Dauntless Aviation
Airports Africa Cameroon


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
FKAG Abong M'bang Airport Abong M'bang
FKAF Bafia Airport Bafia
FKKU BFX Bafoussam Airport Bafoussam
FKKG BLC Bali Airport Bali
FKKV BPC Bamenda Airport Bamenda
FKAB Banyo Airport Banyo
FKKI OUR Batouri Airport Batouri
FKKO BTA Bertoua Airport Bertoua
FKAO Bétaré Oya Airport Bétaré Oya
Campo Airport Campo
Djoum Airport Djoum
FKKD DLA Douala International Airport Douala
FKKS DSC Dschang Airport Dschang
FKKW EBW Ebolowa Airport Ebolowa
FKKE Eseka Airport Eseka
FKKM FOM Foumban Nkounja Airport Foumban
FKKR GOU Garoua International Airport Garoua
Gribi Airport Gribi
FKKH KLE Kaélé Airport Kaélé
KOB Koutaba Koutaba
FKKB KBI Kribi Airport Kribi
Limbé Airport (Closed) Limbé
Limbé Military Heliport Limbé
Lobe Airfield Ekondo-Titi
Lokomo Airport Lokomo
FKAL Lomie
Malinkam Northwest Airport Malinkam
FKKF MMF Mamfe Airport Mamfe
FKKA Maroua Ville Maroua
Masea Airport Masea
FKBJ M'Bandjock Airport M'Bandjock
FKAM Meiganga
Mindourou Airport Mindourou
FKKN NGE N'gaoundéré Airport N'gaoundéré
Ngola Airport Ngola
FKAN NKS Nkongsamba Airport (Closed) Nkongsamba
FKKL MVR Salak Airport Maroua
Sangmélima Airport Sangmélima
FKKT Tibati Airport Tibati
FKKC TKC Tiko Airport Tiko
Touboro Airport Touboro
FKKJ GXX Yagoua Airport Yagoua
FKKY YAO Yaoundé Airport Yaoundé
FKYS NSI Yaoundé Nsimalen International Airport Yaoundé
Dauntless Aviation

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