Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Oklahoma


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
KOKM OKM OKM Okmulgee Rgnl/Paul and Betty Abbott Fld Okmulgee, OK
70OK Old 66 Strip Miami, OK
F09 Olustee Muni Olustee, OK
9OK1 Omh Heliport Oklahoma City, OK
11OK Ou Medical Center Edmond Heliport Edmond, OK
88OL Pace Field (Closed) Calvin, OK
5OK4 Pacer Fld Goldsby, OK
7OK7 Panhandle Optima, OK
39OK Paradise Air Haven Goldsby, OK
08OK Parks Wilburton, OK
0OK2 Parkview Hospital Heliport (Closed) El Reno, OK
2OK9 Pata Skyhaven (Closed) Norman, OK
OL40 Patti Air Strip Cushing, OK
05M Pauls Valley General Hospital Heliport (Closed) Pauls Valley, OK
KPVJ PVJ Pauls Valley Muni Pauls Valley, OK
OL00 Pauls Valley State School Heliport Pauls Valley, OK
78OK Pawhuska Heliport Pawhuska, OK
H76 Pawhuska Muni Pawhuska, OK
H97 Pawnee Muni Pawnee, OK
9OK2 Pawnee Muni Hospital Heliport Pawnee, OK
74OK Pegasus Airpark Guthrie, OK
28OK Pellar Farm El Reno, OK
5OK8 Perkins Thomas, OK
F22 Perry Muni Perry, OK
8OL1 Petes Airpark Wetumka, OK
84OK Pettijohn Acres Landing Marlow, OK
26OK Pheasant Wings Sasakwa, OK
6OK3 Pinson's Cottonpatch (Closed) Tipton, OK
4OK6 Pitts Field (Closed) Wanette, OK
07OK Pleasant Valley Snyder, OK
OK41 Police Civic Center Heliport Tulsa, OK
KPNC PNC PNC Ponca City Rgnl Ponca City, OK
2K1 Pond Creek Muni Pond Creek, OK
OL43 Port of Catoosa Heliport Catoosa, OK
OL44 Porter Retrop, OK
O47 Prague Muni Prague, OK
9OK7 Prairie Ridge (Closed) Stratford, OK
97OK Presbyterian Hospital Heliport Oklahoma City, OK
OK56 Ptno (Closed) Hennessey, OK
3O3 Purcell Muni - Steven E Shephard Fld Purcell, OK
OK75 Purcell Muni Hospital Heliport Purcell, OK
9OK9 R and R Jones, OK
48OK Rafter 'R' Ranch (Closed) Checotah, OK
09OK Ragtime Aerodrome Collinsville, OK
2OK4 Ragwing Acres Mounds, OK
0OK8 Ramey 1 Marlow, OK
OK67 Ramsak Duncan, OK
2OK6 Ratcliff Ranch Vinita, OK
OK05 Ray Preston (Closed) Hollis, OK
OL31 Red Baron Ranch Coweta, OK
OL12 Red Rock South Perry, OK
85OK Red Stevenson Property Heliport (Closed) Tijuana, OK
OK61 Redbud Power Plant Heliport Luther, OK
6OK2 Redhills Chickasha, OK
OL46 Reed Aero Erick, OK
14OK Reherman (Closed) Kingfisher, OK
OK87 Renavair Field (Closed) Wynnewood, OK
46OK Ricker Ranch Hinton, OK
KRKR RKR RKR Robert S Kerr Poteau, OK
0OK4 Rock Creek Farm Coal Gate, OK
2OK3 Rock Ridge Blanchard, OK
OK90 Rocket Ranch Duncan, OK
90OK Rocky Point Sasakwa, OK
OK48 Rollers (Closed) Hennessey, OK
OL24 Ronka Rhey Luther, OK
4OK2 Rush Springs Airstrip Rush Springs, OK
OK20 Sageeyah Airfield Claremore, OK
03OK Sahoma Lake Sapulpa, OK
KJSV JSV JSV Sallisaw Muni Sallisaw, OK
OK87 Sam Hider Community Health Center Heliport Jay, OK
K11 Sam Riggs Airpark Claremore, OK
OK94 Sandridge Airpark Inc Collinsville, OK
7OK5 Sayre Community Hospital Heliport Sayre, OK
3O4 Sayre Muni Sayre, OK
35OK Schumacher Field (Closed) Clinton, OK
7OK2 Scott Mangum, OK
2K4 Scott Fld Mangum, OK
OK82 Scottys Fld Altus, OK
OK49 Secrest Ranch Ponca City, OK
1S4 Seiling Seiling, OK
KSRE SRE Seminole Muni Seminole, OK
OL42 Semper Fi Lndg Spiro, OK
0OK7 Shattuck Hospital Heliport Shattuck, OK
KSNL SNL SNL Shawnee Rgnl Shawnee, OK
OK83 Sheffield-Smith Airstrip (Closed) Altus, OK
OK99 Sheridan Fld Drummond, OK
31OK Siegfried Point Heliport Disney, OK
OK42 Siegmanns (Closed) Hennessey, OK
OK88 Silverwood Ultralight (Closed) Broken Arrow, OK
2F6 Skiatook Muni Skiatook, OK
44OK Sky High (Closed) Crescent, OK
OK01 Skyhaven Airpark Vera, OK
O14 Skyroads Ninnekah, OK
29OK Smith Airpark Hinton, OK
22OK Smith Fld Springer, OK
OK06 Snake Creek Wilderness Cookson, OK
4O1 Snyder Snyder, OK
OK56 Sopwith Ldg Lexington, OK
32OK South Farm Hydro, OK
1K8 South Grand Lake Rgnl Ketchum, OK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Dauntless Aviation

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