Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Maine


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
ME81 4 Winds Heliport Monhegan, ME
6ME6 Abbotts East Sumner, ME
ME07 Acadian Seaplane Base Bar Harbor, ME
25ME Adams Road Heliport Kittery, ME
ME05 Allen St Peter Meml Portage, ME
16ME Ar Gould Hospital Heliport Presque Isle, ME
KLEW LEW LEW Auburn/Lewiston Muni Auburn/Lewiston, ME
M00 Augusta Seaplane Base Augusta, ME
KAUG AUG AUG Augusta State Augusta, ME
ME22 Avery Fld Rockwood, ME
ME46 Back Acres Kennebunkport, ME
ME14 Bald Mountain Camden, ME
KBGR BGR BGR Bangor Intl Bangor, ME
ME5 Banks Swans Island, ME
22ME Bar Harbor Heliport Bar Harbor, ME
06ME Barker Heliport Bethel, ME
ME57 Bauneg Beg Seaplane Base North Berwick, ME
80ME Bayley's Fld (Closed) Scarborough, ME
ME93 Beaulieu Heliport Old Orchard Beach, ME
51ME Beaver Creek Chesterville, ME
04ME Beech Hill Mercer, ME
KBST BST Belfast Muni Belfast, ME
ME24 Ben Hur Heliport Appleton, ME
0B1 Bethel Rgnl Bethel, ME
B19 Biddeford Muni Biddeford, ME
07B Blue Hill (Closed) Blue Hill, ME
ME15 Blue Hill Meml Hospital Heliport Blue Hill, ME
ME20 Bob-Mar Fairfield, ME
B10 Bowman Fld Livermore Falls, ME
ME3 Bradford Camps Seaplane Base Ashland, ME
5ME Brandy Pond Seaplane Base Naples, ME
17ME Bresett's Mountainside Van Buren, ME
ME12 Brettuns Pond Seaplane Base Livermore, ME
0B2 Brewer Brewer, ME
ME37 Bridgton Hospital Heliport Bridgton, ME
KBXM NHZ BXM Brunswick Exec Brunswick, ME
78B Buckhorn Camps Seaplane Base Norcross/Millinocket/, ME
92ME Buzzport Passadumkeag, ME
ME89 Buzzy's Fld Acton, ME
ME49 C a Dean Meml Hospital Heliport Greenville, ME
46ME Calais Rgnl Heliport Calais, ME
KCAR CAR CAR Caribou Muni Caribou, ME
86ME Cathance Landing Seaplane Base Bowdoinham, ME
KOWK OWK OWK Central Maine/Norridgewock Norridgewock, ME
44B Charles a Chase Jr Meml Fld Dover/Foxcroft, ME
ME21 Chebeague Island School Heliport Chebeague Island, ME
ME18 Chesuncook Forestry District Heliport Chesuncook, ME
1ME Chesuncook Lake House Seaplane Base Chesuncook, ME
ME94 Clark Field (Closed) Union, ME
ME96 Clark Field Ultralight (Closed) Gorham, ME
ME19 Clayton Lake Strip Clayton Lake, ME
54ME Cliff Dow New Gloucester, ME
ME69 Cliffords Sabattus, ME
ME95 Cmmc Air Ambulance Landing Site Heliport Lewiston, ME
ME11 Cooper Seaplane Base Hartford, ME
84ME Cowboys Air Ranch Forest Township, ME
ME77 Cranberry Isles Heliport Cranberry Isles, ME
ME01 Crescent Lake Seaplane Base East Raymond, ME
ME50 Cross Lake Seaplane Base (Closed) Sinclair, ME
ME44 Cummings (Closed) Paris Hill, ME
21M Currier's Seaplane Base Greenville Junction, ME
ME2 Cutler Rgnl Cutler, ME
64ME Dave Libby Heliport Falmouth, ME
43B Deblois Flight Strip Deblois, ME
88ME Deer Hill Heliport Waterford, ME
3ME7 Destiny Cove Seaplane Base Peru, ME
KOLD OLD OLD Dewitt Fld/Old Town Muni Old Town, ME
1B0 Dexter Rgnl Dexter, ME
ME27 Double a Seaplane Base Glenburn, ME
ME51 Douglass Seaplane Base Standish, ME
ME52 Down East Community Hospital Heliport Machias, ME
05ME Drisko Jonesboro, ME
ME80 Dry Pond Seaplane Base Gray, ME
23ME Dyer's Field (Closed) Rumford, ME
57ME Dyer's Landing Fryeburg, ME
15ME Eagle Fld North Yarmouth, ME
41ME Eagle Ridge Airfield Jay, ME
ME02 Eastern Maine Medical Center Heliport Bangor, ME
KIZG IZG IZG Eastern Slopes Rgnl Fryeburg, ME
KEPM EPM EPM Eastport Muni Eastport, ME
78ME Eric's Fld Falmouth, ME
19ME Estcourt Estcourt, ME
ME33 Farr Fld Harpswell, ME
ME06 Flying Ed Charlotte, ME
ME28 Forest Lake Seaplane Base Cumberland, ME
ME00 Fort Fairfield Fort Fairfield, ME
89ME Fox Fld Vassalboro, ME
ME23 Franklin Meml Hospital Heliport Farmington, ME
81ME French Fld Ellsworth, ME
5ME2 Frogg Island Seaplane Base Gray, ME
ME08 Gadabout Gaddis Bingham, ME
66B Gillespie Fld Meddybemps, ME
ME45 Goosefair Kennebunkport, ME
98M Greaton Airfield Saco, ME
ME70 Greenfield Hill Cambridge, ME
ME30 Greenville Forestry Seaplane Base Greenville, ME
3B1 Greenville Muni Greenville, ME
PG1 Griffin Fld Levant, ME
ME62 Grignons Pvt Lndg Area (Closed) West Pittsfield, ME
KBHB BHB BHB Hancock County/Bar Harbor Bar Harbor, ME
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