Dauntless Aviation
Airports CANADA
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
CPQ7 Skeleton Lake Seaplane Base Skeleton Lake, ON, ON
Sky Wrench Field Cochrane, ON
Skydive SWOOP Dundas, ON
Skyview Airport Straffordville, ON
CKD9 Slate Falls Airport Slate Falls, ON
CWNU YSS Slate Island Slate Island, ON
CYZH YZH Slave Lake Airport Slave Lake, AB
CSL6 Slave Lake Helicopters Heliport Slave Lake, AB
CLV2 Slayner (Clearview Field) Aerodrome Stayner, ON
CSV8 Sloan Valley View Farm Airfield Schomberg, ON
CND7 Slocan Community Hospital Helipad New Denver, BC
CCS6 Smit Field Courtenay, BC
CPS7 Smith Field (Closed) Orton, ON
CAA6 Smithers (Canadian) Heliport Smithers, BC
CYYD YYD CYYD Smithers Airport Smithers, BC
CAX8 Smithers/Tyhee Lake Seaplane Base Smithers, BC
CNS9 Smiths Falls (Community Hospital) Heliport Smiths Falls, ON
Smiths Falls Private Airstrip Smiths Falls, ON
CYSH YSH CYSH Smiths Falls-Montague (Russ Beach) Airport Smiths Falls, ON
Smithville Aerodrome Smithville, ON
CGM2 Smoky Lake (George McDougall Health Centre) Heliport Smoky Lake, AB
CNS2 Smoky Lake Seaplane Base Port Loring, ON, ON
Smooth Rock Falls Airport Smooth Rock Falls, ON
YXF Snake River Snake River, YT
CSK6 YNX Snap Lake Airport Snap Lake Mine, NT
YFJ Snare Lake Snare Lake
CEV9 Snare River Airport Snare River, NT
CJE4 Snow Lake Airport Snow Lake, MB
CKM5 Snow Lake Seaplane Base Snow Lake, MB, MB
CWRU Solander Island Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System
CKC8 Somerset Airport Somerset, MB
CSR6 Sonora Resort Heliport Sonora Resort, BC
CSY3 Sorel Airport Saint-Robert, Québec
CST4 Sorel-Tracy/Air Nature Inc. Heliport (Closed) Sorel, Québec
CJX5 Souris Glenwood Industrial Air Park Souris Glenwood, MB
CWSH Sousa Crk Avt , AB
CCT5 South Brook Seaplane Base , NL
CZML ZMH South Cariboo Region / 108 Mile Airport 108 Mile, BC
CZSN XSI South Indian Lake Airport South Indian Lake, MB
CLB3 South Portage Water Aerodrome Dwight, ON
ZFL South Trout Lake South Trout Lake, ON
CPF7 Southampton Airport Southampton, ON
CWOR Southeast Shoal , ON
CKA9 Southend Airport / Hans Ulricksen Field Southend, SK
CWJH Southend Automatic Weather Reporting System , SK
CKP5 Southend Seaplane Base Southend, SK, SK
Southwestern Ontario Gliding Association Airfield Amaranth, ON
CNX7 Sparrow Lake Seaplane Base Port Stanton, ON
CWSW Sparwood / Elk Valley , BC
CWGW Sparwood Automatic Weather Reporting System , BC
CYSW Sparwood Elk Valley Airport Sparwood, BC
CFS5 Spirit River Municipal Airport Spirit River, AB
CHM2 Spiritwood / H & M Fast Farms Spiritwood, SK, SK
CKH7 Spiritwood Airport Spiritwood, SK
CWSR Spiritwood West, Sask , SK
CSU6 Spout Lake Seaplane Base Spout Lake, BC, BC
YSQ Spring Island Spring Island
CKP2 Spring Valley (North) Airport Spring Valley, SK
CCD2 Springdale Airport Springdale, NL
Springdale Airport Bluffton, AB
CDU4 Springdale/Davis Pond Seaplane Base Springdale, NL
CAQ4 Springhouse Airpark Springhouse, BC
CGV7 Springvale Aerodrome Hagersville, ON
CSP4 Sproat Lake Landing Water Aerodrome. Port Alberni, BC
CBT9 Sproat Lake Tanker Base Heliport Port Alberni, BC
Squamish (Woodfibre) Heliport Squamish, BC
CYSE YSE Squamish Airport Squamish, BC
CWSK Squamish Airport, B. C Squamish BC, BC
Squamish General Hospital Heliport Squamish, BC
Squamish Terminals Heliport Squamish
CKQ2 Squaw Rapids Airport Squaw Rapids, SK
YSZ Squirrel Cove Squirrel Cove
CWBZ St Anicet , Québec
CYIF YIF St Augustin Airport St-Augustin, Québec
CTA4 St Bruno-de-Guigues Airport St-Bruno-de-Guigues, Québec
CWMV St Charles Creek , NT
CYJN YJN CYJN St Jean Airport St Jean, Québec
CCK2 St John's Health Sciences Centre Heliport St John's, NL
CWJT St Jovite Automatic Weather Reporting System , Québec
CWLH St Lambert , Québec
XLM St Lambert Rail Svce. Montreal, Québec
CWIY St Leonard Automatic Weather Reporting System , NB
CYQS YQS CYQS St Thomas Municipal Airport St Thomas, ON
CAA2 St. André-Avellin Aerodrome St. Andre Avellin, Québec
CDA5 St. Andrews Codroy Valley Airport St. Andrews, NL
CYAY YAY St. Anthony Airport St. Anthony, NL
CWAX St. Anthony, Nfld. , NL
CKK2 St. Brieux Airport St. Brieux, SK
CFE6 St. Francis Airport (Closed) St. Francis, AB
CKA8 St. François Xavier Airport St. François Xavier, MB
CCQ5 St. John's (Paddys Pond) Seaplane Base St. John's, NL
CDC2 St. John's (Universal) Heliport St. John's, NL
CYYT YYT St. John's International Airport St. John's, NL
CPV3 St. Joseph Island Airport (Closed) Richards Landing, ON
CSJ3 St. Joseph's Hospital Helipad Estevan, SK
CWDS St. Lawrence, Nfld. , NL
CCK4 YFX St. Lewis (Fox Harbour) Airport St. Lewis, NL
CSL4 St. Lina Airport (Closed) St. Lina, AB
CDY5 St. Martha's Regional Hospital Heliport Antigonish, NS
CTP5 St. Paul (Health Care Centre) Heliport St. Paul, AB
Dauntless Aviation

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