Dauntless Aviation
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
3AK1 Deshka Landing (Closed) Willow, AK
PABN IBN IBN Devils Mountain Lodge Nabesna, AK
8AK0 Diamond Nn Cannery (Closed) South Naknek, AK
PADL DLG DLG Dillingham Dillingham, AK
PPDM DIO DM2 Diomede Heliport Diomede, AK
AK07 Dog Fish Bay (Closed) Nanwalek, AK
AK07 Dog Fish Bay (Closed) Nanwalek, AK
PFCR 01AA Donlin Creek Crooked Creek, AK
AN04 Dorcol Palmer, AK
AA12 Dove Island Lodge Seaplane Base Sitka, AK
AK53 Downwind Landing (Closed) Palmer, AK
30AK Doyle Estates Kenai, AK
DRF 3AK5 Drift River Kenai, AK
PAAM AK23 Driftwood Bay Air Force Station Dutch Harbor, AK
3AK Dry Bay Yakutat, AK
DDT DDT Duffys Tavern Slana, AK
88AK Dutch Landing Strip Sterling, AK
PAEG EAA EAA Eagle Eagle, AK
AK88 Eagle Nest Palmer, AK
5AK4 Eagles Nest Heliport (Closed) Palmer, AK
AA10 Eagles Roost Big Lake, AK
PASY SYA SYA Eareckson As Shemya, AK
AK76 East Alsek River Yakutat, AK
98AK Eastland Homer, AK
PAGA GAL GAL Edward G Pitka Sr Galena, AK
PAII EGX EII Egegik Egegik, AK
PAEI EIL EIL Eielson AFB Fairbanks, AK
KKU KKU Ekuk Ekuk, AK
KEK KEK Ekwok Ekwok, AK
5C5 El Capitan Lodge Seaplane Base Craig, AK
ERO ERO Eldred Rock Cg Heliport Eldred Rock, AK
PAEL ELV ELV Elfin Cove Seaplane Base Elfin Cove, AK
9AA1 Elk Ranch Palmer, AK
1Z9 Ellamar Seaplane Base Ellamar, AK
PAED EDF EDF Elmendorf AFB Anchorage, AK
AK91 Elmendorf Hospital Heliport Anchorage, AK
02AN Emerald Ridge Homer, AK
PAEM EMK ENM Emmonak Emmonak, AK
AK5 Encelewski Lake Seaplane Base Kasilof, AK
Z47 Engstrom Fld Basin Creek, AK
HBH 2Z1 Entrance Island Seaplane Base (Closed) Entrance Island, AK
61AK Era Chulitna River Heliport Trapper Creek/Talkeetna, AK
2Z2 Eureka Creek Eureka Creek, AK
2Z3 Eva Creek Eva Creek, AK
EXI EXI Excursion Inlet Seaplane Base Excursion Inlet, AK
PAFA FAI FAI Fairbanks Intl Fairbanks, AK
58AK Fairview East Wasilla, AK
65AK Fairview Landing Wasilla, AK
AK58 Fairview West Wasilla, AK
0AK9 Falcon Lake Strip Point Mackenzie, AK
FAK 2Z6 False Island Seaplane Base False Island, AK
PAKF KFP KFP False Pass False Pass, AK
PAFW FWL 0AA4 Farewell Farewell, AK
PAFK FKK FKK Farewell Lake Seaplane Base Farewell Lake, AK
3Z1 Feather River Feather River, AK
99Z Finger Lake Seaplane Base Palmer, AK
6AK5 Fire Island Anchorage, AK
0AK8 Fireweed Mccarthy, AK
08AK Fisher Big Lake, AK
FIV 2AK3 Five Finger Cg Heliport Five Finger, AK
FMC FVM Five Mile (Closed) Five Mile, AK
FLT FLT Flat Flat, AK
57AK Fly8ma Pilot Lodge Big Lake, AK
AK12 Flying Crown Anchorage, AK
04AA Flying W Ranch Soldotna, AK
36AK Flyway Farm Airstrip Wasilla, AK
14AN For Buddies Only Heliport Anchor Point, AK
8AK5 Fort Crosby Trapper Creek, AK
AK60 Fort Jensen Jensens, AK
PFYU FYU FYU Fort Yukon Fort Yukon, AK
14AK Four Corners Palmer, AK
PANR FNR FNR Funter Bay Seaplane Base Funter Bay, AK
7AK3 Gaede Soldotna, AK
PAGB GBH GBH Galbraith Lake Galbraith Lake, AK
PAGM GAM GAM Gambell Gambell, AK
AK83 Gannon's Landing Wasilla, AK
28AK Gates Ranch Glacier View, AK
16AK Gattis Strip Wasilla, AK
AQY AQY Girdwood Girdwood, AK
KGZ KGZ Glacier Creek Glacier Creek, AK
AK17 Glacierview Strip Homer, AK
PAAN AK7 Gold King Creek Fairbanks, AK
GDH 3Z8 Golden Horn Lodge Seaplane Base Golden Horn Lodge, AK
15AK Golden North Airfield Cantwell, AK
PAGL GLV GLV Golovin Golovin, AK
2D3 Gooding Lake Seaplane Base Palmer, AK
GNU GNU Goodnews Goodnews, AK
Z40 Goose Bay Goose Bay, AK
48AK Graham (Closed) Sutton/Chickaloon, AK
AK99 Grand Home Wasilla, AK
5AK9 Grandview Subdivision Palmer, AK
PAGZ GMT GSZ Granite Mountain As Granite Mountain, AK
PAGX KGX KGX Grayling Grayling, AK
AK45 Grebe Lake Wasilla, AK
AK65 Green's Strip Wasilla, AK
AK41 Greg'n Sage North Pole, AK
AK93 Grouse Ridge Palmer, AK
PAGK GKN GKN Gulkana Gulkana, AK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Dauntless Aviation

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