Dauntless Aviation
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
AA04 Viking Heliport Anchorage, AK
7AK9 Vinduska Palmer, AK
T66 Visnaw Lake Seaplane Base Wasilla, AK
2A4 Vor Lake Waterlane Seaplane Base (Closed) Bettles, AK
PAWI AIN AWI Wainwright Wainwright, AK
PAWT AK03 Wainwright As Wainwright, AK
AA85 Walby Lake Seaplane Base Palmer, AK
PAIW WAA IWK Wales Wales, AK
62AK Wallis Lake Seaplane Base Wasilla, AK
PAAQ PAQ PAQ Warren "Bud" Woods Palmer Muni Palmer, AK
PAWS IYS IYS Wasilla Wasilla, AK
05AK Wasilla Creek Airpark Palmer, AK
5L6 Wasilla Lake Seaplane Base Wasilla, AK
POKW KWF KWF Waterfall Seaplane Base Waterfall, AK
05AN Weltons Aerodrome Fox, AK
09AK West Beaver Big Lake, AK
AA01 West Beaver Seaplane Base Big Lake, AK
44AK West Papoose Lake Airpark Wasilla, AK
KWP KWP West Point Village Seaplane Base West Point, AK
96Z Whale Pass Seaplane Float Harbor Facility Seaplane Base Whale Pass, AK
22AK Whiskey Lake Heliport Skwentna, AK
PAWM WMO WMO White Mountain White Mountain, AK
PAWR IEM IEM Whittier Whittier, AK
42AK Wicker (Closed) Wasilla, AK
PAKX 05K Wilder Runway Port Alsworth, AK
PABR BRW BRW Wiley Post-Will Rogers Meml Utqiagvik, AK
PAUO UUO UUO Willow Willow, AK
42AK Willow Conocophillips Nuiqsut, AK
2X2 Willow Spb Seaplane Base Willow, AK
AK09 Wingsong Estates Delta Junction, AK
41AK Winter's Strip (Closed) Kasilof, AK
WSM WSM Wiseman Wiseman, AK
4AK6 Wolf Lake Palmer, AK
9AK8 Wolf Track Wasilla, AK
3AK0 Wolfe Point Heliport Ketchikan, AK
PAWG WRG WRG Wrangell Wrangell, AK
68A Wrangell Seaplane Base Wrangell, AK
PACY CYT 0AA1 Yakataga Yakataga, AK
PAYA YAK YAK Yakutat Yakutat, AK
2Y3 Yakutat Seaplane Base Yakutat, AK
73AK Yankee Cove Heliport Juneau, AK
A77 Yankee Creek 2 Yankee Creek, AK
0AK2 Yentna Bend Strip Willow, AK
WYB 78K Yes Bay Lodge Seaplane Base Yes Bay, AK
0AK5 Young Creek May Creek, AK
23AK Yuknis Wasilla, AK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Dauntless Aviation

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