Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Missouri


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
15MO Monte Carlo Holts Summit, MO
1MU7 Mooseberry (Closed) Jackson, MO
MO02 Morgan (Closed) Rolla, MO
MU43 Mosaic Life Care Heliport St. Joseph, MO
MO70 Mosaic Medical Center-Maryville Heliport Maryville, MO
2MO Mount Vernon Muni Mount Vernon, MO
1MO Mountain Grove Meml Mountain Grove, MO
KMNF MNF Mountain View Mountain View, MO
MU47 Nemo Coal Company Heliport Cairo, MO
KEOS EOS EOS Neosho Hugh Robinson Neosho, MO
KNVD NVD NVD Nevada Muni Nevada, MO
MO20 Nevada Rgnl Medical Center Heliport Nevada, MO
4MO2 Newcomb Hereford Ranch Lancaster, MO
1MU9 Nielsens Med Evac Heliport Saint Charles, MO
3MO5 Nimsick Carthage, MO
06MO Noahs Ark Waldron, MO
MO8 North Central Missouri Rgnl Brookfield, MO
83MO North Kansas City Hospital Heliport North Kansas City, MO
19MO North Patrol Div Station Heliport (Closed) Kansas City, MO
MU92 Northeast Rgnl Medical Center Heliport Kirksville, MO
KEVU EVU EVU Northwest Missouri Rgnl Maryville, MO
2MO2 Northwood Holt, MO
MO80 Oak Ridge Airpark Mountain Grove, MO
5MO9 Oak Ridge Farms New Boston, MO
23MO Oerke Enterprises (Closed) Butler, MO
KMBY MBY MBY Omar N Bradley Moberly, MO
H58 Owen Fld Seymour, MO
9MO8 Owensville Ambulance District Heliport (Closed) Owensville, MO
74MO Ozarkcom Army Heliport St Louis, MO
54MO Ozark's Flying Patch (Closed) Sparta, MO
50MO Ozarks Medical Center Heliport West Plains, MO
99MO Parkland Health Center Heliport Bonne Terre, MO
60MO Parkland Health Center Heliport Farmington, MO
92MU Parks Fld Smithville, MO
28MO Pasley Roscoe, MO
2MO5 Pegasus Ranch Aerodrome (Closed) Houston, MO
3MO4 Penman Portageville, MO
MU14 Pepper Fld Belle, MO
6MO5 Perry County Meml Hospital Heliport Perryville, MO
KPCD PCD PCD Perryville Rgnl Perryville, MO
75MU Pershing Rgnl Health Center -Marceline Heliport Marceline, MO
MU69 Peterman (Closed) Collins, MO
MO26 Peterson Farm Kearney, MO
47MO Phelps County Rgnl Medical Center Heliport Rolla, MO
32MO Phillips (Closed) Fredericktown, MO
MO23 Phillips Fld California, MO
KPYN PYN Piedmont Muni Piedmont, MO
8MO6 Pike County Meml Hospital Heliport Louisiana, MO
5MO7 Pilots Point Shell Knob, MO
MU25 Piney Bend Houston, MO
MU97 Platte Valley (Closed) Platte City, MO
51MO Plattsburg Airpark Plattsburg, MO
52MO Pleasant View Ultralight (Closed) Zell, MO
3MO1 Police Dept Helicopter Maint Facility Heliport Kansas City, MO
KPOF POF POF Poplar Bluff Rgnl Business Poplar Bluff, MO
05MO Portageville Community Heliport (Closed) Portageville, MO
MO87 Powis Oak Grove, MO
0MU8 Prince (Closed) Millersville, MO
0MU8 Prince Stolport (Closed) Millersville, MO
7MO Princeton-Kauffman Memorial (Closed) Princeton, MO
19MO Pritchett Fld Rolla, MO
MU30 Progress West Hospital Heliport O'Fallon, MO
44MO Promise Land Farms Linn, MO
1MU3 Putnam County Meml Hospital Heliport Unionville, MO
3MO9 Quad State Helicopter Heliport (Closed) King City, MO
52MO Rainbow Avn Stol Kingsville, MO
78Y Rankin Maryville, MO
MU17 Ray County Meml Hospital Heliport Richmond, MO
MO96 Ray Johnson Inc (Closed) Centerville, MO
94MO Ray's Roost (Closed) West Plains, MO
MO48 Red Oak Owensville, MO
11MO Redgate Ranch Williamsburg, MO
MU96 Refueling Pad Heliport (Closed) Columbia, MO
3MO3 Research Medical Center Heliport Kansas City, MO
17MO Rgl Fld Montgomery City, MO
MO1 Richland Muni Richland, MO
87MO Richters East Lynne, MO
MO36 Riddle's Roost (Closed) Foristell, MO
MO37 Ridgeview Ranch Harrisonville, MO
MU49 Riley Brancus Ranch Heliport Huntsville, MO
MU50 Riley House Heliport Moberly, MO
96MO Riverlands Area Heliport West Alton, MO
6MO7 Riverside Landings Ozark, MO
MU20 Robbins Odessa, MO
MO31 Robert Jones Rogersville, MO
MU26 Robinson Belton, MO
11MU Rocky Top Airfield (Closed) Gainesville, MO
85MO Rogersville Remote Fuel Site Heliport Rogersville, MO
K07 Rolla Downtown Rolla, MO
KVIH VIH VIH Rolla Ntl Rolla/Vichy, MO
29MO Rollert Farm Smithville, MO
MO73 Rolling Shoals Farm Williamsville, MO
0N0 Roosterville Liberty, MO
KSTJ STJ STJ Rosecrans Meml St Joseph, MO
27MO Route 66 Airfield Carthage, MO
3VS Roy Otten Meml Airfield Versailles, MO
20MO Royal Wood Aerodrome (Closed) Kearney, MO
0MU9 Rpm Fair Grove, MO
93M Rueter Airfield Palmyra, MO
2MO9 Runway Ranch Kansas City, MO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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