Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States North Dakota


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
88ND Goodman Strip Milton, ND
40ND Gorder Farm Heliport Galchutt, ND
KRDR RDR RDR Grand Forks AFB Grand Forks, ND
KGFK GFK GFK Grand Forks Intl Grand Forks, ND
ND81 Grand Forks Par Site Heliport Cavalier, ND
7N6 Grenora Centennial (Closed) Grenora, ND
ND59 Grieve Buffalo, ND
KGWR GWR GWR Gwinner/Roger Melroe Fld Gwinner, ND
14ND Hagen Reeder, ND
NA55 Hager Strip Barney, ND
KBWP BWP Harry Stern Wahpeton, ND
5H4 Harvey Muni Harvey, ND
8NA9 Hashbarger Farm Airstrip Hope, ND
7ND7 Haugen's (Closed) Alexander, ND
6H8 Hazelton Muni Hazelton, ND
KFAR FAR FAR Hector Intl Fargo, ND
KHEI HEI Hettinger/Jb Lindquist Rgnl Hettinger, ND
8ND4 Heyde Manvel, ND
7NA3 Hiam Pvt (Closed) Lisbon, ND
41ND Hill Minot, ND
3H4 Hillsboro Muni Hillsboro, ND
9ND8 Hinkle Cavalier, ND
NA25 Holen Aerial Spray Airstrip (Closed) Bantry, ND
NA89 Holzman Airstrip (Closed) Scranton, ND
NA67 Horsley Airstrip (Closed) Neche, ND
NA18 Hought Airstrip Williston, ND
NA20 Hudson's Strip (Closed) Wyndmere, ND
ND85 Humann Private Airstrip Hazelton, ND
KGAF GAF Hutson Fld Grafton, ND
ND87 Indian Hill Resort (Closed) Garrison, ND
7NA4 Ingebretson Airspray Mayville, ND
ND24 Inkster Inkster, ND
S28 Intl Peace Garden Dunseith, ND
3NA7 J R Heliport Kensal, ND
8ND6 J Vining Chaffee, ND
NA17 Jacob Gust West Fargo, ND
KJMS JMS JMS Jamestown Rgnl Jamestown, ND
NA01 Jenson (Closed) Reynolds, ND
NA12 Johnson Turtle Lake, ND
2ND7 Johnson (Closed) Newburg, ND
NA32 Johnson Airstrip Eldridge, ND
NA86 Johnson Pvt Airstrip Luverne, ND
ND18 Judy Strip Glenburn, ND
75ND Jurgens Airstrip (Closed) Taylor, ND
ND10 Kadrmas Dickinson, ND
ND32 Kalainov Private (Closed) Steele, ND
16ND Kalberer Bismarck, ND
7ND2 Kelly's Field (Closed) Grafton, ND
7K5 Kenmare Muni Kenmare, ND
6NA7 Kersten Brothers (Closed) Newburg, ND
4ND1 Knutson Thompson, ND
NA07 Kornkven Airstrip Souris, ND
2ND0 Kraft Mapleton, ND
NA05 Kraig Farms Sheldon, ND
ND49 Krause Private Wyndmere, ND
D03 Kulm Muni Kulm, ND
84ND Kyllo Mc Canna, ND
NA84 L Seckerson Airstrip Eldridge, ND
4F9 La Moure Rott Muni La Moure, ND
5L0 Lakota Muni Lakota, ND
25ND Landeis Airstrip Mandan, ND
5NA2 Largo Base (Closed) Portland, ND
2L1 Larimore Muni Larimore, ND
6ND2 Larson Fullerton, ND
D31 Leeds Muni Leeds, ND
ND65 Letzring (Closed) Center, ND
9ND2 Lewis Fld Hope, ND
4N4 Lidgerwood Muni Lidgerwood, ND
8NA5 Liechty Farm Montpelier, ND
NA75 Lill Strip Bremen, ND
ND35 Lindemann Lucca, ND
4NA0 Lindvig Airstrip (Closed) Williston, ND
NA13 Linrud Airstrip Velva, ND
7L2 Linton Muni Linton, ND
6L3 Lisbon Muni Lisbon, ND
6ND3 Lisburg Argusville, ND
ND92 Ll Landing Turtle Lake, ND
ND72 Lonetree Airstrip Harvey, ND
3NA2 Lorentzen Washburn, ND
NA71 M Bodvig Airstrip Tappen, ND
73ND M Heart Ranch (Closed) Nortonville, ND
6D3 Maddock Muni Maddock, ND
2ND2 Makeeff Mercer, ND
Y19 Mandan Rgnl/Lawler Fld Mandan, ND
6NA6 Marsh Brothers Airstrip Newburg, ND
D56 Mayville Muni Mayville, ND
7G2 Mc Clusky Muni Mc Clusky, ND
NA77 Mc Gee Strip (Closed) Rhame, ND
8M6 Mc Ville Muni Mc Ville, ND
ND05 McHs Hospital Heliport Watford City, ND
KHZE HZE HZE Mercer County Rgnl Hazen, ND
94ND Michael Zurcher Farm Strip (Closed) Newburg, ND
81ND Millers Airstrip Deering, ND
4R6 Milnor Muni Milnor, ND
23ND Minnkota Private (Closed) Center, ND
KMOT MOT MOT Minot Intl Minot, ND
D06 Minto Muni Minto, ND
63ND Moellenkamp (Closed) Lisbon, ND
ND34 Moen (Closed) Epping, ND
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