Dauntless Aviation
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
18AA 18 Meadows Aerodrome Haines, AK
AA35 35 Mile Lodge Heliport Haines, AK
AK70 61 (Closed) Willow, AK
AK46 Abi Palmer, AK
PADK ADK ADK Adak Adak Island, AK
9AA9 Airkat Airpark Haines, AK
5AK3 Airway North Pole, AK
AK10 Ak-10 Airstrip Willow, AK
PAKH AKK AKK Akhiok Akhiok, AK
PFZK KKI Z13 Akiachak Akiachak, AK
KKI Akiachak Seaplane Base Akiachak, AK
PFAK AKI AKI Akiak Akiak, AK
PAUT 7AK Akutan Akutan, AK
KQA Akutan Seaplane Base Akutan, AK
PAUK AUK AUK Alakanuk Alakanuk, AK
AK94 Alascom/Coastal Lena Point Heliport Juneau, AK
AK01 Alaska Airpark Sterling, AK
03AN Alaska Glacier Lodge Heliport Palmer, AK
AA08 Alaska Heliworx Heliport Palmer, AK
2OK Alaska Rgnl Hospital Heliport Anchorage, AK
AN03 Alaska View Skwentna, AK
5A8 Aleknagik /New Aleknagik, AK
4AK7 Aleknagik Mission Strip Aleknagik, AK
WKK Z33 Aleknagik Seaplane Base Aleknagik, AK
ALZ ALZ Alitak Seaplane Base Lazy Bay, AK
AK77 All West Delta Junction, AK
PFAL AET 6A8 Allakaket Allakaket, AK
PABI BIG BIG Allen AAF Delta Junction Ft Greely, AK
PALP AK15 Alpine Airstrip Nuiqsut, AK
A57 Alsek River Yakutat, AK
AK42 Alyeska Resort Heliport Girdwood, AK
PAFM ABL AFM Ambler Ambler, AK
80A American Creek American Creek, AK
AOS AK81 Amook Bay Seaplane Base Amook Bay, AK
PAKP AKP AKP Anaktuvuk Pass Anaktuvuk Pass, AK
AK00 Anchor River Airpark Anchor Point, AK
0AK1 Anderson Lake Wasilla, AK
PAGN AGN AGN Angoon Seaplane Base Angoon, AK
PANI ANI ANI Aniak Aniak, AK
PANT ANN ANN Annette Island Annette, AK
5Z4 Ans Hospital Heliport Kanakanak, AK
PANV ANV ANV Anvik Anvik, AK
K40 Anvik Seaplane Base Anvik, AK
9AK4 Arctic Angel Delta Junction, AK
PARC ARC ARC Arctic Village Arctic Village, AK
6Z1 Arness Lake (Closed) Kenai, AK
7AK0 Art Z (Closed) Tanana, AK
PAAK AKA Atka Atka, AK
4A2 Atmautluak Atmautluak, AK
PATQ ATK ATK Atqasuk Edward Burnell Sr Meml Atqasuk, AK
99AA Aviator Hotel Anchorage Heliport Anchorage, AK
3AK6 B & B Boys Ranch Palmer, AK
8AK0 Bach Helipad Heliport Fort Wainwrite, AK
PABP AK78 Badami Deadhorse, AK
2AK7 Bald Mountain (Closed) Talkeetna, AK
70AK Bangerter Fld Soldotna, AK
BNF BNF Baranof Warm Springs Float and Seaplane Float Seaplane Base Baranof, AK
02AA Barefoot Big Lake, AK
AA44 Barlett Rgnl Hospital Heliport Juneau, AK
PABA BTI BTI Barter Island Barter Island, AK
BQV BQV Bartlett Cove Seaplane Base Bartlett Cove, AK
BSZ AK96 Bartletts (Closed) Egegik, AK
08AN Base Camp Airstrip Palmer, AK
52AK Basquo (Closed) Kenai, AK
46AK Bear Cove Farm Homer, AK
AK02 Bear Creek 1 Bear Creek, AK
Z48 Bear Creek 3 Bear Creek, AK
PAWB WBQ WBQ Beaver Beaver, AK
D71 Beaver Lake Seaplane Base Big Lake, AK
56AK Bechtol Field (Closed) Wasilla, AK
KBE KBE Bell Island Hot Springs Seaplane Base Bell Island, AK
PABG BVU BLG Beluga Beluga, AK
5AK1 Beluga Heliport Tyonek, AK
PABE BET BET Bethel Bethel, AK
JBT Z59 Bethel Seaplane Base Bethel, AK
PABT BTT BTT Bettles Bettles, AK
AK51 Big Creek King Salmon, AK
AK51 Big Creek Seaplane Base (Closed) King Salmon, AK
PAGQ BGQ BGQ Big Lake Big Lake, AK
PABM BMX 37AK Big Mountain Big Mountain, AK
0AA6 Big Salmon Heliport Haines, AK
KBC Z91 Birch Creek Birch Creek, AK
51AK Birch Creek Landing Talkeetna, AK
AK85 Birchwater Wasilla, AK
PABV BCV Birchwood Birchwood, AK
5BK Black Rapids Black Rapids, AK
AK89 Black Spruce Houston, AK
2AK1 Blair Lake Fairbanks /Ft Wainwright/, AK
Z87 Blinn Lake Seaplane Base Cold Bay, AK
D75 Blodgett Lake Seaplane Base Wasilla, AK
71AK Bluff Park Farm Wasilla, AK
PAIK IAN IAN Bob Baker Meml Kiana, AK
3AK8 Boisselle's Strip Wasilla, AK
A13 Bold Anchorage, AK
2AK4 Bootleggers Cove Homer, AK
BSW AK97 Boswell Bay Boswell Bay, AK
BYA BYA Boundary Boundary, AK
0AK7 Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Airstrip Homer, AK
95Z Bradley Sky-Ranch North Pole, AK
AK05 Breeden Sterling, AK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Dauntless Aviation

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