Dauntless Aviation
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
Z90 Stampede Kantishna, AK
AN05 Stark Airstrip Fairbanks, AK
POWS WSB WSB Steamboat Bay Seaplane Base Steamboat Bay, AK
WBB WBB Stebbins Stebbins, AK
AK61 Stephan Lake Lodge Talkeetna, AK
40AK Sterling Air Park Sterling, AK
PFSV SVS SVS Stevens Village Stevens Village, AK
AK53 Stony Mountain Lodge Lime Village, AK
SRV SRV Stony River 2 Stony River, AK
9AK1 Stormy Hill Seaplane Base Palmer, AK
AK30 Strawberry Point Cordova, AK
AK54 Stro's Wasilla, AK
PAST UMM UMM Summit Summit, AK
52Z Summit Lake Seaplane Base Moose Pass, AK
AK16 Sunset Strip Wasilla, AK
AK31 Swift Creek McCarthy, AK
PAHE HNE HNE Tahneta Pass (Closed) Tahneta Pass Lodge, AK
PPCT TCT TCT Takotna Takotna, AK
A43 Taku Harbor Seaplane Base Taku Harbor, AK
PFTK TKL TKL Taku Lodge Seaplane Base Taku Lodge, AK
1AK6 Talachulitna River Skwentna, AK
1AK8 Talaheim Skwentna, AK
PATK TKA TKA Talkeetna Talkeetna, AK
AK44 Talkeetna Village Strip Talkeetna, AK
Z43 Tamgas Harbor Seaplane Base Annette, AK
TSG TSG Tanacross Tanacross, AK
A69 Tanis Mesa Yakutat, AK
PATL TLJ TLJ Tatalina Lrrs Takotna, AK
PAKA 7KA Tatitlek Tatitlek, AK
8KA Tatitna Tatitna, AK
AK49 Taylor Taylor, AK
PATM ATM Taylor Mountain Taylor Mountain Mine, AK
Z14 Tazlina Tazlina, AK
5AK Tazlina/Smokey Lake Seaplane Base Tazlina, AK
AK87 Team Levine Heliport Big Lake, AK
PANC ANC ANC Ted Stevens Anchorage Intl Anchorage, AK
2K5 Telida Telida, AK
PATE TLA TER Teller Teller, AK
MCL 7AK7 Temsco Helicopters Inc. Heliport Healy, AK
TKE TKE Tenakee Seaplane Base Tenakee Springs, AK
3T4 Tetlin Tetlin, AK
UQE 93AK The Queens (Closed) Queens, AK
AK08 Thomas Strip Willow, AK
K55 Thompson Pass Valdez, AK
KTB KTB Thorne Bay Seaplane Base Thorne Bay, AK
4AK9 Tibbetts Naknek, AK
77AK Tidewater Wasilla, AK
AK56 Tikchik Lodge Seaplane Base Tikchik, AK
AA76 Timber Trails North Pole, AK
PATC TNC TNC Tin City Lrrs Tin City, AK
PAFL TNW Tin Creek Farewell Lake, AK
2AN Tischner Air Anderson, AK
24AK Toad Lake Strip Meadow Lakes, AK
5AK5 Todds Strip Wasilla, AK
PATG TOG TOG Togiak Togiak Village, AK
PATJ TKJ TKJ Tok (Closed) Tok, AK
8AK9 Tok 2 Tok, AK
PFTO 6K8 Tok Junction Tok, AK
TKI 57A Tokeen Seaplane Base Tokeen, AK
PAOO OOK OOK Toksook Bay Toksook Bay, AK
83AK Tolovana Hot Springs Fairbanks, AK
58A Tolsona Lake Seaplane Base Tolsona Lake, AK
AA14 Toolik Heliport Toolik Field Station, AK
9AK Totatlanika River Totatlanika River, AK
5AK0 Trading Bay Production Trading Bay, AK
03AA Trapper T Heliport (Closed) Palmer, AK
AA16 Treasure Chest Kenai, AK
T44 Trident Basin Seaplane Base Kodiak, AK
AA30 Trio Estates Houston, AK
Z25 Tripod Aleknagik, AK
DJN 72AK Trophy Lodge Heliport Delta Junction, AK
84AK T-Time Heliport Wasilla, AK
6AK8 Tulakes Wasilla, AK
PALT TLT TLT Tuluksak Tuluksak, AK
1AK9 Tundra Copter Heliport (Closed) Fairbanks, AK
A61 Tuntutuliak Tuntutuliak, AK
Z20 Tuntutuliak Seaplane Base Tuntutuliak, AK
POKA 4KA Tununak Tununak, AK
AK14 Turinsky Airstrip Point Mackenzie, AK
AK14 Turinsky Airstrip Seaplane Base (Closed) Point Mackenzie, AK
A63 Twin Hills Twin Hills, AK
AK95 Twin Lake Big Lake, AK
06AA Twisted Sisters Sterling, AK
93AK Tyone Creek 907au Camp Tyone Creek, AK
TYE TYE Tyonek Tyonek, AK
9A8 Ugashik Ugashik, AK
UGB UGB Ugashik Bay Pilot Point, AK
AA05 Ugashik Narrows King Salmon, AK
PAKU UBW UBW Ugnu-Kuparuk Kuparuk, AK
PAUM UMT UMT Umiat Umiat, AK
PAUN UNK UNK Unalakleet Unalakleet, AK
PADU DUT DUT Unalaska Unalaska, AK
AK74 Upper Hannum Creek Hannum Creek, AK
3K9 Upper Wasilla Lake Seaplane Base Wasilla, AK
1AK7 Valdez Hospital Heliport Valdez, AK
PAVD VDZ VDZ Valdez Pioneer Fld Valdez, AK
AK27 Valley Flying Crown Wasilla, AK
AK42 Valley Hospital - Palmer Heliport (Closed) Palmer, AK
PAVE VEE VEE Venetie Venetie, AK
0AK6 Victory Victory Bible Camp, AK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Dauntless Aviation

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