Dauntless Aviation
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
CA54 33 Strip (Closed) Tracy, CA
35CL 59 Ranch (Closed) Merced, CA
0CL4 700 North Brand Heliport Glendale, CA
81CA 7-M Ranch (Closed) Middletown, CA
CL25 7r Ranch Cuyama, CA
8CL4 A G Spanos Companies Hq Heliport Stockton, CA
06CL Abc7-Tv Heliport Glendale, CA
22CN Abc-Tv Heliport Los Angeles, CA
7CA1 Abraham Ranch Lucerne Valley, CA
52CL Adelanto Adelanto, CA
A26 Adin Adin, CA
1CA8 Adin Helicopter Base Heliport Adin, CA
CA02 Adventist Health Howard Meml Heliport Willits, CA
10CN Adventist Health St Helena Heliport St Helena, CA
39CN Adventist Health Ukiah Valley Heliport Ukiah, CA
15CN Adventist Medical Center Hanford Heliport Hanford, CA
5CA7 Agro-West Five Points, CA
L54 Agua Caliente Springs Agua Caliente Springs, CA
L70 Agua Dulce Agua Dulce, CA
1CA4 Aha-Quin (Closed) Blythe, CA
CL84 Ahlem Farms Hilmar, CA
30CN Air Methods Barstow Heliport Barstow, CA
CN33 Airport Imperial Bldg Helistop Heliport El Segundo, CA
CL03 Airport Towers Nr 1 Heliport El Segundo, CA
54CN Akin Placerville, CA
65CL Al Divine Caruthers, CA
CA34 Ala Doble Esparto, CA
1CL3 Alameda County Parking Garage Heliport (Closed) Oakland, CA
CA94 Albalisa Dinner Playhouse Inc Heliport (Closed) Santa Ana, CA
CA27 Alcatraz Heliport San Francisco, CA
CL36 Allan Ranch Flight Park Ultralight (Closed) Windsor, CA
M45 Alpine County Markleeville, CA
3CN7 Alta Mesa Airpark Wilton, CA
09CL Alta Sierra Grass Valley, CA
CA65 Alta Vista Heliport Watsonville, CA
KAAT AAT Alturas Muni Alturas, CA
70CL Amargosa (Closed) Death Valley Junction, CA
KAHC AHC AHC Amedee AAF Herlong, CA
2CL4 American Display Heliport (Closed) Redding, CA
CA36 American Display Heliport (Closed) Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
CL10 Anacapa View Estates Heliport Malibu, CA
CN43 Anaheim Canyon Tower Heliport Anaheim, CA
CL73 Anaheim Convention Center Heliport Anaheim, CA
35CA Anaheim Police Heliport (Closed) Anaheim, CA
1CL2 Ancient Valley/Pontious Mojave, CA
S51 Andy Mc Beth Klamath Glen, CA
2O3 Angwin-Parrett Fld Angwin, CA
4CL3 Antelope Valley Ranch Williams, CA
CL40 Antelope Valley Service Center Heliport Lancaster, CA
CN90 Api Gateway Heliport Calexico, CA
KAPV APV APV Apple Valley Apple Valley, CA
37CN Arnold Ranch (Closed) Fresno, CA
4CL9 Arrowhead Rgnl Medical Center Heliport Colton, CA
2CA0 Ash Mountain Heliport Three Rivers, CA
CL91 Auberry Hydro Service Center Heliport Auberry, CA
8CA2 Auburn Cal Fire Heliport Auburn, CA
KAUN AUN AUN Auburn Muni Auburn, CA
CA69 Avenal (Closed) Avenal, CA
CA69 Avenal Gliderport Avenal, CA
2CA8 B & E Ranch Yucca Valley, CA
80CA Bacchi Valley Industries Lotus, CA
0O2 Baker Baker, CA
77CL Baker & Hall Dunlap, CA
L45 Bakersfield Muni Bakersfield, CA
7CA5 Balch Camp Heliport Balch Camp, CA
76CA Bald Mountain Heliport Long Barn, CA
31CA Baldwin Base Heliport (Closed) Irvine, CA
44CL Balsdon Grimes, CA
62CA Bank of America Data Center Heliport Los Angeles, CA
CL19 Bank of America Glendale Heliport Glendale, CA
99CN Banner Lassen Medical Center Heliport Susanville, CA
KBNG BNG BNG Banning Muni Banning, CA
CL17 Barstow Community Hosp Heliport Barstow, CA
9CA1 Barstow Service Center Heliport Barstow, CA
KDAG DAG DAG Barstow-Daggett Daggett, CA
KPAI PAI Barton Heliport Pacoima, CA
CA43 Barton Meml Hospital Heliport South Lake Tahoe, CA
CA06 Bates Fld Alturas, CA
61CA Bauer (Closed) Twentynine Palms, CA
KBAB BAB BAB Beale AFB Marysville, CA
73CA Bear Valley Bear Valley, CA
CN45 Bear Valley Hospital Heliport Big Bear Lake, CA
73CA Bear Valley Stolport (Closed) Bear Valley, CA
3CA3 Behring Ranch Heliport Colusa, CA
CA39 Belos Cavalos Santa Rosa, CA
1CA1 Belridge Strip (Closed) South Belridge, CA
O85 Benton Fld Redding, CA
KUDD UDD UDD Bermuda Dunes Palm Springs, CA
02CA Beta Platform Ellen Heliport Huntington Beach, CA
CL38 Beta Platform Eureka Heliport Huntington Beach, CA
84CA Beverly Center Heliport Los Angeles, CA
KBYS BYS BYS Bicycle Lake AAF Fort Irwin/Barstow, CA
RBF L35 Big Bear City Big Bear City, CA
CN28 Big Creek Helistop Heliport Big Creek, CA
CL18 Big Dalton Dam Emergency Heliport Glendora, CA
37CA Billy Joe Temecula, CA
CL08 Biltmore Hotel Heliport Los Angeles, CA
KBIH BIH BIH Bishop Bishop, CA
2CA4 Blackinton Valley Center, CA
CN35 Blackwater Heliport Temecula, CA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Dauntless Aviation

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