Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America Canada


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
CYLR YLR Leaf Rapids Airport Leaf Rapids, MB
CKA3 Leaf Rapids Seaplane Base Leaf Rapids, MB, MB
CLM2 Leamington Airport Leamington, ON
Leaside Aerodrome (Closed) Toronto, ON
CJH8 Leask Airport Leask, SK
CSH4 YLS Lebel-Sur-Quevillon Airport Lebel-Sur-Quévillon, Québec
CPQ4 Lefroy Airport (Closed) Lefroy, ON
CKJ9 Lemberg Airport Lemberg, SK
CWQH Lennoxville , Québec
CAH5 Leo Creek Airport (Closed) Leo Creek, BC
CJT9 Leoville Airport Leoville, SK
Les Cèdres Water Aerodrome (Closed) Les Cèdres
Les Escoumins Airport Les Escoumins, Québec
CWP3 Leslieville / W. Pidhirney Residence Heliport Leslieville, AB
CMF3 Lethbridge (Mercer Field) Lethbridge, AB, AB
CLA5 Lethbridge / Anderson Field Lethbridge, AB
CLJ3 Lethbridge / J3 Airfield Lethbridge, AB
CYQL YQL Lethbridge County Airport Lethbridge, AB
CLH4 Lethbridge/Chinook Regional Hospital Heliport Lethbridge, AB
Lewvan (Farr Strip) Airport (Closed) Lewvan, SK
CYZL Liard River Airport (Closed) , BC
CLG3 Liege / Cnrl Airport Liege, AB
CAX5 Likely Airport Likely, BC
L'Île d'Entrée Airfield L'Île d'Entrée, Québec
CYLI Lillooet Airport Lillooet, BC
Linden Airport Linden, AB
CBE2 Lionel P. Demers Memorial Airpark Elko, BC
CPN5 Listowel Airport Listowel, ON
CKL6 Little Bear Lake Airport Little Bear Lake, SK
CWLG Little Chicago , NT
CJN7 Little Churchill River / Dunlop's Fly-In Lodge Airport Little Churchill River, MB
CNT4 Little Current (Manitoulin Health Centre) Heliport Little Current, ON
CNZ9 Little Current Seaplane Base Little Current, ON, ON
CZGR ZGR Little Grand Rapids Airport Little Grand Rapids, MB
Little Grand Rapids Water Aerodrome (Closed) Little Grand Rapids, MB
CWFU Little Macatina , NL
CBK9 Little Parker Island Heliport Little Parker Island
Little's Farm , ON
CLQ2 Liverpool (Queens General Hospital) Heliport Liverpool, NS
CWLI Liverpool Bay , NT
CYAU YAU Liverpool South Shore Regional Airport Greenfield, NS
CYLL YLL Lloydminster Airport Lloydminster, AB
CPN8 London (Pioneer Airpark) London, ON
CPR4 London (University Hospital) Heliport London, ON
CPW2 London (Victoria Hospital) Heliport London, ON
CYXU YXU London Airport London, ON
Long Branch Aerodrome (Closed) Mississauga, ON
CLH3 Long Harbour Airport Long Harbour, BC
CLH7 Long Harbour River Heliport Canadian Northern Outfitters, NL
CLL6 Long Lake (Wavy) Water Aerodrome Sudbury, ON
Long Point Long Point, MB
CWPS Long Point Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System , ON
CCX2 Long Pond Heliport Long Pond, NL
Long Sault Airstrip Long Sault, ON
CYUV Longstaff Bluff Dew Line Station (Closed) Longstaff Bluff, NU
Longstaff Bluff Water Aerodrome (Closed) Longstaff Bluff
CWLX Longstaff Bluff, NWT
CWBT Longue Point de Mongue
CLC4 Loon Creek Airfield , SK
CJW3 Loon Lake Airport Loon Lake, SK
CFS6 Loon River Airport Loon River, AB
Lorneville Airstrip Kawartha Lakes, ON
CWBX Loudes de Blanc Sablon Blanc Sablon, Québec
CKZ6 Louise Municipal Airport Crystal City-Pilot Mound, MB
CSJ4 Louiseville Airport Louiseville, Québec
Louisville/Cascades Heliport (Closed) Louisville, Québec
CYBX YBX Lourdes-de-Blanc-Sablon Airport Blanc-Sablon, Québec
Lourdes-de-Blanc-Sablon Water Aerodrome (Closed) Lourdes-de-Blanc
CSE3 Lourdes-de-Joliette Airport Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, Québec
CLE4 Lower East Pubnico (La Field) Airport Lower East Pubnico, NS
CLB2 Lubitz Field Bright, ON
CPS4 Lucan Airport Lucan, ON
CLK3 Lucknow Airpark (Closed) Lucknow, ON
CKQ5 Lucky Lake Airport Lucky Lake, SK
CWLE Lucky Lake Automatic Weather Reporting System , SK
CWLC Lucy Isl (Lgt-H) , BC
CKH8 Lumsden (Colhoun) Airport Lumsden, SK
CNL7 Lumsden Air Park Nobel, ON
CKR4 Lundar Airport Lundar, MB
CYWO YWO Lupin Airport (Closed) Lupin Mine, NU
CWIJ Lupin, NWT , NU
CJR2 Luseland Airport Luseland, SK
CYLK YSG Lutselk'e Airport Lutselk'e, NT
CEB9 Lutselk'e Seaplane Base Łutselk'e, NT
YAJ Lyall Harbour Lyall Harbour
YAJ Lyall Harbour Seaplane Base Saturna Island
CKD3 Lynn Lake (Eldon Lake) Seaplane Base Lynn Lake, MB, MB
CYYL YYL Lynn Lake Airport Lynn Lake, MB
CZLY Lytton (Readac) , BC
CYLY Lytton Airport (Closed) Lytton, BC
CWLY Lytton, B. C. , BC
CBF9 Mabel Lake Airport Mabel Lake, BC
CJU3 Macdonald Airport Macdonald, MB
CKF6 Macgregor Airport Macgregor, MB
CWUU Mackar Inlet , NU
CYUU Mackar Inlet Dew Line Station (Closed) Mackar Inlet, NU
CYZY YZY Mackenzie Airport Mackenzie, BC
CJJ8 Macklin Airport Macklin, SK
CYPB Macmillan Bloedel (closed) Port Alberni, BC
XMP Macmillan Pass Macmillan Pass, YT
Dauntless Aviation

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