Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States Washington


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
WA54 1001 Fourth Avenue Plaza Heliport Seattle, WA
73WA 7 Bays Davenport, WA
WA12 Acme Fld Acme, WA
03WN Aerostone Airfield Goldendale, WA
0WA3 Air Columbia Heliport (Closed) Stevenson, WA
9WA7 Albritton Buckley, WA
W37 American Lake Seaplane Base Lakewood, WA
W37 American Lake Seaplane Base (Closed) Tacoma, WA
74S Anacortes Anacortes, WA
S97 Anderson Fld Brewster, WA
3WA3 Angel Park Kahlotus, WA
8W5 Apex Airpark Silverdale, WA
WT55 Area 55 David C Smith Heliport Monse, WA
KAWO AWO AWO Arlington Muni Arlington, WA
WA84 Auburn Academy Auburn, WA
WN62 Auburn Fire Department Heliport (Closed) Auburn, WA
S50 Auburn Muni Auburn, WA
69S Avey Fld Laurier, WA
4WA0 B & G Farms Royal City, WA
5WA2 B & M Ranch (Closed) Monroe, WA
WN57 Bade Rotor and Wing Svc Heliport (Closed) Little Rock, WA
2WA4 Bainbridge Island Fire Dept Heliport Bainbridge Island, WA
WA16 Banas Fld Brooklyn, WA
4W0 Bandera State Bandera, WA
WA07 Barker (Closed) Mount Vernon, WA
3WA5 Barnes Lonesome Polecat Ranch Heliport Oak Harbor, WA
97WA Basin City Airfield Mesa, WA
37WA Baumann Farm Inc Washtucna, WA
WN51 Bayview Farms Burlington, WA
23WA Bcag - Frederickson Heliport Puyallup, WA
WA41 Bear Canyon West Field (Closed) Morton, WA
WN47 Bear Valley Skyranch Mc Cleary, WA
59AS Becker Fld Battle Ground, WA
WN18 Becker's Landing Anacortes, WA
96VE Beiter Ellensburg, WA
KBLI BLI BLI Bellingham Intl Bellingham, WA
WN76 Bergseth Fld Enumclaw, WA
WA19 Berkley Structures Heliport Redmond, WA
7WA0 Big Andy Port Angeles, WA
WA70 Birdhouse Heliport (Closed) Spokane, WA
95WA Black Diamond Black Diamond, WA
WA56 Blackheart Heliport Quilcene, WA
4W6 Blaine Muni (Closed) Blaine, WA
WT34 Blaine Sectors Hqs Heliport Blaine, WA
BYW 38WA Blakely Island Blakely Island, WA
WT78 Bldg Care Ems Helistop Heliport Seattle, WA
WN49 Blue Heron Fld Sequim, WA
WN29 Blue Ribbon Sequim, WA
BWS 0WN6 Blue Thunder Heliport (Closed) Blaine, WA
WA57 Bluecreek Addy, WA
36WA Bob's Fld Trout Lake, WA
WA86 Boeing - Auburn Complex Heliport Auburn, WA
KBFI BFI BFI Boeing Fld/King County Intl Seattle, WA
3WA6 Boeing Kent Heliport (Closed) Kent, WA
LKE WA11 Boeing Military Airplanes Heliport (Closed) Tukwila, WA
9WA0 Boeing Plant 2 Heliport Seattle, WA
8WA2 Boeing Renton Ramp Site Nr 2 Heliport Renton, WA
5WA4 Boisselle White Swan, WA
5WA4 Boundary Substation Heliport (Closed) Metaline Falls, WA
KHQM HQM HQM Bowerman Fld Hoquiam, WA
KELN ELN ELN Bowers Fld Ellensburg, WA
63WA Boyle R & D Colbert, WA
KPWT PWT PWT Bremerton Ntl Bremerton, WA
8WA9 Broadcast House Helistop Heliport Seattle, WA
WN95 Brown Boy (Closed) Vantage, WA
4WA1 Brown's Cape Horn Skamania, WA
5WA9 Brush Prairie Aerodrome Brush Prairie, WA
WN87 Bryan Enumclaw, WA
WA97 Buena (Closed) Buena, WA
61WA Burden Fld-(Rabbit Run) (Closed) Friday Harbor, WA
WN15 Burnett Landing Wilkeson, WA
WN74 Burnt Ridge Airstrip Onalaska, WA
5WA2 Butler Fld Everson, WA
1WA3 Calkins Equipment Company Heliport Everett, WA
13W Camano Island Airfield Stanwood, WA
WN58 Capital Medical Center Heliport Olympia, WA
6WA6 Carr Pasco, WA
WA98 Cascade Heliport Cashmere, WA
6WA9 Cascade Valley Hospital Heliport Arlington, WA
8S2 Cashmere-Dryden Cashmere, WA
02WA Cawleys South Prairie South Prairie, WA
W58 Cedars North Battle Ground, WA
78WA Center Island Center Island, WA
41WA Central Washington Hospital Heliport Wenatchee, WA
KCLS CLS CLS Chehalis-Centralia Chehalis, WA
1S9 Chewelah Muni Chewelah, WA
0WA8 Childrens Hospital Emergency Heliport Seattle, WA
WA37 Chinook Farms Kittitas, WA
91WA Christensen Bros Wahluke Strip Mattawa, WA
8WA6 Christensen Fld Royal City, WA
WA35 Clam Harbor Eastsound, WA
S93 Cle Elum Muni Cle Elum, WA
WN30 Clinesmith Ranch (Closed) Benge, WA
53WA Columbia Ag (Closed) Pasco, WA
WN33 Columbia Ag 2 (Closed) Pasco, WA
WN56 Columbia Basin Hospital Heliport Ephrata, WA
WA76 Columbia Crest Winery (Closed) Paterson, WA
63S Colville Muni Colville, WA
32WA Compressor Station Number 8 Stolport (Closed) Wallula, WA
WA14 Connell City Connell, WA
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