Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Oklahoma


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
7OK7 City of Faith Heliport (Closed) Tulsa, OK
KGCM GCM Claremore Rgnl Claremore, OK
5OK1 Claremore Rgnl Hospital Heliport Claremore, OK
KRCE RCE Clarence E Page Muni Oklahoma City, OK
8OK3 Cleveland Area Hospital Heliport Cleveland, OK
95F Cleveland Muni Cleveland, OK
KCLK CLK CLK Clinton Rgnl Clinton, OK
5OK5 Clinton Rgnl Hospital Heliport Clinton, OK
KCSM CSM CSM Clinton/Sherman Burns Flat, OK
6OK7 Cochran Ranch (Closed) Atoka, OK
OK24 Colby Fld Lone Grove, OK
2OK7 Cole Landing Area Newcastle, OK
84OK Collier Farms (Closed) Taloga, OK
OK45 Collinsville Rural Fire District Heliport Collinsville, OK
18OK Comanche County Meml Hospital Heliport Lawton, OK
OL37 Cooper Coles Ranch Connerville, OK
98OL Copland (Closed) Duncan, OK
64OK Cordell Meml Hospital Heliport Cordell, OK
F36 Cordell Muni Cordell, OK
84OL Cotton Field (Closed) Broken Arrow, OK
OK66 Cottonwood Stillwater, OK
48OK Coyote Run Pond Creek, OK
97F Crazy Horse Muni (Closed) Davis, OK
0OK9 Crystal Jennings, OK
KCUH CUH CUH Cushing Muni Cushing, OK
OK65 Cushing Rgnl Hospital Heliport Cushing, OK
2OK8 D & G Farms (Closed) Newcastle, OK
1OK1 Dave's Place Kingfisher, OK
1OK1 Dave's Place (Closed) Kingfisher, OK
1K4 David Jay Perry Goldsby, OK
5OK6 Dch Annex Ultralight Ramona, OK
4O7 Decker Fld Meno, OK
OK78 Delozier Chelsea, OK
7OK0 Dennis Ranch (Closed) Grady, OK
9OK5 Diamond C Ranch (Closed) Stratford, OK
OK02 Dick's Goldsby, OK
OK95 Disney Disney, OK
29OK Ditch Witch (Closed) Perry, OK
OK07 Djs Lawton, OK
0K6 Dobie's Inola, OK
OK37 Dog Iron Ranch Oologah, OK
3OK6 Don Brown Fld Beaver, OK
34OK Double Bar S Ranches (Closed) Shamrock, OK
OK40 Double H Ranch Rush Springs, OK
OK05 Double R Ranch Vinta, OK
3OK7 Double W Sand Springs, OK
OK03 Downtown Airpark (Closed) Oklahoma City, OK
OK60 Drifting G Ranch Chickasha, OK
26OK Duck Creek (Closed) Mounds, OK
OK36 Duckcreek Mounds, OK
38OK Duncan Rgnl Hospital Heliport Duncan, OK
KDUA DUA DUA Durant Rgnl/Eaker Fld Durant, OK
OL25 Eagle Chief Cleo Springs, OK
51OK Eagle Creek Beggs, OK
OL21 Eagles Landing Ultralight Ponca City, OK
6OK6 Earl Henry Blackwell, OK
OL29 Echo Mountain Airfield Elgin, OK
OK40 Eden Ranch (Closed) Freedom, OK
0OK0 Edmond (Closed) Edmond, OK
99F El Reno (Closed) El Reno, OK
KRQO RQO RQO El Reno Rgnl El Reno, OK
OK03 Elgin's Stony Fld Elgin, OK
KELK ELK ELK Elk City Rgnl Business Elk City, OK
0OK6 Ellis/Harvey Guthrie, OK
KWDG WDG WDG Enid Woodring Rgnl Enid, OK
OK51 Enix Hennessey, OK
OK10 Entropy (Closed) Elmore City, OK
16OK Entz Arts Hydro, OK
1OK2 Entz Home Hydro, OK
1OK6 Entz Oliver Hydro, OK
9OK6 Epic Medical Center Heliport Eufaula, OK
OK13 Erroport (Closed) Mounds, OK
F08 Eufaula Muni Eufaula, OK
OL54 Exceptional Community Hospital Heliport Ardmore, OK
12OK Expressway Airpark (Closed) Oklahoma City, OK
OK66 F W Zaloudek (Closed) Kremlin, OK
68OK Fairfax Heliport Fairfax, OK
1OK Fairmont Fld Fairmont, OK
6K4 Fairview Muni Fairview, OK
OL27 Faith Fld Marietta, OK
2OK5 Ferrell Ranch Mountain View, OK
25OK Fin & Feather Resort Heliport (Closed) Gore, OK
OL32 Flat Rock Fld Chouteau, OK
32OK Flying a Ranch (Closed) Hartshorne, OK
4OK7 Flying a Ranch (Closed) Washington, OK
OL18 Flying D Watonga, OK
OK16 Flying E Ranch Caney, OK
9OK3 Flying Eagle Estates Bartlesville, OK
3OK8 Flying G Ranch Sand Springs, OK
OK74 Flying H Ashland, OK
67OK Flying J Ranch Peggs, OK
12OK Flying M Kingston, OK
2OK6 Flying N Ranch (Closed) Meeker, OK
OL30 Flying S Ranch Wanette, OK
80OK Flying S Ranch (Closed) Reydon, OK
92OK Flying W Ranch (Closed) Atoka, OK
OK50 Flysooner Fld Beggs, OK
0F7 Fountainhead Lodge Airpark Eufaula, OK
KFDR FDR FDR Frederick Rgnl Frederick, OK
K77 Freedom Muni Freedom, OK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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