Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Texas


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
TS47 Peeler Airpark Floresville, TX
8XS3 Pegasus Place Airstrip (Closed) Leander, TX
5TE4 Perkins-Prothro Cimarron Ranch Kerrick, TX
KAFW AFW AFW Perot Fld/Fort Worth Alliance Fort Worth, TX
KPPA PPA PPA Perry Lefors Fld Pampa, TX
4TA8 Perry Ranch (Closed) Ozona, TX
KPYX PYX PYX Perryton Ochiltree County Perryton, TX
TA64 Persimmon Gap Ranch Marathon, TX
08XS Peterson Old Ocean, TX
20TX Peterson Rgnl Medical Center Heliport Kerrville, TX
TA12 Petroleum Helicopters Inc Heliport (Closed) Sabine Pass, TX
4XS0 Pfeffer & Son Farms Waller, TX
6XS4 Pfeffer 2 Waller, TX
22TA Pharmnall Grandview, TX
7TA6 Phi Heliport (Closed) Port O'Connor, TX
46TX Phillips Corporation Angleton, TX
TA01 Phillips Farm Alvarado, TX
2TE5 Piano Ranch Flatonia, TX
XS91 Pickle Plantation Poynor, TX
3TA8 Picosa Ranch (Closed) Crystal City, TX
TE10 Pierce Henrietta, TX
72TA Pierce Fld Port O'Connor, TX
81TE Pilots Landing Early, TX
4TS1 Pin Oak Stables Heliport (Closed) Houston, TX
T24 Pineland Muni Pineland, TX
16TS Pineridge Tyler, TX
16TS Pineridge Stolport (Closed) Tyler, TX
3TE9 Pinoak Dayton, TX
1XS8 Pinon Ranch Brackettville, TX
TX41 Pippen-York Ranch Blanco, TX
09TS Pitcock Rosillos Mountain Ranch Marathon, TX
60TX P-K Ranch Bellville, TX
60XS Pl Fuller Rough Creek Ranch Snyder, TX
9TA4 Placid Heliport Dallas, TX
XA37 Plaza Medical Center Heliport Fort Worth, TX
89TE Plaza Medical Center Heliport Fort Worth, TX
KPEZ PEZ Pleasanton Muni Pleasanton, TX
47TA Pleasure Fld Prosper, TX
04TX Pocock China Spring, TX
T48 Poetry Flying Ranch Rockwall, TX
33XA Poetry Landing Royse City, TX
TX53 Police H Port-Redbird Heliport Dallas, TX
43TE Police Headquarters Heliport Houston, TX
24TE Police Helicopter Patrol Heliport Houston, TX
XS37 Police Heliport (Closed) Pasadena, TX
XS08 Polk Ranch Mason, TX
7XS0 Polly Ranch Friendswood, TX
4TE1 Polyanna Ranch Blooming Grove, TX
XA10 Ponderosa Fld Ultralight Ponder, TX
KPIL PIL PIL Port Isabel-Cameron County Port Isabel, TX
2TA5 Port O'Connor Base (Ehi) Heliport (Closed) Port O'Connor, TX
XS46 Port O'Connor Private (Closed) Port O'Connor, TX
XS46 Port O'Connor Private Heliport (Closed) Port O'Connor, TX
80TA Porta-Kamp 12th Street Heliport Houston, TX
87TX Porter Ranch (Closed) Burnell, TX
TX02 Portlock Airfield Abilene, TX
F35 Possum Kingdom Graford, TX
TA19 Post Oak Airfield Weatherford, TX
81XS Post Oak Central Heliport Houston, TX
5F1 Post-Garza County Muni Post, TX
76TA Postoak Lampasas, TX
48TE Powderly (Closed) Powderly, TX
57TE Prade Ranch Leakey, TX
4TA0 Prairie Aire Fld Damon, TX
TA88 Premier Aviation Inc Heliport Grand Prairie, TX
XA53 Presbyterian Hospital of Allen Heliport Allen, TX
13XS Presbyterian Hospital of Rockwall Heliport Rockwall, TX
KPRS PRS PRS Presidio Lely Intl Presidio, TX
XS53 Price Ranch (Closed) Big Wells, TX
XS23 Priour Ranch Mountain Home, TX
Prison Canyon Ranch (Closed) Kerrville, TX
99TE Pritchard Bells, TX
TS84 Pro Agri Ropesville, TX
TS05 Progreso (Closed) Progreso, TX
3E7 Pronger Bros Ranch (Closed) Stratford, TX
16X Propwash Justin, TX
XA0 Prose Fld Justin, TX
7TX1 Providence Health Center Heliport Waco, TX
44XS Prudential Heliport (Closed) Bellaire, TX
5TX5 Psf Heliport (Closed) Terrell, TX
11TS Pt Enterprise D&W Ranch Mexia, TX
TA44 Puesta del Sol Hebbronville, TX
08TS Puesta del Sol (Closed) La Gloria, TX
3TS5 Purdy-Nielsen Memorial Airpark (Closed) Beasley, TX
TE20 Putman Heliport Wylie, TX
TA78 Putty Ranch Hico, TX
XS19 Putz (Closed) Mission, TX
93TX Putz Aero Inc (Closed) Calvert, TX
2TA6 Pyramid Ranch Fairfield, TX
17XS Quahadi Ranch Dublin, TX
XA35 Quality Care Er Heliport Greenville, TX
F01 Quanah Muni Quanah, TX
7TA3 Quarterway Plainview, TX
61XA Qz Ranch Mckinney, TX
TA82 R & J Livestock Co (Closed) Batesville, TX
5TS7 R D Williams (Closed) Garrison, TX
TX34 R V Ranch (Closed) Bonham, TX
1XA0 Rab Ranch (Closed) Andice, TX
6TS8 Rabb and Nobra Industry, TX
XS66 Rabb Dusting Inc Robstown, TX
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