Dauntless Aviation
Airports Africa Swaziland


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
FDBS Big Bend Sugar E Airport Big Bend
FDSK SHO King Mswati III International Airport Mpaka
FDKS Kubuta Airfield Kubuta
FDKB Kubuta Airport Kubuta B
FDLV Lavumisa Airfield Lavumisa
FDGL Lavumisa Airport Lavumisa, NL
FDBM Matata Airport Big Bend
FDMS MTS Matsapha Airport Manzini
Mbabane Hospital Helipad Mbabane
FDMH Mhlume Airport Mhlume
FDNH Nhlangano Airport Nhlangano
FDNS Nsoko Airport Nsoko
FDNG Piggs Peak Airport Ngonini
FDSM Simunye Airport Simunye
FDST Siteki Airport Siteki
FDTM Tambankulu Airport Tambankulu
FDBT Tambuti Airport Big Bend
FDTS Tshaneni Airport Tshaneni
FDUB Ubombo Ranches Airport Big Bend
Dauntless Aviation

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