Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States North Dakota


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
8ND0 Amble - Tiger North Farms Sarles, ND
23ND Anderson Rogers, ND
NA10 Anderson Private Starkweather, ND
NA65 Anderson Strip Hoople, ND
1ND3 Andvik (Closed) Kindred, ND
1A2 Arthur Arthur, ND
KASY ASY ASY Ashley Muni Ashley, ND
8ND5 Ausk Strip Chaffee, ND
61ND Bakke Larimore, ND
NA99 Bakko Airstrip Walcott, ND
KBAC BAC Barnes County Muni Valley City, ND
20U Beach Beach, ND
18ND Bearpaw Menoken, ND
NA30 Behrens Airstrip (Closed) Burlington, ND
72ND Berg Fld Northwood, ND
4NA5 Berg Strip Berthold, ND
95D Beulah Beulah, ND
KBIS BIS BIS Bismarck Muni Bismarck, ND
9NA4 Bodmer Kenmare, ND
1NA0 Bohn Airstrip (Closed) Mountain, ND
NA03 Boll Brothers Airstrip (Closed) Russell, ND
D09 Bottineau Muni Bottineau, ND
NA06 Bouret Ranch Sheyenne, ND
5B4 Bowbells Muni Bowbells, ND
KBPP BPP Bowman Muni (Closed) Bowman, ND
KBWW BWW Bowman Rgnl Bowman, ND
0NA9 Boyd's Turf Golva, ND
ND62 Brands Taylor, ND
08ND Brecht Strip Golden Valley, ND
19ND Breckheimer (Closed) Tolna, ND
2ND9 Brekhus Fld Norma, ND
ND09 Bryn Dazey, ND
7ND5 Buchmiller Bowdon, ND
8NA7 Camp Grafton Heliport Devils Lake, ND
9D7 Cando Muni Cando, ND
46D Carrington Muni Carrington, ND
5N8 Casselton Robert Miller Rgnl Casselton, ND
2ND3 Casslindan Grand Forks, ND
2C8 Cavalier Muni Cavalier, ND
NA81 Central Valley Aviation Buxton, ND
6NA5 Chase Airstrip Hebron, ND
26ND Chitwood Airstrip (Closed) Alexander, ND
NA90 Circle Z Landing Strip Underwood, ND
2ND5 Cloud 9 Turtle Lake, ND
ND98 Cloud Nine Lincoln, ND
D49 Columbus Muni Columbus, ND
S32 Cooperstown Muni Cooperstown, ND
5ND3 Craig Private Bathgate, ND
20ND Crooked Lake Airstrip (Closed) Turtle Lake, ND
D50 Crosby Muni Crosby, ND
ND90 Dahl Pvt Cogswell/Brampton/, ND
NA60 Dakota Grandin, ND
ND32 Dakota Rgnlmedical Center Heliport Cooperstown, ND
ND33 Dawson Mediport Heliport Dawson, ND
5ND9 Deck Hillsboro, ND
8NA1 Deep River Seaplane Base (Closed) Upham, ND
KDVL DVL DVL Devils Lake Rgnl Devils Lake, ND
KDIK DIK DIK Dickinson/Theodore Roosevelt Rgnl Dickinson, ND
NA98 Dilse Airstrip Scranton, ND
1ND7 Dittmer (Closed) Lynchburg, ND
3ND6 Djr Ultralight Tuttle, ND
ND36 Don's (Closed) St Thomas, ND
NA39 Dorbrinski (Closed) Makoti, ND
ND60 Douglas Portage Arvilla, ND
7NA0 Downs Farm Pvt (Closed) Hillsboro, ND
D29 Drayton Muni Drayton, ND
9Y1 Dunn County Weydahl Fld Killdeer, ND
51D Edgeley Muni Edgeley, ND
Y71 Elgin Muni Elgin, ND
4E7 Ellendale Muni Ellendale, ND
ND99 Ellig Fld Hickson, ND
9ND1 Elliott Farms (Closed) Drayton, ND
3NA0 Erickson Clifford, ND
ND45 Essentia Health Fargo Heliport Fargo, ND
9NA2 Essentia Health Heliport (Closed) Medina, ND
D24 Fessenden-Streibel Muni Fessenden, ND
2ND8 Fiebiger Montplier, ND
ND22 Fischer Garrison, ND
06ND Fitterer's Strip (Closed) Glen Ullin, ND
ND43 Flying S Ranch Minot, ND
ND10 Flying-N-Ranch (Closed) Christine, ND
78ND Folske Ranch (Closed) Bowman, ND
ND14 Fordville Fordville, ND
7ND8 Forest Langdon, ND
44ND Fredericks Ranch Halliday, ND
ND16 Frei Private Halliday, ND
6ND6 Fugleberg Farm Portland, ND
9G9 Gackle Muni Gackle, ND
3ND5 Gage Flying Farmer Oriska, ND
ND26 Gajewski Fld Alexander, ND
37N Garrison Dam Recreational Airpark Riverdale, ND
D05 Garrison Muni Garrison, ND
ND08 Gator Seaplane Base Anamoose, ND
ND20 Gensrich Hatton, ND
NA44 Georgeson Farm Strip (Closed) New Rockford, ND
ND47 Geske Airfield Enderlin, ND
1NA5 Gienger/Box Bar Ranch Streeter, ND
0ND0 Gilbertson Fld Flora, ND
D57 Glen Ullin Rgnl Glen Ullin, ND
0NA1 Goerger Barney, ND
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