Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Texas


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
28TX Lehman Vernon, TX
TT99 Leinart Farms Airstrip Merit, TX
TA36 Lempa (Closed) Cuero, TX
75TX Leona Ranch Brackettville, TX
TX22 Leroux Argyle, TX
1T9 Lesikar Ranch (Closed) Hallettsville, TX
KLLN LLN LLN Levelland Muni Levelland, TX
TS16 Lewis Electric Apparatus Repair Inc Heliport Houston, TX
XS52 Lewis Heliport Premont, TX
4TE2 Lewis Private Del Rio, TX
XA31 Lewis Ranch Leakey, TX
2TX4 Lewis Ranch Encinal, TX
TE75 Lexington Airfield Lexington, TX
TE55 Liberty Dayton Rgnl Medical Center Heliport Liberty, TX
XS12 Liberty Hill Air Ranch Liberty Hill, TX
TS29 Liberty Hill Intl Eddy, TX
T78 Liberty Muni Liberty, TX
1XA9 Life Flight North Fuel Heliport Tomball, TX
TE11 Life Flight/Refuel Heliport Fresno, TX
7XS8 Lift Crane Heliport Houston, TX
TT18 Lionwood Bellville, TX
TX90 Lissie Flying Service Lissie, TX
TE05 Little B Farms Perryton, TX
4TX9 Little C Ranch Heliport Hico, TX
1XS6 Little Elm Field (Closed) Temple, TX
TS61 Little 'L' Ranch Glen Rose, TX
TS92 Little Peach Temple, TX
KLIU LIU LIU Littlefield Taylor Brown Muni Littlefield, TX
8T6 Live Oak County George West, TX
TA17 Live Oak Ranch Brenham, TX
TA63 Livingston Base Heliport Livingston, TX
00R Livingston Muni Livingston, TX
KAQO AQO AQO Llano Muni Llano, TX
TA93 Lm Ranch Sherman, TX
TE66 Lmc Heliport Mc Kinney, TX
XA14 Lmh Heliport Lufkin, TX
XA68 Lmh Hospital Heliport Sonora, TX
TE21 Lobo Mountain Ranch Bandera, TX
TX25 Lochridge Ranch Athens, TX
1TE0 Locker Brothers Muleshoe, TX
29TX Lockett Vernon, TX
50R Lockhart Muni Lockhart, TX
TS78 Loesch Ranch Booker, TX
TX16 Log Cabin (Closed) Aledo, TX
TE38 Loghouse /Stol/ Goodrich, TX
TE38 Loghouse /Stol/ Stolport (Closed) Goodrich, TX
66TX Loma de Cometa Cometa, TX
7TE3 Lometa Air Strip Lometa, TX
XA41 Lone Star Flying Service Harper, TX
40XA Lone Star Heliport Houston, TX
4TE0 Lone Star Steel Company (Closed) Lone Star, TX
93TS Longbird Sealy, TX
22XS Longhorn Aux Landing Strip Fort Cavazos (Killeen), TX
6TS2 Long's Farm (Closed) Leming, TX
6TX3 Longview Rgnl Medical Center Heliport Longview, TX
70XA Looney Airstrip New Boston, TX
8TE3 Lopez Ranch (Closed) Fort Mc Kavett, TX
62TX Los Cerrito Uvalde, TX
XA08 Los Cuernos Ranch Cotulla, TX
6TA9 Los Ebanos Ranch (Closed) Mathis, TX
6TE2 Los Muertos (Closed) Marathon, TX
3TX6 Lowell Smith Jr (Closed) Rio Vista, TX
26TX Lowrance Ranch Truscott, TX
76XS Lqlz Heliport La Grange, TX
TS66 Lubbock Covenant Medical Center Heliport Lubbock, TX
F82 Lubbock Exec Airpark Lubbock, TX
XA25 Lubbock Heart Hospital Heliport Lubbock, TX
KLBB LBB LBB Lubbock Preston Smith Intl Lubbock, TX
4TA5 Lucky G Holliday, TX
TX04 Lucky Star Ranch Brenham, TX
TA69 Lupton Farms Heliport Sunnyvale, TX
6XS2 Luscombe Acres Alvarado, TX
47XA Luv Fld Taylor, TX
TA14 Lyb Heliport Channelview, TX
TX01 Lyj Austin Heliport Austin, TX
38TX Lyndon B Johnson General Hospital Heliport (Closed) Houston, TX
TX09 Lz Glen Heliport Pritchett, TX
5XA1 Lz Juliet Bravo Valley Mills, TX
98XS Lz Phantom Heliport Jonestown, TX
08TT Lz Tango Charlie Fredericksburg, TX
TE15 M & M Land Company Menard, TX
03TX M D K Fld Heliport Pearland, TX
06TS M Sansom Ranch Paint Rock, TX
80TS M Y Ranch Crockett, TX
32TE M-4 Willis, TX
7TX5 Mabee Ranch Midland, TX
TX26 Mabry Arng Heliport Austin, TX
93TA Mac Kay Heliport Mount Vernon, TX
21TE Macguire Ranch (Closed) Marfa, TX
41XS Macho Grande Taylor, TX
9XS3 Macy Ranch (Closed) Post, TX
TX91 Madeira Airpark Garland, TX
TX91 Madeira Airpark Stolport (Closed) Garland, TX
51R Madisonville Muni Madisonville, TX
2TA9 Mafrige Ranch Inc Carta Valley, TX
20TA Mag Drop Bells, TX
42TX Magee Wolfe City, TX
TE87 Magee Portland, TX
E42 Major Samuel B Cornelius Fld Spearman, TX
KGVT GVT GVT Majors Greenville, TX
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