Dauntless Aviation
Airports Africa South Africa


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
FASJ Saffier Airport Saffier, GT
FASD SDB Saldanha/Vredenburg Airport Saldanha-Vredenburg, WC
Sanan Helipad Johannesburg, GT
Sanbona Wildlife Reserve Airfield Sanbona Wildlife Reserve, WC
Sandringham Farm Airstrip , NP
FASA Sani Pass Airport (Closed) Sani Pass, NL
Sappi / Ngodwana , MP
Satara (Singita Lebombo) Airport , MP
Schmidtsdrif Airport Schmidtsdrif, NC
FASG Schweizer Reneke Airport Schweizer Reneke, NW
Scottburg Airport Umzinto, NL
Scottburgh Airfield Scottburgh, NL
Seaview Airport Gqeberha (Port Elizabeth), EC
FASC ZEC Secunda Airport Secunda, MP
FASN Senekal Airport Senekal, FS
Shambala Game Estate Heliport Shambala Game Estate, NP
Shamwari , EC
Shingwedzi Camp Airstrip Shingwedzi, NP
FASP SSX Singita Safari Lodge Airport Singita Safari Lodge, MP
Sirkel N Airport Baltimore, NP
FASS SIS Sishen Airport Sishen, NC
FASM Siteka Airport Siteka, NL
Siyancuma West 2 Airport Siyancuma, NC
Siyancuma West 3 Airport Siyancuma, NC
Siyancuma West Airport Siyancuma, NC
SKA SA Karoo Landing Strip Carnarvon, NC
Skaapvlei Airport Skaapvlei Farmstead, WC
Skerpioenpunt Airport Groblershoop, NC
FASZ SZK Skukuza Airport Skukuza, MP
FASW Slurry Airport Slurry, NW
Sodwana Airstrip Sodwana Bay, NL
FAST Somerset East Airport Somerset East, EC
FALS Somersveld Airport Somersveld, WC
Southern Farms Airport Schuitdrift, NC
Spektakel Airport Spektakel, NC
FASB SBU Springbok Airport Springbok, NC
FASI Springs Airfield Del Fouche, GT
FACF St Francis Airfield St Francis Bay, EC
St Lucia Estuary St LucĂ­a, NL
FASR Standerton Airport Standerton, MP
Stanley Island Airstrip Keurboomstrand, WC
FAZQ Star Airport Star, FS
Steenberg Helipad Cape Town, WC
FASH Stellenbosch Airport Stellenbosch, WC
Sterkfontein Airport Sterkfontein Dam, FS
FALR Steytlerville Airport Steytlerville, EC
FACY Stilbaai Airport Stilbaai, WC
Stockdale Landing Strip Airport Alfalfa, EC
Stompneusbaai Airport (Closed) Stompneusbaai, WC
FATM Stutterheim Airport Stutterheim, EC
Sun City Heliport Moses Kotane, NW
Sun Valley Airfield Sun Valley, GT
Sunninghill Hospital Helipad Sandton, GT
Sunset Shores Airfield Sunset Shores, GT
FASL Sutherland Airport Sutherland, NC
FASK Swartkop Air Force Base Pretoria, GT
Swartwater Highway Strip Airport Swartwater, NP
FATD TDT Tanda Tula Airport Timbavati, MP
Tankwa International Airport Tankwa Town, NC
FATA Tedderfield Air Park Tedderfield, GT
FATN TCU Thaba Nchu Tar Airport Homeward, FS
FATG Thaba Tholo Airport , NP
FATI Thabazimbi Airport Thabazimbi, NP
The Haven Airstrip Mbhashe, EC
FATH THY Thohoyandou Airport Thohoyandou, NP
FATB Thorny Bush Game Lodge Airport Hoedspruit, MP
FATF Tommys Field Airport Beeshoek, NC
Tosca Airport Tosca, NW
FATR Trennery's Airport Qolora, EC
Treverton College Airstrip Mooi River, NL
Trollope Mining Services Heliport , GT
Tshepong Hospital Klerksdorp, NW
TSD Tshipise Airport Tshipise, NP
FATK Tsitsikama Fly Airport (Closed) Tsitsikama, EC
FATT Tutuka Power Station Airport Standerton, MP
Tutwa Airfield , NC
Twee Rivieren Airport Twee Rivieren, NC
Tzamenkomst Airport Colesberg, NC
FATZ LTA Tzaneen Airport Tzaneen, NP
FAUG Ugie Airport Ugie, EC
FAUH Uitenhage Airport Uitenhage, EC
FAUC Ulco Airport Ulco, NC
Ultimate Heliport Midrand, GT
FAUS ULX Ulusaba Airport Ulusaba, MP
Umbabat Aero Camp Airfield , NP
FAUB Underberg Airport Underberg, NL
FAUR Utrecht Airport Utrecht, NL
Vaal Dam Airfield Deneysville, FS
Vaalkoppies Settlement Airport Vaalkoppies Settlement, NC
FAVA Vaalputs Airport Vaalputs, NC
Valencia Private Airstrip Bloemfontein
Van Zylsrus Airport Van Zylsrus, NC
FAVP Vanderbijlpark Airport Vanderbijlpark, GT
Vanggatfontein Airport MIddelburg, MP
Vanrhynsdorp Airport Vanrhynsdorp, WC
FAVS Vastrap Airport Upington, NC
FAVM Venetia Mine Airport Alldays, NP
FAVE Ventersdorp Airport Ventersdorp, NW
Venterstad Airport Venterstad, EC
FAVF Verborgenfontei Airport Verborgenfontein, NC
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