Dauntless Aviation
Airports Asia Korea, South


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
Durobong Helipad Myeonggae-ri
Dynamic Guesthouse Heliports Busan
East Coast Marine Police Training Center Heliport Gongyangwang-gil
Edencity Dossi Apartments Heliport Seoul
ENC Dream Tower 7 Heliports Seoul
Eomgwangsan Heliport Busan
Eomul-dong HAWK SAM Site Heliport Ulsan (Eomul-dong)
Eoyuji-ri Heliport Eoyuji-ri
Eulji University Hospital Heliport Daejon
Eupnae-ri Helipad Eupnae-ri
Eupnae-ri Heliport Eupnae-ri
Euro Paratel Motel Heliport Seoul
Evergreen Tower Heliport Seoul
Excellent Yeonje Apartment Complex Heliport Busan
Familie Apartments Heliports Seoul
Ferrum Tower Heliport Seoul
Financial Supervisory Service Heliport Seoul
Fraser Palace Central Seoul Heliport Seoul
Freya Tower Heliport Seoul
G 162 Airfield Baek Hak
RK18 G 233 Airport Munam
G 238 Airport Dosin-Ri, Sinsei-Myeon, Yeonch
G 417 Airport Jinbeol
G 526 Airport Hongseong-Eup
G 530 Airport Taean
G 532 Airport Sejong
RKUL G 536 Airport Songdang-Ri
G 602 Airfield Andong
G 710 Airport Geumseong-Myeon
G 712 Airport Yeonggwang-Eup
RKRK G-213 Airport Ha-Myeon
G-218 Airport Gaenari
G-219 Airport Samnyuksa-ro
G-225 Airport (Closed) Sunguijeon-ro
G-239 Airport (Closed) Geumhang-ro
G-240 Airport Cheongyang-Ri
G-307 Airport Yulmun-ri
G-311 Airport Gandong-myeon
G-312 Airport Sanae-Myeon
G-313 Airport Hwacheon
G-314 Airport Hwacheon
G-317 Airport Hwacheon
G-321 Airfield Mahyeon-ri
G-405 Airport Yongha-ri
G-406 Airport Jukgok-ro
RK44 G-412 Airport Hyeonchon
RK21 G-413 Airport Goseong
G-414 Airport Ipyeong-Ro
G-418 Airport Yudong-Ri
G-419 Airport Hongcheon-Ro
RKNK G-420 Airport Girin-Myeon
G-500 Airport (Closed) Nonsan
G-522 Airport (Closed) Yeongdong
G-603 Heliport Sinjae-ro
G-607 Heliport Deokpo-ri
G-808 Airstrip (Closed) Yeongcheon
Gadeok Undersea Tunnel Helipad Busan
Gaekhyeon-ri Helipad Gaekhyeon-ri
Gaekhyeon-ri Heliport Gaekhyeon-ri
Gajeon Helipad Gajeon
Gajeon-ri East Helipad Gajeon-ri
Gajeon-ri Helipad Gajeon-ri
Gajeon-ri South Helipad Gajeon-ri
Gajeon-ri West Helipad Gajeon-ri
Galleria Palace Tower a Heliport Seoul
Galleria Palace Tower B Heliport Seoul
Galleria Palace Tower C Heliport Seoul
Gamcheon-ri Heliport Gamcheon-ri
RKRA Ganap-Ri (G-222) Airport Ganap-Ri
Ganghwa Do Heliport
Gangnam Building Heliport Seoul
Gangnam Finance Center Heliport Seoul
Gangnam Jaeil Building Heliport Seoul
RKNN KAG Gangneung Airport (K-18) Gangneung
Gangpo-ri Helipad Gangpo-ri
Gapado Heliport Gapado
Gapo-dong Wharf Heliport Gapo-dong
Gasado Heliport Gasado-ri
Gateway Tower Heliport Seoul
Gaya Dongwon Royal Duke Apartment Complex Heliport Busan
Geoa-do Heliport Taean-gun
Geoa-do South Helipad Taean-gun
JGE Geoje Heliport (Closed) Geoje
Geoje Wahyeon Heliport Geoje
Geomdansan Heliport Baealmi-dong
Geomjang-ri Helipad Geomjang-ri
Geomsan-dong Helipad Geomsan-ddong
Geonsol-ri Helipad Geonsol-ri
Geonsol-ri South Helipad Geonsol-ri
Geonsol-ri West Helipad Geonsol-ri
Geumaki-ri Helipad Geumaki-ri
Geumgang Axle Tower Complex Heliports Daejon
Geumjeong Fire Station Heliport Busan
Geumnyeonsan Heliport Busan
Geumobong Heliport Gyeongju
Geumsu-ri North Heliport Geumsu-ri
Geumsu-ri South Heliport Geumsu-ri
Giljeon-ri Helipad Galjeon-ri
RKPK PUS Gimhae International Airport Busan
RKSS GMP Gimpo International Airport Seoul
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Dauntless Aviation

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