Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America Canada


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
CFL2 Empress McNeill Spectra Energy Airport Hilda, AB
CNA4 Emsdale Airport Katrine, ON
CWDA Englee Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System
CDF3 Englehart (Dave's Field) Englehart, ON
CNS3 Englehart (District Hospital) Heliport Englehart, ON
English Point Airport English Point, NL
CWJC Ennadai Lake Airport Ennadai, NU
CYEI Ennadi Lake , NU
CWEL Entrance Island Automatic Weather Reporting System
CKQ6 Erickson Municipal Airport Erickson, MB
CWAJ Erieau Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System , ON
Erin Northwest Airport Erin, ON
YPF Esquimalt Esquimalt, BC
CWPF Esquimalt Metoc , BC
CNE9 Essex Airport Essex, ON
CEB8 Essex/Billing Airstrip Lakeshore, ON
CJK4 Esterhazy Airport Esterhazy, SK
YEN Estevan Estevan, SK
CKK4 Estevan (South) Airport Estevan, SK
CYEN YEN Estevan Airport Estevan, SK
CYEP Estevan Point (Man)
CYEP YEP Estevan Point Lighthouse Estevan Point, BC
CWEB Estevan Point, B. C.
CWGY Esther , AB
CJR4 Eston Airport Eston, SK
CPD2 Ethel Airport Ethel, ON
CYTC Ethelda Bay (Man) , MB
CYEU YEU Eureka Airport Eureka, NU
CWEU Eureka, NWT , NU
CEH8 Évasion Hélicoptère Heliport Montréal/Laval, Québec
CWSO Exeter Radar Site , ON
CCP2 Exploits Valley Botwood Airport Exploits Valley, NL
CYCZ YCZ Fairmont Hot Springs Airport Fairmont Hot Springs, BC
CEB5 ZFW Fairview Airport Fairview, AB
YOE Falher Falher, AB
CFR3 Fall River Water Aerodrome Fall River, NS
ZIF Fallowfield Railway Ottawa, ON
CSN7 Farnham Airport Farnham, Québec
CZFA ZFA Faro Airport Faro, YT
CWUM Faro, Y. T. , YT
CFC9 Faro/Johnson Lake Seaplane Base Faro, YT, YT
Farrow's Field Chatsworth, ON
Fawcettville Airfield Prince Edward, ON
CFG8 Fenelon Falls/Sturgeon Lake Seaplane Base Sturgeon Lake, ON, ON
CPB2 Fergus (Groves Memorial Community Hospital) Heliport Fergus, ON
CPR9 Fergus (Royland Field) Fergus, ON, ON
CJH4 Ferland Airport Ferland, SK
Ferme-Neuve Seaplane Base Ferme-Neuve, Québec
CSD5 Fermont Heliport Fermont, Québec
CBP3 Fernie (Elk Valley Hospital) Heliport Fernie, BC
CWXI Ferolle Point Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System
Field 21 Wainwright, AB
CFA2 Fig Air Heliport Port Carling, ON
CKN5 Fillmore Airport Fillmore, SK
CDH3 Finlay Air Park South Ohio, NS
CAK8 Finlay Bay Seaplane Base (Closed) , BC
CFT3 Finlayson Lake Airport Finlayson Lake, YT
CKX4 Fisher Branch Airport Fisher Branch, MB
CWSZ Fisher Branch Marine Aviation Reporting Station , MB
CNY5 Five Mile Lake Seaplane Base Five Mile Lake, ON, ON
CFC8 Flamboro Centre Airport Millgrove, ON
CFL4 Flesherton (Smithorrs Field) Flesherton, ON
CYFO YFO Flin Flon Airport Flin Flon, MB
CJK8 Flin Flon/Channing Seaplane Base Flin Flon, MB
CCR3 Florenceville Airport Florenceville-Bristol, NB
CDC3 Flying L Ranch Airport Dawson Creek, BC
CDY3 Fogo Airport Fogo, NL
CZFD ZFD Fond-Du-Lac Airport Fond-Du-Lac, SK
CTU2 YFG Fontanges Airport Fontanges, Québec
CFK3 Fontas Airport (Closed) Fontas, AB
CMT3 Foothills Hospital McCaig Tower Helipad Calgary, AB
CEK7 Footner Lake Seaplane Base High Level, AB
CFB8 Foot's Bay Seaplane Base Foot's Bay, ON
CBC2 Ford Bay Airport Ford Bay, NT
CEL7 Ford Bay Seaplane Base Ford Bay, NT
CPH9 Fordwich Airport Fordwich, ON
CFD4 Foremost Airport Foremost, AB
CYFE YFE Forestville Airport Forestville, Québec
CYFA YFA Fort Albany Airport Fort Albany, ON
CYPY YPY Fort Chipewyan Airport Fort Chipewyan, AB
CPG3 Fort Erie (Eurocopter Canada) Heliport Fort Erie, ON
CNJ3 Fort Erie Airport Fort Erie, ON
CYAG YAG Fort Frances Municipal Airport Fort Frances, ON
CJM8 Fort Frances Seaplane Base Fort Frances, ON
Fort Franklin Airport (Closed) Délįne, NT
Fort George , ON
CYGH YGH Fort Good Hope Airport Fort Good Hope, NT
Fort Good Hope Water Aerodrome (Closed) Fort Good Hope, NT
CBW3 Fort Grahame Airport Fort Graham, BC
CAU9 Fort Grahame Seaplane Base (Closed) , BC
CYFH YFH Fort Hope Airport Fort Hope, ON
CBQ2 Fort Langley Airport Fort Langley, BC
CAS4 Fort Langley Seaplane Base Fort Langley
CYJF YJF Fort Liard Airport Fort Liard, NT
CYFI YFI Fort Mackay / Firebag Suncor Energy Site, AB
CYNR HZP Fort Mackay / Horizon Airport Fort Mackay, AB
CAL4 JHL Fort Mackay/Albian Aerodrome Albian Village, AB
CFM8 Fort Macleod (Alcock Farm) Airport Fort Macleod, AB
CFM9 Fort Macleod (Hospital) Heliport Fort Macleod, AB
CEY3 Fort Macleod Airport Fort Macleod, AB
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