Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States California


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
89CL Elwood Onshore Facility Heliport (Closed) Goleta, CA
CA58 Emanuel Medical Center Heliport Turlock, CA
76CL Emmett Field (Closed) Dos Palos, CA
0CA6 Emory Ranch Ocotillo, CA
60L Engine Company Nr 108 Heliport Los Angeles, CA
61L Engine Company Nr 109 Heliport Los Angeles/Van Nuys, CA
CL37 Enloe Hospital Heliport Chico, CA
86CL Ernst Fld Hemet, CA
98CA Everest & Jennings Helistop Nr 1 Heliport (Closed) Los Angeles, CA
CN63 Exeter Exeter, CA
12CA Faber Vineyards (Closed) Lodi, CA
O89 Fall River Mills Fall River Mills, CA
L18 Fallbrook Community Airpark Fallbrook, CA
35CN Farnsworth Ranch Airstrip (Closed) Grimes, CA
CL11 Ferdun Ranch (Closed) Lodi, CA
CN20 Ferndale Resort Seaplane Base (Closed) Kelseyville, CA
34CA Fiddyment Field (Closed) Roseville, CA
0CN1 Fiorini Ranch Delhi, CA
F34 Firebaugh Firebaugh, CA
CA93 First Interstate Bank Bldg Heliport (Closed) Santa Ana, CA
CL34 First Interstate Bank Heliport (Closed) Simi Valley, CA
CL05 First Interstate Bank Operations Center Heliport Fremont, CA
KRIR RIR RIR Flabob Riverside/Rubidoux/, CA
CA34 Flea Port Heliport (Closed) San Jose, CA
CN38 Flying B Ranch Franklin, CA
CN44 Flying Bull Modesto, CA
74CA Flying Gluepie Ranch Fiddletown, CA
CA03 Flying M Planada, CA
CA04 Flying N Ranch Cottonwood, CA
62CL Flying Pear Ranch Caliente, CA
CN24 Flying R (Closed) Galt, CA
CA76 Flying T Ranch Ramona, CA
C39 Folsom Lake Seaplane Base (Closed) Folsom, CA
CA29 Fontana Police Heliport Fontana, CA
14CL Foothill Presbyterian Hospital Heliport Glendora, CA
A28 Fort Bidwell Fort Bidwell, CA
FOB 82CL Fort Bragg Fort Bragg, CA
93CA Fountain Valley Rgnl Hospital Heliport Fountain Valley, CA
90CA Fowler's Linden, CA
F72 Franklin Fld Franklin, CA
1C9 Frazier Lake Airpark Hollister, CA
87CN Freeway Honda Heliport Santa Ana, CA
F70 French Valley Murrieta/Temecula, CA
71CA Fresh Pond Heliport (Closed) Pollock Pines, CA
KFCH FCH FCH Fresno Chandler Exec Fresno, CA
KFAT FAT FAT Fresno Yosemite Intl Fresno, CA
KFUL FUL FUL Fullerton Muni Fullerton, CA
4CA2 Funny Farm Brentwood, CA
DTH L06 Furnace Creek Death Valley National Park, CA
1CA3 G S a Laguna Niguel G/L Helistop Heliport South Laguna Beach, CA
63CL G3 Ranch Capay, CA
2O1 Gansner Fld Quincy, CA
O16 Garberville Garberville, CA
CL32 Garland Center Heliport Los Angeles, CA
5CL7 Gene Wash Reservoir Parker Dam, CA
KWJF WJF WJF General Wm J Fox Airfield Lancaster, CA
E36 Georgetown Georgetown, CA
CA83 Gilbert Aviation Heliport Visalia, CA
CA64 Gilbreath Bros Duck Club (Closed) Wasco, CA
KSEE SEE SEE Gillespie Fld San Diego/El Cajon, CA
CL06 Glendale Adventist Medical Center/Gamc Heliport Glendale, CA
2CL7 Glendale Plaza Emergency Heliport Glendale, CA
KDVO DVO Gnoss Fld Novato, CA
00CA Goldstone /Gts/ Barstow, CA
CA96 Goleta Valley Community Hospital Heliport (Closed) Santa Barbara, CA
0CL7 Good Samaritan Hospital Heliport Los Angeles, CA
64CL Goodyear Blimp Base Carson, CA
48CL Grass Valley Service Center Heliport (Closed) Grass Valley, CA
1Q5 Gravelly Valley Upper Lake, CA
04CA Gray Butte Fld Palmdale, CA
03CA Grossmont Hospital Heliport La Mesa, CA
5CL0 Grupe Ranch Mariposa, CA
71CL Gunnersfield Ranch Delevan, CA
3O1 Gustine Gustine, CA
CL65 H B P D Heliport Huntington Beach, CA
CL87 Haddicks Heliport (Closed) City of Industry, CA
O37 Haigh Fld Orland, CA
KHAF HAF HAF Half Moon Bay Half Moon Bay, CA
CA26 Hall of Justice Heliport San Francisco, CA
89CA Halter Ranch Paso Robles, CA
4CL8 Hanford Community Medical Center Helistop Heliport Hanford, CA
KHJO HJO HJO Hanford Muni Hanford, CA
11CL Hansen Adelanto, CA
36S Happy Camp Happy Camp, CA
CN10 Harbor Ucla Med Center Interim West Heliport Torrance, CA
6CL8 Harley Stockton, CA
3O8 Harris Ranch Coalinga, CA
9CA7 Harris River Ranch Sanger, CA
9CL4 Hart Mine (Closed) Ivanpah, CA
CN23 Harvard Yermo, CA
3CA5 Haws (Closed) Madera, CA
F62 Hayfork Hayfork, CA
KHWD HWD HWD Hayward Exec Hayward, CA
9CN1 Hazel Hawkins Meml Hospital Heliport Hollister, CA
9CA4 Hdmc Holdings Llc Heliport Joshua Tree, CA
KHES HES Healdsburg Muni Healdsburg, CA
CN66 Hearst San Simeon Airstrip San Simeon, CA
45CL Hell'er High Water Zenia, CA
CA74 Hemet Valley Hospital Helistop Heliport (Closed) Hemet, CA
KHMT HMT HMT Hemet-Ryan Hemet, CA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Dauntless Aviation

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