Dauntless Aviation
Airports CANADA
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
CYHS Hanover / Saugeen Municipal Airport Hanover, ON
CPN4 Hanover/Saugeen Municipal Airport Hanover, ON, ON
Hants Community Hospital Heliport Windsor, NS
CBC7 Harbour (Public) Heliport Vancouver
CHG2 Harbour Grace Airport Harbour Grace, NL
CEA5 Hardisty Airport Hardisty, AB
CHD2 Hardisty Health Centre Helipad Hardistry, AB
CHF5 Harkes Field Wroxeter, ON
CTH5 Harrington Harbour Heliport Harrington Harbour, Québec
CAE7 Harrison Hot Springs Seaplane Base Harrison Hot Springs
CGL2 Harrow Airport Harrow, ON
CWRN Hart Island Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System
Hartley Bay Heliport Hartley Bay, BC
CAY4 YTB Hartley Bay Seaplane Base Hartley Bay
CKT5 Hartney Airport Hartney, MB
CHD4 Harydale Farms Airport Thamesford, ON
CKJ6 Haskett Airport (Closed) Haskett
CSW6 Hastings / Sweetwater Farms Airport Asphodel-Norwood, ON
Hastings Field Heliport North Pender Island, BC
CJL2 YDJ Hatchet Lake Airport Hatchet Lake, SK
CJX8 Hatchet Lake Seaplane Base Hatchet Lake, SK, SK
CCS5 Havelock Airport Havelock, NB
CTE3 Havre St-Pierre Seaplane Base Havre-Saint-Pierre, QC, Québec
CYGV YGV Havre-Saint-Pierre Airport Havre-Saint-Pierre, Québec
CNH6 Hawk Junction Seaplane Base Hawk Junction, ON, ON
CPG5 Hawkesbury (East) Airport Hawkesbury, ON
CPD8 Hawkesbury (Windover Field) Airport (Closed) Hawkesbury, ON
CNV4 Hawkesbury Airport Hawkesbury, ON
Hay Island Airstrip Hay Island, ON
CET5 Hay River (District) Heliport Hay River, NT
CYHY YHY Hay River / Merlyn Carter Airport Hay River, NT
CEF8 Hay River Seaplane Base Hay River, NT, NT
CHC5 Hayes Camp Aerodrome , NU
CPV5 Head Lake Seaplane Base Head Lake, ON, ON
CWH7 XEF Health Sciences Centre Helipad Winnipeg, MB
CYHF YHF Hearst René Fontaine Municipal Airport Hearst, ON
CNJ5 Hearst/Carey Lake Seaplane Base Hearst, ON
CWHP Heath Point Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System
CYHL Hecla Island (Man) , MB
CKA2 Heffley Creek Airstrip Kamloops, BC
Heid Field Orton, ON
CHS5 Heliport Senneville Montréal
CWXM Helmcken Island Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System
CBH2 Helmet Airport Helmet, BC
CWLP Herbert Island Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System
ZHH Herschel Island Field Herschel Island (Yukon Territo, YT
CWJN Herschel Island Water Aerodrome Herschel
CTS6 Hespero / Safron Residence Heliport Hespero, AB
CFB3 Hespero Airport Hespero, AB
CHP2 Heurisko Pond Water Aerodrome Belwood, ON
CKL4 Hidden Bay Airport (Closed) Hidden Bay, SK
CYOJ YOJ High Level Airport High Level, AB
CZHP ZHP High Prairie Airport High Prairie, AB
CEN4 High River Airport High River, AB
High River Balloonport High River, AB
CHR2 High River Hospital Helipad High River, AB
CNA2 Highgate Airport Highgate, ON
CHS2 Highgate South Airport (Closed) Highgate, ON
CWHA Highvale , AB
CED6 Highwood Airport De Winton, AB
CHL2 Hillaton/Kings Aerodrome Hillaton, NS
CBH7 Hillmans Farm Airport Benalto, AB
CEE4 Hinton / Entrance Airport Hinton, AB
Hinton/Highland Helicopters Heliport Hinton, AB
Hinton/Yellowhead Helicopters Heliport Hinton, AB
CHF3 Hnatko Farms Airport Westlock, AB
CWHJ Holberg Water Aerodrome (Closed) Holberg, BC
CLA4 Holland Landing Airpark Holland Landing, ON
CWHL Holland Rock Automatic Weather Reporting System
Holman Water Aerodrome (Closed) Ulukhaktok, NT
CPY9 Holyoake Airfield Centre Wellington, ON
CJT8 Homewood Airport Homewood, MB
CDT2 Hoopers Lake Seaplane Base Deerfield, NS
Hootalinqua Ranch Airport Carcross, YT
CAV2 YHE Hope (Fraser Canyon Hospital) Heliport (Closed) Hope, BC
CYHE YHE Hope Airport / Fvrd Regional Airpark Hope, BC
CHB3 UZM Hope Bay Aerodrome Hope Bay, NU
CWKV Hope Slide , BC
CYHO YHO Hopedale Airport Hopedale, NL
CWHO Hopedale Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System , NL
CCF3 Hopewell Airport (Closed) Hopewell, NS
CYHN YHN Hornepayne Municipal Airport Hornepayne, ON
CNJ6 Hornepayne Seaplane Base Hornepayne, ON, ON
CWFR Horsefly River, BC , BC
CAM5 Houston Airport Houston, BC
ZHO Houston Bus Station Houston, BC
CSQ5 Howick Airport (Closed) Howick, Québec
CWHB Hudson Bay (Mars) , SK
CYHB YHB Hudson Bay Airport Hudson Bay, SK
CHB2 Hudson Bay Helicopters Heliport Churchill, MB
CJA9 Hudson Seaplane Base Hudson, ON, ON
CYNH YNH Hudson's Hope Airport Hudson's Hope, BC
CJU4 Humboldt Airport Humboldt, SK
CWHH Hunters Point Mar , MB
CPC9 Huntsville (Memorial District Hospital) Heliport Huntsville, ON
CHL6 Huntsville (North) Seaplane Base Huntsville, ON, ON
CNU6 Huntsville Seaplane Base , ON
CPY7 Huntsville/Bella Lake Seaplane Base , ON
CNL6 Hurds Lake Seaplane Base Renfrew, ON
CYEE YEE Huronia Airport Midland, ON
Dauntless Aviation

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