Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Tennessee


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
TN41 100 Aker Wood (Closed) Spring City, TN
TN29 67 Madison Ave Partnership Ltd Heliport Memphis, TN
KGZS GZS Abernathy Fld Pulaski, TN
TN06 Ae75 Heliport Dyersburg, TN
TN57 Air Trade Center Heliport Johnson City, TN
94TN Airborne Acres Campbellsville, TN
TN39 Amacher Strip Tullahoma, TN
TN37 Anderson Toone, TN
TN28 Anderson-Tully County Heliport Memphis, TN
54TN Argonaut Airstrip Collierville, TN
TN59 Arlington Bmh/Freestanding Ed Heliport Arlington, TN
KAYX AYX Arnold AFB Tullahoma, TN
M31 Arnold Fld Halls, TN
TN73 Ascension St Thomas Rutherford Heliport Murfreesboro, TN
9TN5 Askey Fld Culleoka, TN
2TN5 Athens Rgnl Medical Center Heliport Athens, TN
TN66 Austin Fld Pikeville, TN
TN51 Aydelotte Stolport (Closed) Springfield, TN
TN26 Baptist Hospital Heliport (Closed) Memphis, TN
5TN1 Baptist Meml Hospital - Carrol County Heliport Mc Kenzie, TN
2TN9 Baptist Meml Hospital Heliport Union City, TN
TN13 Barret (Closed) Barretville, TN
66TN Basham Fld Morrison, TN
9TN7 Baskin Covington, TN
13TN Bear Mountain Heliport Vonore, TN
TN15 Bedford Hospital Heliport Shelbyville, TN
KPVE PVE Beech River Rgnl Lexington-Parsons, TN
89TN Bell Helicopter Heliport Johnson City, TN
TN49 Bellwood Fld Lebanon, TN
0M4 Benton County Camden, TN
28TN Bhm East Helipad Heliport Memphis, TN
39TN Big Sandy Airpark Big Sandy, TN
80TN Big T Lenoir City, TN
7TN0 Blue Bird Fld Pleasantview, TN
95TN Blue Ridge Fld Clarksville, TN
4TN7 Bmh-H Heliport Huntingdon, TN
KSYI SYI SYI Bomar Fld/Shelbyville Muni Shelbyville, TN
5TN3 Boondocks Heliport Pigeon Forge, TN
33TN Bradley Meml Hospital Heliport Cleveland, TN
1TN7 Brendle's Heliport Kingsport, TN
TN04 Bristol Rgnl Medical Center Heliport Bristol, TN
4TN2 Buck Creek Ranch Crossville, TN
8TN9 Bull Run Covington, TN
TN70 Burkeen Fld Collierville, TN
59TN Burnett Heliport (Closed) Atoka, TN
47TN Cabin Pad Heliport (Closed) Paris, TN
TN56 Carey Mayland, TN
KHZD HZD HZD Carroll County Huntingdon, TN
1TN0 Cedar Crest Fld Lebanon, TN
TN83 Cedar Glade Aerodrome Murfreesboro, TN
7TN2 Centennial Medical Center Heliport Nashville, TN
93TN Center Fld Gray, TN
KGHM GHM GHM Centerville Muni Centerville, TN
2M8 Charles W Baker Millington, TN
92A Chilhowee Gliderport Benton, TN
1TN1 Clayton Heliport (Closed) Louisville, TN
KRZR RZR Cleveland Rgnl Jetport Cleveland, TN
40TN Cloud 9 Aerodrome Bean Station, TN
KFGU FGU Collegedale Muni Collegedale, TN
KJAU JAU Colonel Tommy C Stiner Airfield Jacksboro, TN
01TN Colonial Air Park Collierville, TN
TN49 Colony Park Heliport (Closed) Knoxville, TN
25TN Columbia River Park Hospital Heliport Mc Minnville, TN
TN31 Cookeville Rgnl Medical Center Heliport Cookeville, TN
23TN Copper Basin Medical Center Heliport Copperhill, TN
M88 Cornelia Fort Airpark (Closed) Nashville, TN
07TN Corntassel (Closed) Vonore, TN
4TN4 Cotton Fld Eads, TN
TN93 Cotton Patch (Closed) Bolivar, TN
M04 Covington Muni Covington, TN
TN71 Cox Farm Lenoir City, TN
31TN Crockett Hospital Heliport Lawrenceburg, TN
KCSV CSV CSV Crossville Meml-Whitson Fld Crossville, TN
1TN9 Crumley Fld Bristol, TN
TN30 Cub Haven Niota, TN
57TN Cumberland County Hospital Heliport Crossville, TN
TN45 Cumberland River Hospital Heliport (Closed) Celina, TN
1AA0 Dallas Bay Sky Park Chattanooga, TN
TN47 Dandridge Seaplane Base Dandridge, TN
77TN Darnell's Fld Church Hill, TN
45TN Darnell's Landings Church Hill, TN
6TN5 Decatur County Hospital Heliport (Closed) Parsons, TN
TN44 Deerfield Resort Lafollette, TN
35TN Dekalb Community Hospital Heliport Smithville, TN
11TN Denney McMinnville, TN
M02 Dickson Muni Dickson, TN
52TN Disney Farm Stol Beechgrove, TN
TN73 Doc Jones Field (Closed) Nashville, TN
9TN8 Dollar General Heliport Goodlettsville, TN
76TN Donald Gammons Meml Heliport Lyles, TN
1M5 Douglas Hunter Fld Portland, TN
6TN9 Dripping Springs Farm Burns, TN
86TN Dumplin Fld Dandridge, TN
KDYR DYR Dyersburg Rgnl Dyersburg, TN
03TN Eagles Landing Heliport Sevierville, TN
0TN9 East Tennessee Children's Hospital Heliport Knoxville, TN
9TN3 East Tennessee Helicopters Heliport Mountain City, TN
0A9 Elizabethton Muni Elizabethton, TN
84TN Elkins Fld Andersonville, TN
KLUG LUG Ellington Lewisburg, TN
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