Dauntless Aviation
ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
14NE Aaron's Field (Closed) Aurora, NE
83NE Abbott (Closed) Long Pine, NE
NE27 Abie Sky Ranch (Closed) Abie, NE
NE19 Ag Air (Closed) Broadwater, NE
KANW ANW ANW Ainsworth Rgnl Ainsworth, NE
NE38 Aknux Prosser, NE
KBVN BVN BVN Albion Muni Albion, NE
KAIA AIA AIA Alliance Muni Alliance, NE
4D9 Alma Muni Alma, NE
49NE Am Aviation Heliport Valley, NE
4V9 Antelope County Neligh, NE
AHF 37V Arapahoe Muni Arapahoe, NE
NE33 Arthur Muni Arthur, NE
38V Arthur Muni (Closed) Arthur, NE
KAUH AUH Aurora Muni/al Potter Fld Aurora, NE
NE31 B C Air (Closed) Battle Creek, NE
5NE6 Bakers Acres (Closed) Trenton, NE
NE89 Bar Lazy B O'Neill, NE
29NE Bartmess (Closed) Wallace, NE
9NE6 Bates Airpark (Closed) Omaha, NE
9NE7 Bay Field (Closed) Stapleton, NE
KBIE BIE BIE Beatrice Muni Beatrice, NE
6NE3 Beaver Landing Tekamah, NE
62NE Beebe (Closed) Hayes Center, NE
02NE Benes Service (Closed) Valparaiso, NE
55NE Bergan Mercy Hospital Heliport Omaha, NE
NE20 Bernadt Steinauer, NE
28NE Big Thunder Clarkson, NE
51NE Bil Lo (Closed) Fort Calhoun, NE
KCNP CNP Billy G Ray Fld Chappell, NE
KBTA BTA Blair Exec Blair, NE
84Y Bloomfield Muni Bloomfield, NE
38NE Boardman Aerial Henderson, NE
NE83 Boardman Airfield Henderson, NE
8NE4 Bornemeier Airstrip Elmwood, NE
73NE Bornmann Field (Closed) Waverly, NE
NE32 Box Butte General Hospital Med-I-Port Heliport Alliance, NE
KFNB FNB Brenner Fld Falls City, NE
NE24 Bresette Gretna, NE
KHDE HDE HDE Brewster Fld Holdrege, NE
KBBW BBW BBW Broken Bow Muni/Keith Glaze Fld Broken Bow, NE
9NE8 Brosius Fld Stapleton, NE
EPG NE69 Browns Weeping Water, NE
47NE Bryan Lgh Medical Center Heliport Lincoln, NE
20NE Bryan Meml Hospital Heliport Lincoln, NE
81NE Bunger Fld Hildreth, NE
3NE6 Burkinshaw Fld (Closed) Jamison, NE
21NE Byron (Closed) Byron, NE
8NE9 C a M P Fullerton, NE
79NE Cambridge Meml Hospital Heliport Cambridge, NE
KCSB CSB Cambridge Muni Cambridge, NE
NE29 Cavanaugh Minden, NE
NE12 Center Creek Fld Franklin, NE
07K Central City Muni/Larry Reineke Fld Central City, NE
KGRI GRI GRI Central Nebraska Rgnl Grand Island, NE
60NE Chadron Community Hospital Heliport Chadron, NE
KCDR CDR CDR Chadron Muni Chadron, NE
NE03 Cherry County Hospital Heliport Valentine, NE
NE05 Cherry Heliport Firth, NE
NE48 Childrens Hospital & Medical Center Heliport Omaha, NE
NE33 Clearidge (Closed) Bennet, NE
NE21 Clyde Airfield Oxford, NE
57NE Cole Meml Merriman, NE
KOLU OLU OLU Columbus Muni Columbus, NE
NE52 Community Medical Center Heliport Falls City, NE
2NE6 Coppersmith Grainton, NE
66NE Cornelius Farm Madrid, NE
25NE Corr Melbeta, NE
KCZD CZD CZD Cozad Muni Cozad, NE
KBUB BUB BUB Cram Fld Burwell, NE
NE73 Creekview Ewing, NE
6K3 Creighton Muni Creighton, NE
KCEK CEK Crete Muni Crete, NE
47V Curtis Muni Curtis, NE
93Y David City Muni David City, NE
9NE3 Davis Ranch Hyannis, NE
NE51 Dennys Playground Royal, NE
NE40 Denton Airfield Denton, NE
01NE Detour (Closed) Wellfleet, NE
5NE3 Diamond Bar Jones Stapleton, NE
18NE Doc's (Closed) Geneva, NE
5NE9 Dodson Brothers (Closed) Venango, CO
9NE9 Dog Leg (Closed) Hebron, NE
NE54 Dostal-Bradley (Closed) Howells, NE
82NE Drc Mullen, NE
NE42 Dream Fld Lincoln, NE
NE11 Durands Sky Ranch (Closed) Omaha, NE
NE52 Easton Field (Closed) Hebron, NE
5NE2 Eickhoff Strip Shubert, NE
9NE1 El-Co Brule, NE
50NE Elge Field (Closed) Aurora, NE
NE04 Ely (Closed) Guide Rock, NE
88NE Ensor Fld Johnson, NE
KOMA OMA OMA Eppley Airfield Omaha, NE
34NE Evans Ranch Hershey, NE
KODX ODX ODX Evelyn Sharp Fld Ord, NE
KFBY FBY FBY Fairbury Muni Fairbury, NE
KFMZ FMZ FMZ Fairmont State Fairmont, NE
NE68 Faith Rgnl Health Services West Campus Heliport Norfolk, NE
NE67 Falk Air Fld Hoskins, NE
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Dauntless Aviation

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