Dauntless Aviation
Airports Asia Korea, South


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
Jeju Island Naval Base Command Helipad Gangjeong
Jeju Island Naval Base Heliport Gangjeong
Jeokgeo-ri Helipads Jeokgeo-ri
Jeongchon-ri Heliport Jeongchon-ri
RKPD JDG Jeongseok Airport Jeju Island
Jeongyeong-gil Helipad Jeongyeong-gil
CHN Jeonju Jeonju
RKJU CHN Jeonju (G 703) Air Base Jeonju
Jeonju Airfield Jeonju
RK15 Ji Po Ri Airfield (G-237) Witguntan
Jikcheon-ri Helipad Jikcheon-ri
Jindong-ri Helipad Jindong-ri
RKPE CHF Jinhae Air Base Jinhae
Jinhae Airbase/Airport Heliport Jinhae
Jinhae Naval Academy Airfield Jinhae
Jinhae Naval Academy Heliport Jinhae (Angok-dong)
Jinhae Naval Base (2 helipads) Jinhae
Jinhae Naval Hospital Heliport Jinhae
Jinhae Submarine Base Helipad Jinhae
Jinheung Majestry War Apartments Heliports Busan
Jinhyeon-ri Helipad Jinhyeon-ri
RKUC Jochiwon (G-505) Airfield Jochiwon
Jongam-dong Heliport Seoul
Jongam-dong Heliport Seoul
Jong-ro Tower Heliport Seoul
Joong Ang Computer Mall Heliport Busan
Joongang Daily Building Heliport Seoul
Joongang Heights Helipad Goyang
Joongang Heights Ville Helipad Goyang
JSA Rear Heliport (H 127) JSA Rear
JTBC Building Heliport Seoul
JTBC Building Heliport Seoul (Mapo)
Jukbyeon Emergency Airstrip Jukbyeon-myeon
Junction City Heliport (C-521) Naban (Junction City)
RKTI JWO Jungwon Air Base/Chungju Airport Gimseang-Ro
JW Marriott Hotel Seoul Heliport Seoul
K Twin Towers Heliports Seoul
Kaiser Village Apartments Heliports Busan
KAIT Tower Heliport Seoul
KAIT Tower Heliport Seoul
Kang Lim CSP Heliport Busan
KBS Media Center Heliport Seoul
KEB Hana Bank Heliport Seoul
RKNO Keo Jin Helipad Keo Jin
RKRO Keo Jin Helipad Keo Jin
KEPCO HQ Heliport Seoul
Keungil Tower Heliport Seoul
Kkotchi Heliport Kkotchi
KMI Building Heliport Seoul
KNN Media Center Heliports Busan
Kobaco Center Heliport Seoul
KODIT Heliport Seoul
Kolon Building Heliport Seoul
Kolon Digital Tower Aston Heliport Seoul
Kolon Lake Poll Officetel Apartments Heliports Goyang-si
Kolon Lake Polls-II North Helipad Goyang
Kolon Lake Polls-II South Helipad Goyang
Kolon Lake Polls-III East Helipad Goyang
Kolon Lake Polls-III West Helipad Goyang
Kolon Science Valley 2nd Heliport Seoul
Kookje Daily News (Kookje Shinmum) Headquarters Heliport Busan
Kookmin Bank HQ Heliport Seoul
RKSN Kooni Range Heliport Kooni
Korea Broadcasters Center Heliport Seoul
Korea Broadcasting System (KBS) Heliport Seoul
Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry Heliport Seoul
Korea City Air Tower Heliport Seoul
Korea Development Bank Heliport Seoul
Korea Economic Daily Heliport Seoul
Korea Express Building Heliport Seoul
Korea Financial Investment Association Busan Branch Heliport Busan
Korea Financial Investment Association Heliport Seoul
Korea Insurance Development Institute (KIDI) Heliport Seoul
Korea Maritime & Ocean University Heliport Busan (Yeoung-do)
Korea Press Center Heliport Seoul
Korea Stock Exchange (KRX) Heliport Seoul
Korea Telecommunications (KT) Building Heliport Seoul
Korea Telecommunications (KT) Heliport Busan
Korean Air Building Heliport Seoul
Korean Air Building Heliport Seoul
Korean International Circuit Heliport Mokpo
Koreana Hotel Heliport Seoul
KOSCOM Heliport Seoul
RKNR Kotar Range Heliport Cheonpyeong-Ri
KT & G Kosmo Tower Heliport Seoul
KT Center Building Heliport Seoul
KT Goyang Building Heliport Goyang-si
KT Gwanghwamun Building West Heliport Seoul
KTB Network Building Heliport Seoul
Kukdong Building Heliport Seoul
Kukmin Ilbo Heliport Seoul
Kumho Asiana HQ Building Heliport Seoul
Kyobo Building Heliport Seoul
Kyobo Securities Building Heliport Seoul
Kyunghee Medical Medical Hospital Heliport Seoul
Kyungpook National University Hospital Heliport Daegu
Landmark Tower Heliport Seoul
Lazzi Hotel Heliport Busan
Lcd-ro Helipad Lcd-ro
Lcd-ro Heliport Lcd-ro
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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