Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Missouri


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
MU57 Flib Fld Conway, MO
7MO4 Flintlock Fld Platte City, MO
76MU Flobec Heliport (Closed) Moberly, MO
KLBO LBO Floyd W Jones Lebanon Lebanon, MO
MO2 Flying Bar H Ranch Springfield, MO
6MO3 Flying 'E' Houston, MO
56MO Flying E Fld Fulton, MO
0MO1 Flying G Creighton, MO
MO72 Flying 'J' Ranch Van Buren, MO
6MU4 Flying Shamrock Mexico, MO
10MO Flying V Ranch Williamsburg, MO
92MO Fox Run Heliport Eureka, MO
8MO8 Frazier (Closed) Monett, MO
8MU0 Freedom Heliport Springfield, MO
10MU Freeman Neosho Hospital Heliport Neosho, MO
2MO8 Frerer Strip (Closed) Carthage, MO
4MO9 Friends Fld Lone Jack, MO
H27 Gainesville Meml (Closed) Gainesville, MO
MU94 Galmey Heliport Wheatland, MO
39MO Gardner Springfield, MO
MO17 Garst Watson, MO
97MO Gary's (Closed) Buffalo, MO
MU54 General John J Pershing Meml Hospital Heliport Brookfield, MO
51MO Georger Farms (Closed) Advance, MO
M85 Gideon Meml Gideon, MO
18MO Gimlin Ozark, MO
5MU5 Gjerde Intl Drexel, MO
76MU Gmr Moberly Heliport Moberly, MO
90MO Golden Valley Meml Hospital Heliport Clinton, MO
K57 Gould Peterson Muni Tarkio, MO
1MU5 Grace G Shepard Memorial Heliport (Closed) Buffalo, MO
K15 Grand Glaize-Osage Beach Osage Beach, MO
96MU Green Airfield St. James, MO
95MO Green Berry Eagle Rock, MO
M71 Greensfield Moscow Mills, MO
MO14 Haerr Field (Closed) Taylor, MO
0MO6 Hall (Closed) Edina, MO
31MO Hannah Bolckow, MO
KHAE HAE Hannibal Rgnl Hannibal, MO
0MU3 Hannibal Rgnl Hospital Heliport Hannibal, MO
33MO Hannibal Rgnl Hospital Heliport Hannibal, MO
MO30 Harbour Gravois Mills, MO
0MO6 Harrison Hurdland, MO
MU33 Harrison (Closed) Hurdland, MO
2MO5 Harrison Co Community Hospital Heliport Bethany, MO
36MO Harrison Pvt Rolla, MO
75U Harry S Truman Dam & Reservoir Seaplane Base Warsaw, MO
2M1 Harry S Truman Rgnl Bates City, MO
1MO2 Hart (Closed) Freeman, MO
MO35 Harvey (Closed) Eolia, MO
MU34 Haven Wood (Closed) Round Spring, MO
MO10 Hawk Air (Closed) Sturgeon, MO
MO95 Hawkins (Closed) Carrollton, MO
MO67 Hayes Fld Poplar Bluff, MO
6MO8 Hayes Helicopters Heliport Ozark, MO
MO48 Heartland Hospital East Heliport (Closed) St. Joseph, MO
63MO Heartland Hospital West Heliport (Closed) St Joseph, MO
53MO Help Heliport Zalma, MO
MO57 Henderson Mounds E B G East Prairie, MO
59MO Hermann Area Hospital Heliport Hermann, MO
49MO Hermann II Heliport St Louis, MO
63M Hermann Muni Hermann, MO
3M1 Hermitage Lions Heliport (Closed) Hermitage, MO
54MO Herrmann-Faulk Airfield Silex, MO
69MO Hess-McKeown Higbee, MO
MU09 Hester Burlington Junction, MO
MO62 Hibbs Farm (Closed) Sheridan, MO
KHIG HIG Higginsville Industrial Muni Higginsville, MO
01MO Highway Patrol Troop C Headquarters Heliport Town and Country, MO
MU62 Hilltop Drexel, MO
1MO7 Hines (Closed) Gorin, MO
09MO Hogue Farm Willard, MO
0MU5 Holden Heliport Holden, MO
84MO Holiday Inn Westport Heliport St Louis, MO
MO08 Homan Fld Sedalia, MO
9MU4 Homestead Heliport Grain Valley, MO
37M Hornersville Meml Hornersville, MO
M48 Houston Meml Houston, MO
MO82 Howard Gorin, MO
88MO Howell Valley West Plains, MO
2MO6 Hunziker (Closed) Hurdland, MO
2MO3 Independence Rgnl Health Center Heliport Independence, MO
MU41 Ingram Purdy, MO
MO29 Inter-State Pleasant Hill, MO
0T3 Ira Biffle Airfield (Closed) Marble Hill, MO
5MO1 Irons Moberly, MO
9MO6 Ivy Bend Stover, MO
KJEF JEF JEF Jefferson City Meml Jefferson City, MO
2H2 Jerry Sumners Sr Aurora Muni Aurora, MO
KVER VER Jesse Viertel Meml Boonville, MO
05MO Jetsetter Outdoors Edina, MO
8MO4 Joan Lake (Closed) Richwoods, MO
0MO5 Joe D Lewis Edina, MO
KJLN JLN JLN Joplin Rgnl Joplin, MO
MU22 Joseph Scott Fredericktown, MO
MO22 Jta Asbell Fld Carl Junction, MO
MO59 K & N Field (Closed) Moscow Mills, MO
0H7 Kahoka Muni Kahoka, MO
KMCI MCI MCI Kansas City Intl Kansas City, MO
KLXT LXT LXT Kansas City/Lee's Summit Rgnl Lee's Summit, MO
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