Dauntless Aviation
Airports North America United States South Carolina


ICAO IATA FAA Name Location
44SC 4 Holes Fld Orangeburg, SC
7S1 7 Oaks Flight Park Fairfax, SC
SC81 Abbeville Abbeville, SC
SC83 Abbeville County Meml Hospital Heliport Abbeville, SC
KAIK AIK AIK Aiken Rgnl Aiken, SC
SC15 Airy Hall (Closed) Green Pond, SC
SC07 Alans St Matthews, SC
KAQX AQX AQX Allendale County Allendale, SC
18SC American Dream Skyranch Ninety Six, SC
SC80 Anderson (Closed) Pendleton, SC
KAND AND AND Anderson Rgnl Anderson, SC
08SC Anmed Downtown Heliport Anderson, SC
SC70 Anna's (Closed) Walhalla, SC
SC01 Ashley Fld Honea Path, SC
SC87 Avinger Fld Vance, SC
99N Bamberg County Bamberg, SC
SC49 Bamberg County Meml Hospital Heliport Bamberg, SC
KBNL BNL BNL Barnwell Rgnl Barnwell, SC
SC02 Beaufort County Meml Hospital Heliport Beaufort, SC
KARW BFT ARW Beaufort Exec Beaufort, SC
KNBC NBC Beaufort McAs (Merritt Fld) Beaufort, SC
SC91 Bells Branch Branchville, SC
KMKS MKS Berkeley County Moncks Corner, SC
SC79 Bermuda High Gliderport Lancaster, SC
SC08 Bethel-Lake Wylie (Closed) York, SC
1SC5 Bon Secours St Francis Hospital Heliport Greenville, SC
6J7 Branhams Darlington, SC
SC55 Broxton Bridge Plantation Ehrhardt, SC
95SC Buckeye Fld Williston, SC
SC48 Byrd Fld Turbeville, SC
17SC Carolina Cow Country (Closed) Clinton, SC
3SC3 Carolina Pines Rgnl Medical Center Heliport Hartsville, SC
SC72 Chandelle Greer, SC
KCHS CHS CHS Charleston AFB/Intl Charleston, SC
KJZI JZI JZI Charleston Exec Charleston, SC
KCQW CQW Cheraw Muni/Lynch Bellinger Fld Cheraw, SC
KDCM DCM Chester Catawba Rgnl Chester, SC
SC85 Chester Rgnl Medical Center Heliport Chester, SC
42SC Chicken Coop Florence, SC
SC09 Clarendon Meml Hospital Heliport Manning, SC
9W9 Clio Crop Care Clio, SC
SC60 Cockfield Aerodrome (Closed) Scranton, SC
KCAE CAE CAE Columbia Metro Columbia, SC
18SC Connelly Fld (Closed) Silverstreet, SC
KHYW HYW HYW Conway-Horry County Conway, SC
SC67 Country Squire (Closed) Rock Hill, SC
98SC Cowtown Govan, SC
SC33 Cox (Closed) Simpsonville, SC
SC57 Creech Aviation Facility (Closed) Wedgefield, SC
3SC4 Crooked Fence Farm Woodruff, SC
SC37 Crosswinds-Wilson Pvt Cross, SC
SC16 Curry Hartsville, SC
SC52 Daniel Island Heliport Charleston, SC
SC13 Darden Gaston, SC
KUDG UDG Darlington County Darlington, SC
SC12 Davis Garnett, SC
4SC4 Davis Fld Ultralight Liberty, SC
KDLC DLC Dillon County Dillon, SC
SC90 Do-Little Fld St. Matthews, SC
KGYH GYH GYH Donaldson Fld Greenville, SC
1DS Dry Swamp Orangeburg, SC
SC66 E M M D Plant Heliport (Closed) Union, SC
SC24 Eagle Ridge Seneca, SC
SC23 Eagles Nest-Fairview Airpark Pelion, SC
20SC East Cooper Medical Center Heliport Mt. Pleasant, SC
6J6 Edgefield County Trenton, SC
SC35 Ehrhardt Ehrhardt, SC
SC44 El Porvenir Airpark Boykin, SC
04SC Emergency Helipad Heliport Easley, SC
04SC Emergency Helipad Heliport (Closed) Easley, SC
SC36 Emery (Closed) Greer, SC
KFDW FDW FDW Fairfield County Winnsboro, SC
33A Fairview Landrum, SC
55SC Falls Landing Rock Hill, SC
KFLO FLO FLO Florence Rgnl Florence, SC
43SC Flying Changes Farm Ultralight Marietta, SC
00SC Flying O Sumter, SC
SC05 Flying Tails Bonneau, SC
2Q0 Flying W Hartsville, SC
SC11 Fort Jackson Helipad Heliport Fort Jackson, SC
SC68 Fripp Island Emergency Heliport (Closed) Frogmore, SC
SC66 Fulton Fld Spartanburg, SC
46SC Gaffney (Closed) Gaffney, SC
2SC8 Gaston Gaston, SC
KGGE GGE GGE Georgetown County Georgetown, SC
SC45 Gilbert Intl Airpark Gilbert, SC
21SC Graham (Closed) Darlington, SC
KCRE CRE CRE Grand Strand North Myrtle Beach, SC
13SC Grassy Pond Heliport (Closed) Gaffney, SC
SC39 Green Pond Woodruff, SC
79SC Green Sea Green Sea, SC
KGMU GMU GMU Greenville Downtown Greenville, SC
15SC Greenville Meml Hospital Heliport Greenville, SC
KGSP GSP GSP Greenville Spartanburg Intl Greer, SC
KGRD GRD GRD Greenwood County Greenwood, SC
75SC Greer Meml Hospital Heliport Greer, SC
1SC2 Gwinn Fld Hopkins, SC
3J0 Hampton County Hampton, SC
SC62 Hampton Rgnl Medical Center Heliport Varnville, SC
29SC Hannah Rhea Fld Walterboro, SC
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