, Republic of


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
FCPP PNR Antonio Agostinho-Neto International Airport Pointe Noire
FCBU Aubeville Airport Aubeville
FCPB Bangamba Airport Bangamba
FCOT BTB Betou Airport Betou
Bomassa Airport Bomassa
FCOB BOE Boundji Airport Boundji
FCBD DJM Djambala Airport Djambala
Enyele Airport Enyele
EPN Epena Epena
FCOE EWO Ewo Airport Ewo
FCOG GMM Gamboma Airport Gamboma
FCMG Gokango Airport Gokango
FCOI ION Impfondo Airport Impfondo
FCMI Irogo Airport Irogo
FCMK Kele Kibangou Airport Kele Kibangou
FCOK KEE Kelle Airport Kelle
FCPG Kibangou Airport Kibangou
FCBK KNJ Kindamba Airport Kindamba
FCBA La Louila Airport La Louila
FCBL LCO Lague Airport Lague
FCML Leboulou Airport Leboulou
FCMY Legala Airport Legala
FCPE Leganda Airport Leganda
LKC Lekana Airport Lekana
FCPI Loubetsi Airport Loubetsi
FCMF Loufoula Airport Loufoula
FCPY Loukanyi Airport Loukanyi
FCBT Loutete Airport Loutete
FCPA KMK Makabana Airport Makabana
FCOM MKJ Makoua Airport Makoua
FCMO Mandoro Airport Mandoro
FCMR Marala Airport Marala
Matoko Airport Matoko
FCMA Mavinza Airport Mavinza
FCBB BZV Maya-Maya Airport Brazzaville
Mokabi Airport Mokabi
FCMM MSX Mossendjo Airport Mossendjo
FCBM MUY Mouyondzi Airport Mouyondzi
FCBP M'passa Airport M'passa
FCBO M'pouya
FCMN N'gongo Airport N'gongo
FCPD DIS Ngot Nzoungou Airport Dolisie
FCPK N'komo Airport N'zambi
FCPN Noumbi Airport Noumbi
FCMS Nyanga Airport Nyanga
FCMZ N'Zabi Airport N'Zabi
FCMB N'Ziba Airport N'Ziba
OKG Okoyo Airport Okoyo
FCOU OUE Ouesso Airport Ouesso
FCOO FTX Owando Airport Owando
FCOD OLL Oyo Ollombo Airport Oyo
FCPO Pemo Airport Pemo
FCBS Sibiti Airport Sibiti
FCMD Sidetra Airport Sidetra
FCOS SOE Souanke Airport Souanke
Thanry Airport Thanry
FCBY NKY Yokangassi Airport Nkayi
FCBZ ANJ Zanaga Airport Zanaga
Dauntless Aviation

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