Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Oklahoma


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
4OK0 1904 Private Runway Hennessey, OK
1OK8 5b Ranch Edmond, OK
OK68 6b Airfield Bokchito, OK
4OK1 Air Evac 122 Heliport Weatherford, OK
OK93 Airman Acres Collinsville, OK
06OK Albert Lodge Heliport Grove, OK
5OK8 Alford a. Bratcher (Closed) Marlow, OK
OL11 Alliancehealth Durant Heliport Durant, OK
OK12 Allied Heliport (Closed) Tulsa, OK
KAXS AXS AXS Altus/Quartz Mountain Rgnl Altus, OK
KAVK AVK Alva Rgnl Alva, OK
54OK Ambassador Ultralight (Closed) Mounds, OK
F68 Anadarko Muni Anadarko, OK
80F Antlers Muni Antlers, OK
AHD 1F0 Ardmore Downtown Exec Ardmore, OK
KADM ADM ADM Ardmore Muni Ardmore, OK
57OK Atoka County Medical Center Heliport Atoka, OK
KAQR AQR AQR Atoka Muni Atoka, OK
7OK5 Atrium Heliport (Closed) Oklahoma City, OK
14OK Atwood Helipad Heliport Atwood, OK
OK26 Atwoods Heliport Enid, OK
4OK8 Austin (Closed) Wilburton, OK
OK15 Avian Country Estates Oolagah, OK
OL35 Aviation Acres Mounds, OK
44OK Bacon's Heliport Disney, OK
8OK2 Baker Airstrip El Reno, OK
8OK8 Baptist Rgnl Health Center Heliport Miami, OK
95OK Barcus Fld Claremore, OK
8OK6 Barry Dotson Ranch (Closed) Marble City, OK
KBVO BVO BVO Bartlesville Muni Bartlesville, OK
OK17 Bass Aero Ardmore, OK
3OK5 Bearden Private Airstrip Lindsay, OK
K44 Beaver Muni Beaver, OK
11OK Beefor Ranch (Closed) Purcell, OK
45OK Belleview Landing South Coffeyville, OK
OK61 Bethel Fld (Closed) Hinton, OK
OK88 Big Creek Ranch Airstrip South Coffeyville, OK
OK44 Big Creek Ranch Heliport Lenapah, OK
3OK Biggs Skypatch Wellston, OK
80OK Bison Hill Norman, OK
8OK4 Black I Ranch Carrier, OK
OL55 Blackberry Hill Perkins, OK
KBKN BKN Blackwell-Tonkawa Muni Blackwell, OK
03OL Bluebird Alex, OK
15OK Bluebird (Closed) Muskogee, OK
OK22 Bluebird Airpark (Closed) Shawnee, OK
OK58 Bluestem Collinsville, OK
OK90 Boatner Fld (Closed) Calera, OK
02OK Bobbitt Lamont, OK
OK57 Boeing Mrotc Heliport Oklahoma City, OK
88OK Boice Fld Marlow, OK
17K Boise City Boise City, OK
OK55 Bost Ranch Luther, OK
8OK4 Brandley (Closed) El Reno, OK
OL38 Bratton Poteau, OK
OL06 Bristow Hospital Heliport Bristow, OK
08OL Broken B Hydro, OK
90F Broken Bow Muni Broken Bow, OK
OK81 Brown Airstrip Marlow, OK
KBFK BFK Buffalo Muni Buffalo, OK
2OK0 Burford Corp. (Closed) Maysville, OK
O18 Buzzards Roost Inola, OK
0OK8 Cade's (Closed) Covington, OK
59OK Camp Gruber Heliport Braggs, OK
OK10 Canadian River Corrientes Hinton, OK
OK04 Canadian River Ranch Eufaula, OK
98OK Candy Lake Estate Avant, OK
4OK2 Candy Lake Estate (Closed) Avant, OK
02OK Canon Heliport (Closed) Oklahoma City, OK
OK44 Canyon Springs Ranch (Closed) Bokchito, OK
2OK9 Caribou Piedmont, OK
60OK Carlin Lawrence (Closed) Carnegie, OK
91F Carlton Landing Fld Canadian, OK
86F Carnegie Muni Carnegie, OK
OL07 Carnegie Muni Hospital Heliport Carnegie, OK
6OK5 Cary Ranch (Closed) Reydon, OK
8OK7 Cc & M (Closed) Medford, OK
OL28 Cedar & Sky Fly In Ranch Geary, OK
3OK3 Cedar Crest Heliport Locust Grove, OK
9OK8 Central Park Helistop Heliport (Closed) Oklahoma City, OK
63OK Chandler Armory Heliport Chandler, OK
KCQB CQB CQB Chandler Rgnl Chandler, OK
OK76 Channel 8 Heliport Tulsa, OK
0OK5 Chappell Guthrie, OK
92F Chattanooga Sky Harbor Chattanooga, OK
4O5 Cherokee Muni Cherokee, OK
OK52 Cherokee Nation Redbird Smith Health Center Heliport Sallisaw, OK
OL04 Cherokee Nation Replacement Hospital Heliport Tahlequah, OK
OK25 Cherokee Ranch Haskell, OK
4O6 Cherokee Seaplane Base (Closed) Afton, OK
19OK Chickasaw Nation Medical Center Heliport Ada, OK
KCHK CHK CHK Chickasha Muni Chickasha, OK
OK35 Choctaw Indian Hospital Heliport Talihina, OK
O65 Christman Airfield Okeene, OK
5OK2 Christopher M Rippee Meml Non, OK
4OK6 Chuck's Cashion, OK
9OK7 Cimarron Strip (Closed) Jennings, OK
08F City of Coalgate Coalgate, OK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Dauntless Aviation

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