Dauntless Aviation
Airports CANADA
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
CWAV Sundre , AB
CSD2 Sundre (Hospital & Health Care Centre) Heliport Sundre, AB
CFZ5 Sundre / Goodwins Farm Airport Sundre, AB
CFN7 Sundre Airport Sundre, AB
CPE6 Sundridge/South River Airpark South River, ON
Sunshine Bay Airport Fallis, AB
CAG9 Surge Narrows Seaplane Base Surge Narrows, BC
CVS3 Surrey Memorial Hospital Helipad Vancouver, BC
CCY3 Sussex Airport Sussex, NB
CWXF Sutton Junc (Mars) , Québec
CEM5 Swan Hills Airport Swan Hills, AB
CZJN ZJN Swan River Airport Swan River, MB
CWEQ Swan River, Man. , MB
CWYN Swift (Mars) , SK
CYYN YYN Swift Current Airport Swift Current, SK
CYQY YQY Sydney / J.a. Douglas McCurdy Airport Sydney, NS
CTB7 Taber (Health Centre) Heliport Taber, AB
CED5 Taber Airport Taber, AB
CYBQ XTL Tadoule Lake Airport Tadoule Lake, MB
CAL9 ZTS Tahsis Seaplane Base Tahsis, BC
CAZ3 Takla Landing Seaplane Base Takla Landing, BC
CBD5 Takla Narrows Airport (Closed) Takla Narrows, BC
Takla Narrows Water Aerodrome (Closed) Takla Narrows, BC
CFF6 Talbot Lake Airport (Closed) Talbot Lake, AB
CYYH YYH Taloyoak Airport Taloyoak, NU
CFA7 GSL Taltheilei Narrows Airport Taltheilei Narrows, NT
CED9 Taltheilei Narrows Seaplane Base Plummers Great Slave Lodge, NT, NT
CFW5 Taltson River Airport Taltson River, NT
CJQ6 Tanquary Fiord Airport Tanquary Fiord, NU
CPA5 Tarten Heliport Toronto, ON
CYTQ YTQ Tasiujaq Airport Tasiujaq, Québec
YTU Tasu Water Aerodrome (Closed) Tasu, BC
CDA2 Tatamagouche Airport (Closed) Tatamgouche, NS
CTV4 Tavares Field Kleinburg
CFM6 Teepee Airport Teepee, AB
CDF2 Teeswater (Dent Field) Aerodrome Teeswater, ON
CPC6 Teeswater (Thompson Field) Airport Teeswater, ON
CBM5 YTX Telegraph Creek Airport (Closed) Telegraph Creek, BC
CAH9 Telegraph Creek Seaplane Base (Closed) Telegraph Creek, BC
YBQ Telegraph Harbour Seaplane Base Thetis Island
CNC8 Temagami Seaplane Base Temagami, ON
CTM2 Temagami/Mine Landing Seaplane Base Temagami, ON, ON
CSG8 Témiscaming/Lac Kipawa Seaplane Base (Closed) Témiscaming, QC, Québec
CTM8 Témiscouata-sur-le-Lac Water Aerodrome Témiscouata-sur-le-Lac, Québec
CBU5 Terrace (Mills Memorial Hospital) Heliport Terrace, BC
CBW5 Terrace / BC Hydro Heliport (Closed) Terrace, BC
CYTJ YTJ Terrace Bay Airport (Closed) Terrace Bay, ON, ON
CYZW YZW CYZW Teslin Airport Teslin, YT
CWZW Teslin Marine Aviation Reporting Station
CTB6 ZTB Tête-À-La-Baleine Airport Tête-À-La-Baleine, Québec
CYGB YGB Texada Gillies Bay Airport Texada, BC
CKA2 The Hill Airstrip The Hill, BC
CJR3 The Pas / Grace Lake Airport The Pas, MB
CYQD YQD The Pas Airport The Pas, MB
CGR4 The Ridge Heliport Gold River, BC
CPL5 Thessalon Municipal Airport (Closed) Thessalon, ON
CSM3 Thetford Mines Airport Thetford Mines, Québec
CZLQ YTD Thicket Portage Airport Thicket Portage, MB
CYTH YTH Thompson Airport Thompson, MB
CKM7 Thompson Heliport Thompson, MB
CKD6 Thompson Seaplane Base Thompson, MB, MB
CTH2 Thor Lake Airport Thor Lake, NT, NT
CCZ5 Thorburn Airport Thorburn, NS
CCW5 Thorburn Lake Seaplane Base Thorburn Lake, NL
Thousand Islands Helicopter Tours Helipad Gananoque, ON
CTB8 Three Bears Landing Airport Cold Lake, AB
CWHI Three Hills , AB
CFA8 Three Hills (Hospital) Heliport Three Hills, AB
CEN3 Three Hills Airport Three Hills, AB
CTB2 Thunder Bay (Health Science Centre) Heliport Thunder Bay, ON
CYQT YQT CYQT Thunder Bay Airport Thunder Bay, ON
CKE6 Thunder Bay Seaplane Base Thunder Bay, ON, ON
Thunder Hill Airport East Kootenay, BC
CYTB Tillsonburg Airport Tillsonburg, ON
CTM6 Timmins & District Hospital Heliport Timmins, ON
CPW5 Timmins/Porcupine Lake Seaplane Base Timmins, ON, ON
CYTS YTS CYTS Timmins/Victor M. Power Timmins, ON
CEF9 Tincup Lake Seaplane Base Tincup Lake, YT
CBB7 Tipella Airport (Closed) Tipella, BC
CJY3 YTT Tisdale Airport Tisdale, SK
CNR4 Tobermory Airport Tobermory, ON
CEV7 Tofield Airport Tofield, AB
CTF2 Tofield Health Centre Heliport Tofield, AB
CYAZ YAZ CYAZ Tofino / Long Beach Airport Tofino, BC
CBC8 Tofino General Hospital Heliport Tofino, BC
CAB4 YTP Tofino Harbour Seaplane Base Tofino
CBR7 Tofino Lifeboat Station Helipad Tofino, BC
Tofino Lifeboat Station Heliport Tofino, BC
Tofino Lifeboat Station Heliport Tofino
CYVL YCK Tommy Kochon Airport Colville Lake, NT
Tompkins Mile 54 Airport (Closed) Fort St. John, BC
CNA9 Tomvale Airport Arioch, ON
CNW8 Toronto (Hospital For Sick Children) Heliport Toronto, ON
CPK6 Toronto (Mississauga Credit Valley Hospital) Heliport Toronto, ON
CTM4 Toronto (St. Michael's Hospital) Heliport Toronto, ON
CNY8 Toronto (Sunnybrook Medical Centre) Heliport Toronto, ON
Toronto Aerodrome (Closed) Toronto, ON
CWTO Toronto Aes Hq , ON
CWQE Toronto Headland , ON
CWTZ Toronto Island , ON
Dauntless Aviation

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