Dauntless Aviation
Airports Africa South Africa


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
FAVV Vereeniging Airport Vereeniging, GT
FAVW Victoria West Airport Victoria West, NC
Villiers Airport Villers, FS
FAVG VIR Virginia Airport Durban, NL
Vlakteplaas Airstrip Jeffreys bay, EC
FAVU Volksrust Airport Volksrust, MP
FAVI Von Abo's Villa Airport Von Abo's Villa, FS
Vosburg Airport Vosburg, NC
FAVD Vrede Airport Vrede, FS
FAVR VRE Vredendal Airport Vredendal, WC
FAVB VRU Vryburg Airport Vyrburg, NW
FAVY VYD Vryheid Airport Vryheid, NL
Wakkerstroom Airport Wakkerstroom, MP
FADU Walkersons Field , MP
FAWA Warmbaths Airport Warmbaths, NP
Warrenton Airport (Closed) Warrenton, NC
Waterfall City Hospital Helipad Midrand, GT
FAWK WKF Waterkloof Air Force Base Pretoria, GT
FAWR Wavecrest Airport Wavecrest, EC
FAWE Welgevonden Reserve , NP
Welgevonden Western Airstrip Welgevonden Game Reserve, NP
FAWM WEL Welkom Airport Welkom, FS
Wentworth Hospital Helipad Bluff, NL
FAWP Wepener Airport Wepener, FS
FAWS Wesselbronn AF Airport Wesselsbron, FS
West Vaal Hospital Heliport Orkney, NW
Whats Landing Airport Kwelega, EC
FAWV White River Mercy Air White River, MP
FAMW MZF Wild Coast Sun Airport (Mzamba Airport) Mzamba, EC
FAWL Williston Airport Williston, NC
FAWO Willowmore Airport Willowmore, EC
FAWN Winburg Airport Winburg, FS
Wingfield Air Base (Closed) Cape Town, WC
Wings Park Airfield East London, EC
FAWT Winterveldt Mine Airport Doornbosch, NP
FAWI Witbank Airport Witbank, MP
FATW Witberg Tswalu Airport Tswalo Game Reserve, NC
Witfontein Airport Salt Lake, NC
FAWD Wolmeransstad Airport Wolmeransstad, NW
FAWB PRY Wonderboom Airport Pretoria, GT
FAWC Worcester Glider Airport Worcester, WC
FAYP Ysterplaat Air Force Base Cape Town, WC
FAZA Zastron Airport (Closed) Zastron, FS
Zebula Airstrip Bela-Bela, NP
FAZR Zeerust Airport Zeerust, NW
Zilkaats Airstrip , NW
Zilverstroom Farm Airport Prieska, NC
FADQ PZL Zulu Inyala Airport Phinda, NL
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