Dauntless Aviation
Airports Africa Gabon


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
Achouka Airport Achouka
FOGA AKE Akieni Airport Akieni
FOGW AWE Alowe Airport Wonga Wongué Presidential Rese
Amvémé Airport Amvémé
Batanga Airstrip Batanga
BAW Biawonque Biawonque
FOOB BMM Bitam Airport Bitam
BGP Bongo Airport (Closed) Bongo
FOGB BGB Booue Airport Booue
FOOC Cocobeach Airport (Closed) Cocobeach
FOGF FOU Fougamou Airport Fougamou
FOGX GAX Gamba Airport Gamba
Gavilo Lodge Airstrip Iguela
GKO Kongoboumba Kongoboumba
Koulamoutou Airport Koulamoutou
FOGK KOU Koulamoutou Mabimbi Airport Koulamoutou
FOGR LBQ Lambarene Airport Lambarene
FOOR LTL Lastourville Airport Lastourville
LEO Lekoni Airport Lekoni
FOOL LBV Libreville Leon M'ba International Airport Libreville
FOOK MKU Makokou Airport Makokou
KMD Mandji Airport Mandji
MGO Manega Airport (Closed) Manega
FOOY MYB Mayumba Airport Mayumba
FOGG MBC M'bigou Airport M'bigou
Mboungou Airstrip Mboungou
FOOE MKB Mekambo Airport Mekambo
MVG Mevang Mevang
GIM Miele Mimbale Airport Miele Mimbale
Milolé Airstrip Milolé
FOGV MVX Minvoul Airport Minvoul
FOOM MZC Mitzic Airport Mitzic
FOGI MGX Moabi Airport Moabi
FOOD MFF Moanda Airport Moanda
FOGM MJL Mouilla Ville Airport Mouila
FOON MVB M'vengue El Hadj Omar Bongo Ondimba International Airport Franceville
FOGE KDN Ndende Airport Ndende
NKA Nkan Airstrip Ntoum
FOGQ OKN Okondja Airport Okondja
FOOH OMB Omboue Hospital Airport Omboue
OUU Ouanga Ouanga
OWE Owendo Owendo
FOGO OYE Oyem Airport Oyem
Petit Bambam Airport Petit Bam-Bam
FOOG POG Port Gentil Airport Port Gentil
FOOS ZKM Sette Cama Airport Sette Cama
FOOT TCH Tchibanga Airport Tchibanga
FOOI IGE Tchongorove Airport Iguela
Tsengué Leledi Airstrip Tsengué Leledi Falls
FOGJ KDJ Ville Airport N'djolé
WGY Wagny Wagny
WNE Wora Na Ye Wora Na Ye
Dauntless Aviation

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