Dauntless Aviation
Airports Africa Liberia


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
BYL Bella Yella Airport Beliyela
GLBU UCN Buchanan Airport Buchanan
Butaw Airport Butaw
GLCP CPA Cape Palmas Airport Harper
FOY Foya Airport Foya
Gbarnga Airfield Gbarnga
Gozohn Camp Airport Gozohn Camp
GRC Grand Cess Airport Grand Cess
GLGE SNI Greenville/Sinoe Airport Greenville
GLLB Lamco Airport Buchanan
GLNA NIA Nimba Airport Nimba
RVC River Cess Airport and Heliport River Cess
GLRB ROB Roberts International Airport Monrovia
GLCM Robertsport/Cape Mount Airport (Closed) Robertsport/Cape Mount
GLST SAZ Sasstown Airport (Closed) Sasstown
GLMR MLW Spriggs Payne Airport Monrovia
TPT Tapeta Airport Tapeta
GLTN THC Tchien Airport Zwedru
United Methodist Mission Airfield Ganta
GLVA VOI Voinjama Airport Voinjama
WES Weasua Weasua
WOI Wologissi Wologissi
Dauntless Aviation

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