Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America Canada


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
CYRI YRI CYRI Rivière-Du-Loup Airport Rivière-Du-Loup, Québec
CSS2 Rivière-Du-Loup Heliport Rivière-Du-Loup, Québec
CTJ3 Rivière-la-Madeleine Airport Rivière-la-Madeleine, Québec
CSX4 Rivière-Ouelle Airport (Closed) Rivière-Ouelle, Québec
Rk Heliplex Panorama, BC
CRL8 Roberts Lake Seaplane Base Parry Sound, ON
CAS8 Roberval (Air Saguenay) Water Aerodrome (Closed) Roberval, Québec
CYRJ YRJ Roberval Airport Roberval, Québec
CAP2 Robinson International Air Field Allan Park, ON
CKB7 Roblin Airport Roblin, MB
CKH2 Rocanville Airport Rocanville, SK
Rocher River Water Aerodrome. Rocher River, NT
CKC7 Rockglen Airport Rockglen, SK
CWKO Rockglen, Sask. , SK
CPT3 Rockton Airport Rockton, ON
CWRM Rocky House Marine Aviation Reporting Station , AB
CYRM YRM Rocky Mountain House Airport Rocky Mountain House, AB
CEU4 Rocky Mountain House General Hospital Heliport Rocky Mountain House, AB
CFC6 Rockyford Airport Rockyford, AB
CEB4 Rockyford/Early Bird Air Airport Rockyford, AB
CPU3 Rodney (New Glasgow) Airport Rodney, ON
CCR4 Rogersville Rogersville, NB
CKD7 Roland (Graham Field) Airport Roland, MB
Rolands Aerodrome Amaranth, ON
CRA2 Rollick Airpark Queensville, ON
CPH2 Rolph Airport Deep River, ON
CWGQ Roquemaure , Québec
CWRO Rose Spit Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System
CKJ2 Rosenort Airport Rosenort, MB
CJX4 Rosetown Airport Rosetown, SK
CWRJ Rosetown East, Sask , SK
Roseville Field , ON
CRC3 Ross Creek Airport Magna Bay, BC
CEP4 7S8 Ross International Airport Coutts
CYDM XRR CYDM Ross River Airport Ross River, YT
CRS4 Rosseau Airport , ON
CRS6 Rostrevor Heliport Windermere, ON
CPR1 Roth Field Mount Forest, ON
Rotor Maxx Support Heliport Parksville, BC
CTY5 Rougemont Airport Rougemont, Québec
CFX7 Round Hill Airport (Closed) Round Hill, AB
CZRJ ZRJ Round Lake (Weagamow Lake) Airport Round Lake, ON
CKP6 Round Lake (Weagamow Lake) Seaplane Base Round Lake, ON, ON
CWUY Rouyn , Québec
CYUY YUY CYUY Rouyn Noranda Airport Rouyn-Noranda, Québec
CWXO Rowan Gorilla III
CWTX Royal Island , ON
Ruscom Station Field , ON
CJW5 Russell Airport Russell, MB
CBZ8 Rykerts Seaplane Base (Closed) Creston, BC
CWNB S. E. Shoal Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System , ON
CEF6 S.I.R.Bernard Forestburg Airpark (Closed) Forestburg, AB
YSA Sable Island Airport , NS
CST5 YSA Sable Island Heliport Sable Island, NS
CSB2 YSA Sable Island Landing Strip Sable Island, NS
CWOL Sable Island Man
CWSA Sable Island, NS , NS
CZPB ZPB Sachigo Lake Airport Sachigo Lake, ON
CYSY YSY Sachs Harbour (David Nasogaluak Jr. Saaryuaq) Airport Sachs Harbour, NT
CWSY Sachs Harbour, NWT , NT
CSF5 Safron Farms Airport Markerville, AB
CSG9 Sagard Heliport Sagard, Québec
CYSV YSV Saglek Airport (Closed) Saglek, NL
CWZZ Saglek Bay
CWZN Sagona Island Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System
CSA8 Saguenay (Harvey) Water Aerodrome Saguenay, Québec
CWIT Saint Clothilde Automated Reporting Station , Québec
CSN6 Saint John (Saint John Regional Hospital) Heliport Saint John, NB
CYSJ YSJ CYSJ Saint John Airport Saint John, NB
CWEF Saint Paul Island Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System
CCS3 Saint Stephen Airport Saint Stephen, NB
CAA4 Saint-Apollinaire (Airpro) Aerodrome Saint-Apollinaire, Québec
Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle Airport Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle, Québec
Saint-Cyprien Airport Saint-Cyprien, Québec
CSY4 Saint-Donat Aerodrome Saint-Donat, Québec
CYSZ Sainte-Anne-Des-Monts Aerodrome Sainte-Anne-Des-Monts, Québec
CSU4 Sainte-Lucie-de-Beauregard Airport (Closed) Sainte-Lucie-de-Beauregard, Québec
CSH5 Saint-Ferdinand Airport Saint-Ferdinand, Québec
Saint-François-de-Laval (Laval Aviation) , Québec
Saint-François-de-Laval (Laval Aviation) , Québec
CYSG CYSG Saint-Georges Airport Saint-Georges, Québec
CSU3 Saint-Hyacinthe Aerodrome Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec
CSG5 Saint-Jean-Chrysostome Airport Saint-Jean-Chrysostome, Québec
CYSL YSL CYSL Saint-Léonard Airport Saint-Léonard, NB
CML8 Saint-Mathieu-de-Laprairie Aerodrome St-Mathieu-de-Laprairie, Québec
CSM5 Saint-Michel-Des-Saints Aerodrome Saint-Michel-Des-Saints, Québec
CDC4 Saint-Quentin Airport Saint-Quentin, NB
CSL5 Saint-Victor-de-Beauce Airport Saint-Victor, Québec
CAS8 Sakinaw Lake South Water Aerodrome Garden Bay, BC
CSD3 Salaberry-de-Valleyfield Aerodrome Beauharnois-Salaberry, Québec
CYZG YZG Salluit Airport Salluit, Québec
CWSL Salmon Arm Automatic Weather Reporting System , BC
CSJ9 YSI Salmon Lake Seaplane Base Parry Sound, ON
Saltery Bay Seaplane Base Powell River, BC
Saltspring Island Airport (Closed) , BC
CEU9 Sambaa K'e Airport Sambaa K'e, NT
CBJ9 San Juan Point (Coast Guard) Heliport San Juan Point
CWVF Sand Heads (LS)
CJD6 Sand Point Lake Seaplane Base Sand Point Lake, ON
Sandford Field , ON
Dauntless Aviation

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