Dauntless Aviation
Airports Asia Korea, South


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
Yangji-ri Heliport Yangji-ri
Yangji-ri North Helipad Yangji-ri
Yangji-ri West Helipad Yangji-ri
RKRG Yangpyeong (G-301) Airport Yangpyeong
Yangsan Service Area Helipad Yangsan
Yangwon-ri Heliport Yangwon-ri
RKNY YNY Yangyang International Airport Gonghang-Ro
RKTY YEC Yecheon Airbase Yecheon-Ri
RKSU Yeoju Range Heliport Utsokgogaet-Gil
Yeojwa-dong Helipad Yeojwa-dong
Yeoksam 824 Building Heliport Seoul
Yeoksan The Oville Heliport Seoul
Yeongam Airport Yeongam
Yeongcheon Ammo Depot Heliport Daeseong-ri
Yeongcheong Korea Army Academy Heliport Yeongcheon
Yeongheung Power Station Heliport Eopbeol (Oe-ri)
Yeongju Emergency Runway Airfield Sangjul-dong
Yeongpoong Building Heliport Seoul
Yeonji Samick Apartments Heliports Busan
Yeonpyeong-Myeon Heliport Yeonpyeong-Myeon, Yeonpyeongdo
RKSQ Yeonpyeong-Myeon Heliport Yeonpyeong-myeon
Yeonsang-ri Heliport Yeonsang-ri
RKJY RSU Yeosu Airport Yeosu
Yeouido Department Store Heliport Seoul
Yeouido Xi Apartments Heliports Seoul
Yeungnam University Hospital Heliport Daegu
RKJO Yong Jung-Ri Helipad Gusipoan-Gil
Yongbieocheonga Condominiums Heliport Seoul
RKUY Yongchon Airport (G-801) Yeongcheon
Yongho-dong Heliport Busan
RKRY Yongin (G-501) Airport Pogong-Ro
Yongmun San Heliport
Yongsan City Apartments Heliports Seoul
Yongsan Park Xi Apartments Heliports Seoul
Yongyang-ri Helipad Yongyang-ri
Yonsei Severance Hospital Foundation Building Heliport Seoul
Yonsei University Severance Hospital Heliport Seoul
You One Golden Tower Heliport Busan
Youngdong Beach Tower Apartments Heliports Busan
Youngpoong Building Helipad Seoul
YTN New Square Heliport Seoul
Yukgok-Ri North Heliport Yukgoki-ri
Yukgok-ri South Heliport Yukgok-ri
Yullyang-dong Helipad Yullyang-dong
Zen Backpackers Hotel Heliport Busan
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Dauntless Aviation

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