Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Wyoming


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
WY11 A Bar a Ranch Encampment, WY
KAFO AFO AFO Afton Lincoln County/General Boyd L Eddins Fld Afton, WY
46U Alpine Alpine, WY
45WY American Falconry Casper, WY
WY36 Bakers Fld Powell, WY
2WY8 Bar Flying E Cody, WY
12WY Black Diamond Burlington, WY
WY34 Bridger Creek Lysite, WY
WY15 Bunch Grass Intergalactic Powell, WY
WY19 Butler (Closed) Pine Bluffs, WY
KGUR GUR Camp Guernsey Guernsey, WY
WY21 Campbell County Meml Hospital Heliport Gillette, WY
WY28 Canyon View Ranch (Closed) Yoder, WY
KCPR CPR CPR Casper/Natrona County Intl Casper, WY
96WY Cedar Creek Ranch Saratoga, WY
KRIW RIW RIW Central Wyoming Rgnl Riverton, WY
WY66 Chamberlain Brothers Ranch Douglas, WY
WY50 Cheyenne Echo Heliport Cheyenne, WY
KCYS CYS CYS Cheyenne Rgnl/Jerry Olson Fld Cheyenne, WY
WY46 Cheyenne Whiskey Heliport (Closed) Cheyenne, WY
WY32 Circle B Cokeville, WY
WY62 Cody Rgnl Health Heliport Cody, WY
U06 Cokeville Muni Cokeville, WY
WY26 Community Hospital Heliport Torrington, WY
KDGW DGW DGW Converse County Douglas, WY
WY01 Dilts Ranch Bill, WY
KDWX DWX DWX Dixon Dixon, WY
0WY1 Dorsey Creek Ranch Basin, WY
32WY Double L Ranch Etna, WY
KDUB DUB Dubois Muni Dubois, WY
WY17 Ellis Ranch Medicine Bow, WY
WY52 Evanston Rgnl Hospital Heliport Evanston, WY
KEVW EVW EVW Evanston-Uinta County Burns Fld Evanston, WY
WY19 Fish Creek Ranch Big Piney, WY
KFBR FBR FBR Fort Bridger Fort Bridger, WY
KFEW FEW Francis E Warren AFB Heliport Cheyenne, WY
0WY0 Freedom Air Ranch Freedom, WY
WY61 Gas Hills Airstrip (Closed) Waltman, WY
WA10 Gosney (Closed) Kaycee, WY
48U Gtr Green River Intergalactic Spaceport Green River, WY
2WY3 Haas (Closed) Merna, WY
WY07 Hardy Ranch Douglas, WY
WY60 Heiner Afton, WY
WY20 Heli X Heliport Jackson, WY
WY58 Hilty Private Strip Wheatland, WY
98WY Hmhs Heliport Jackson, WY
KTHP THP Hot Springs Co-Thermopolis Muni (Closed) Thermopolis, WY
KHSG THP HSG Hot Springs County Thermopolis, WY
W43 Hulett Muni Hulett, WY
KLND LND LND Hunt Fld Lander, WY
WY22 Iberlin Ranch Nr 1 Savageton, WY
WY18 Iberlin Ranch Nr 2 Midwest, WY
WY02 Iberlin Ranch Nr 3 (Closed) Bill, WY
WY23 Iberlin Strip Sussex, WY
WY14 Ipy Ranch Hulett, WY
KHAD HAD Irwins Sky Ranch Casper, WY
WY40 Ivinson Meml Hospital Heliport Laramie, WY
KJAC JAC JAC Jackson Hole Jackson, WY
KBYG BYG BYG Johnson County Buffalo, WY
WY08 Johnson Heliport (Closed) Jackson, WY
KEMM EMM EMM Kemmerer Muni Kemmerer, WY
01WY Keyhole Moorcroft, WY
WY30 Kinky Creek Divide Dubois, WY
22WY Kissack/Reynolds Rozet, WY
KLAR LAR LAR Laramie Rgnl Laramie, WY
8WY6 Lazy T Ranch Ten Sleep, WY
WY13 Little Buffalo Ranch Gillette, WY
WY64 Lone Pine Flying Ranch Thayne, WY
WY06 Luckinbill Airstrip Cody, WY
KLSK LSK LSK Lusk Muni Lusk, WY
WY65 Madsen Gillette, WY
WY03 Marbleton Big Piney Clinic Heliport Big Piney, WY
50WY Mc Murry Heliport (Closed) Casper, WY
80V Medicine Bow Medicine Bow, WY
WY31 Melody Ranch Jackson, WY
WY68 Meml Hospital Heliport Rawlins, WY
WY49 Meml Hospital of Sweetwater County Heliport Rock Springs, WY
WY45 Michael Skypark Hillsdale, WY
KBPI BPI BPI Miley Meml Fld Big Piney, WY
WY53 Moburg Aero Four Corners, WY
KECS ECS ECS Mondell Fld Newcastle, WY
84WY Moore Ranch Douglas, WY
WY02 Morrison Carpenter, WY
WY33 Mountain King Ranch Daniel, WY
00WY Mountain View Rgnl Hospital Heliport Casper, WY
U68 North Big Horn County Cowley/Lovell/Byron, WY
KGCC GCC GCC Northeast Wyoming Rgnl Gillette, WY
WY12 Ohman Ranch Gillette, WY
WY38 Orchard Ranch Ten Sleep, WY
KEAN EAN EAN Phifer Airfield Wheatland, WY
WY56 Pierce Ranch Hulett, WY
82V Pine Bluffs Muni Pine Bluffs, WY
WY28 Pinedale Medical Clinic Heliport (Closed) Pinedale, WY
WY51 Platt Ranch (Closed) Encampment, WY
WY04 Powell Hospital Heliport Powell, WY
KPOY POY POY Powell Muni Powell, WY
2WY4 Raco 1 Heliport (Closed) Burns, WY
WY46 Radio Ranch Cheyenne, WY
KPNA PNA Ralph Wenz Fld Pinedale, WY
KRWL RWL RWL Rawlins Muni/Harvey Fld Rawlins, WY
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