Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Texas


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
42TS Hye Sky Farms Hye, TX
XS78 Idle Airpark (Closed) St Hedwig, TX
XS11 Idlewild Medina, TX
XS02 In The Trenches Longview, TX
31XA Indian Falls Ranch Llano, TX
7XS7 Indian Springs Ranch Fredericksburg, TX
1TS9 Indianhead Ranch Del Rio, TX
2XS2 Indio-Faith Carrizo Springs, TX
XS87 Industrial Helicopters Inc Heliport Port O'Connor, TX
TA74 Ineos Cbw Heliport Alvin, TX
9TX8 Infomart Heliport Dallas, TX
KTFP TFP TFP Ingleside Rgnl Ingleside, TX
3TS4 Intermedics Heliport Angleton, TX
IRB 2F0 Iraan Muni Iraan, TX
5TE5 Iron Mountain Ranch Marathon, TX
T58 Ironhead Sanger, TX
14XS Isbell Ranch Davilla, TX
1XS0 Itll do Airfield Sandia, TX
5TS7 J & H Wildorado, TX
06XA J & W Windy Hill Van Alstyne, TX
8XS3 J a Knolle Sandia, TX
54TS J Bar Wc Ranch Weatherford, TX
62XS J F Ranch Clairette, TX
15TA J R Ranch Briggs, TX
41TX J Ranch Cherokee, TX
1TX2 J Y Ranch-R B Masterson III Estate Guthrie, TX
TE89 Jacalon Ranch Mirando City, TX
KBPT BPT BPT Jack Brooks Rgnl Beaumont/Port Arthur, TX
TS70 Jack Miller (Closed) Mansfield, TX
21F Jacksboro Muni Jacksboro, TX
XS92 Jackson /Bill/ (Closed) Paradise, TX
26R Jackson County Edna, TX
0TX8 Jacobia Field (Closed) Greenville, TX
2TS7 Jamak Fabrication Heliport Weatherford, TX
4TE6 Jamison Airstrip (Closed) Dayton, TX
KJAS JAS JAS Jasper County/Bell Fld Jasper, TX
XS40 Jay Kay Ranch Pearsall, TX
8TE2 J-Bar Ranch Crane, TX
85TA J-Bar Ranch (Closed) Collinsville, TX
XA98 Jbj Ranch Decatur, TX
63XA Jcj Farm Lott, TX
3TS3 J-D Ranch Alvin, TX
TX77 Jej Helipad Heliport Austin, TX
3XS4 Jenkins Vidor, TX
23TE Jennings Ranch (Closed) Zapata, TX
TA07 Jet Ag Inc Dayton, TX
92TX Jf Ranch Heliport Lampasas, TX
KHBV HBV HBV Jim Hogg County Hebbronville, TX
0TS9 Jim Roach Field (Closed) Niederwald, TX
3TA7 Jim Sears Bridgeport, TX
9TE2 Jl Bar Ranch Sonora, TX
67XA J-L Ranch Bowie, TX
37TS Jlinn Greenville, TX
02XA Jls Farms Honey Grove, TX
TX71 Jmk Intl Inc Heliport (Closed) Fort Worth, TX
TA03 Jo Na Acres (Closed) Brookshire, TX
XS96 Joe Fleming Field (Closed) Seguin, TX
89XS Joe Rye Heliport Pearland, TX
29F Joe Vaughn Spraying Kress, TX
8TA0 John B Connally Ranch Floresville, TX
0XS2 John Fields Ranch Sonora, TX
7TA8 John Henry Key (Closed) Boerne, TX
93TX John Peter Smith Ems Building Heliport Fort Worth, TX
1XS3 John Peter Smith Health Network Heliport Fort Worth, TX
67TX John R Armstrong Meml Fld Emory, TX
38TE John S Dunn Heliport Houston, TX
6TS7 Johnny Voudouris Heliport (Closed) Oak Hill, TX
72TX Johnson Space Center Heliport Houston, TX
F00 Jones Fld Bonham, TX
90TS Jordan Ranch (Closed) Bedias, TX
TS20 Joseph of Cupertino Stolport Muenster, TX
93XS Joseph Ross Scherdin (Closed) Richwood, TX
TS22 Joye Ranch (Closed) Smiley, TX
34TA Jsi (Closed) Princeton, TX
6TX6 Jtj Ranch Corsicana, TX
2TX7 Jw Justin, TX
83TE K Bar Ranch Sabinal, TX
3TE0 K Ranch Iola, TX
49TE K Star Ranch Brenham, TX
1TE8 Kahuna Bay Howe, TX
9TE5 Kalt Ranch Fulton, TX
5TA7 Kami-Kazi (Closed) Santa Fe, TX
59TA Kaneb Heliport Sugar Land, TX
TA61 Kay Ranch Winona, TX
13TA Kbmt-Tv Heliport (Closed) Beaumont, TX
50TE Keller Ranch (Closed) Johnson City, TX
7TE0 Kelley Crop Service Fannett, TX
TT98 Kelly Air Fld Bells, TX
KSKF SKF SKF Kelly Fld San Antonio, TX
7TX6 Kemah Waterfront Heliport Houston, TX
3XS8 Ken Ada Ranch (Closed) Waller, TX
2R9 Kenedy Rgnl Kenedy, TX
34XS Kenley Ranch (Closed) Fowlerton, TX
7XS2 Kenley's Mustang Prairie Ranch (Closed) Crockett, TX
50TX Kennedy Ranch Blanco, TX
4T2 Kenneth Copeland Fort Worth, TX
TA49 Keno Fld (Closed) Andice, TX
22F Kent County Jayton, TX
KERV ERV ERV Kerrville Muni/Louis Schreiner Fld Kerrville, TX
1T7 Kestrel Airpark San Antonio, TX
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