Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States South Carolina


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
SC20 Harman Langley, SC
02SC Harpers Estill, SC
SC58 Hartness (Closed) Greenville, SC
10SC Hartness Heliport Greenville, SC
KHVS HVS HVS Hartsville Rgnl Hartsville, SC
SC26 Hawks Nest Farm West Union, SC
38J Hemingway-Stuckey (Closed) Hemingway, SC
0A2 Hester Memorial (Closed) Calhoun Falls, SC
3SC5 Hillcrest Meml Hospital Heliport Simpsonville, SC
KHXD HHH HXD Hilton Head Hilton Head Island, SC
5J5 Holly Hill Holly Hill, SC
SC42 Hondarosa Charleston, SC
16SC Horseshoe Landing Cross Anchor, SC
SC46 House Movers Fld Batesburg, SC
58J Huggins Meml Timmonsville, SC
SC34 Iva Fld Iva, SC
SC58 Ja Fld Pageland, SC
SC50 Jacks Heliport Lexington, SC
SC28 Javika (Closed) Surfside Beach, SC
KCUB CUB CUB Jim Hamilton L B Owens Columbia, SC
3SC7 Jordan (Closed) Andrews, SC
SC57 Jordan Private Andrews, SC
35SC Kershaw Health Medical Center Heliport Camden, SC
SC78 King Fld Cleveland, SC
T73 Kirk Air Base Lancaster, SC
38SC La Dolce Terra Gaffney, SC
1SC1 Lagniappe Stol Fld Pelzer, SC
51J Lake City Muni Cj Evans Fld Lake City, SC
SC19 Lamar Lamar, SC
KLKR LKR Lancaster County-Mc Whirter Fld Lancaster, SC
67SC Lanes Landing Ruffin, SC
2SC7 Laurel Hill Farms McClellanville, SC
SC05 Laurel Hill Plantation (Closed) Beaufort, SC
KLUX LUX Laurens County Laurens, SC
SC33 Laurens Meml Hospital Heliport Clinton, SC
52J Lee County/Butters Fld Bishopville, SC
6SC1 Lesesne (Closed) Cross, SC
6J0 Lexington County Pelion, SC
SC18 Lexington Medical Center Heliport West Columbia, SC
5SC5 Loris Community Hospital Heliport Loris, SC
KRBW RBW RBW Lowcountry Rgnl Walterboro, SC
92SC Macks Patch/Derrick Fld Aiken, SC
KMAO MAO Marion County Marion, SC
KBBP BBP Marlboro County Jetport/H E Avent Fld Bennettsville, SC
SC74 Marsh Point Beaufort, SC
S19 Mc Cormick County Mc Cormick, SC
KMMT MMT MMT Mc Entire Jngb Eastover, SC
SC29 Mc Kay Timmonsville, SC
SC03 Mc Neil Cameron, SC
2SC9 Mcintosh (Closed) Kingstree, SC
SC71 Medical University of South Carolina Heliport Charleston, SC
2SC3 Melrose Landing Seaplane Base Hilton Head, SC
SC54 Milliken & Co Heliport (Closed) Spartanburg, SC
SC84 Milliken & Company Heliport (Closed) Blacksburg, SC
51SC Moccasin Creek (Closed) Ehrhardt, SC
SC43 Moores Fld Williamston, SC
SC98 Mount Holly Goose Creek, SC
25SC Mountain Ridge Greenville, SC
KLRO LRO LRO Mt Pleasant Rgnl-Faison Fld Mount Pleasant, SC
84SC Musc - Black River Heliport Cades, SC
SC80 Musc Shawn Jenkins Childrens Hospital Heliport Charleston, SC
SC21 Myrtle Beach Hardee Airpark Loris, SC
KMYR MYR MYR Myrtle Beach Intl Myrtle Beach, SC
KEOE EOE EOE Newberry County Newberry, SC
SC73 Newberry County Meml Hospital Heliport Newberry, SC
KXNO XNO XNO North AF Aux North, SC
SC54 North Greenville Hospital Heliport Travelers Rest, SC
20SC O Neal Field (Closed) Greer, SC
SC82 Oakhill Airpark Williamson, SC
SC82 Oakhill Airpark (Closed) Williamson, SC
SC52 Oakview (Closed) Six Mile, SC
KCEU CEU CEU Oconee County Rgnl Clemson, SC
SC32 Oconee Meml Hospital Heliport Seneca, SC
50SC Oconee Nuclear Station Helipad Heliport Seneca, SC
SC75 Oolenoy Valley Pickens, SC
KOGB OGB OGB Orangeburg Muni Orangeburg, SC
12SC Over The Hill Elgin, SC
KPYG PYG Pageland Pageland, SC
SC41 Palmetto Air Plantation Manning, SC
SC59 Palmetto Heliport Greenville, SC
SC36 Paradise Landing Chesnee, SC
SC47 Parker Fld Simpsonville, SC
SC93 Paul's Plantation (Closed) Darlington, SC
SC40 Pearson's Farm (Closed) Spartanburg, SC
SC95 Perry Intl Perry, SC
KLQK LQK LQK Pickens County Pickens, SC
51SC Piedmont Ft Mill Heliport Ft Mill, SC
SC04 Piedmont Medical Center Heliport Rock Hill, SC
SC06 Pluff Mud Fld Charleston, SC
SC38 Pocotaligo Manning, SC
SC67 Polecat Aerodrome Aiken, SC
SC89 Price Dillon, SC
SC77 Providence Hospital Heliport Columbia, SC
SC92 Rambos Fld Abbeville, SC
SC65 Raven's Run Mount Pleasant, SC
SC22 Richland Meml Hospital Heliport Columbia, SC
3J1 Ridgeland-Claude Dean Ridgeland, SC
2SC5 Ridgewood Air Waterloo, SC
SC97 Riverbend Airpark (Closed) Mauldin, SC
39SC Rizzy Ridge Clover, SC
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